Something Great for Teens...New Teen Club in Clayton,NC!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by UnderRageTeenClub, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    you have got to be stuck in the closet or have no clue if you would let your kids go to a club like this. this club is being advertised as one thing on here and it looks totally different on myspace. i would rather my kids to downtown Raleigh than to a place like this. at least you really do know what to expect. btw my kids are 17 and 18 and if they were 13/14 they would not be allowed to go to this club or any other club.
    i've asked my girls about this place and showed them the posting and they wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this.
  2. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    A night out with this guy.


    taken from his my space account.

    Have fun!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2007
  3. Centurian

    Centurian Well-Known Member

    Spellin Missteaks?

    His grade school English teacher must certainly be proud of him.
  4. Clif

    Clif Guest

    It's because I remember being a teen that I wouldn't let my kids go to such a place.

    Kids today are no different than kids in my day or kids in any other age. It's their nature to want to explore new things, expand their horizons, and push the limits of authority. That's what kids do, that's how they learn.

    Basically that's the same as saying you'd rather have your kids smoke marijuana at home because, if not, they'd go into Raleigh and do heroin. The idea isn't to let the kid do a little stuff locally, it's to set limits and then apply those limits across the board.
  5. lilgirlac

    lilgirlac New Member

    you all are supposed to be adults yet you sit on here and argue an issue as if you were 12. you aren't proving a point through text on a message board. nope sorry.. if you want something done about this club, then i suggest actually getting off the computer and doing something about it. this club is probably harmless.. yeah okay, it might go through some rough times with kids sneaking things in and out but it's no worse than the skating rink in clayton...i rememeber being like 12 or 13 going there hanging out with 18 year olds.. if kids want to hang out with someone, no matter what their parents say, their guna do it.. whether it's at a club or they sneak some where and do it.. i personally do not have children but i know when i do.. i'm not going to tell them they can't do something because of how dumb I acted when i was a teenager or how dumb my generation acted.... all kids teenagers WHATEVER deserve equal opportunities to prove that they are trustworthy and responsible. you never know how your child will act in an enviroment like this if you don't give them the chance to go... I've had the strength to say no to everything offered to me and i'm 17.. and that's not because i was sheltered like alittle baby from the time i was 13-18 i am a very responsible teenager who takes the consiquences for MY actions.. i just don't understand why parents flip out when they hear something like this.. i mean have any of your kids even asked if they could go? PROBABLY NOT, so why are you being so negative towards it... if they haven't asked they probably don't know about it, or don't want to go. i don't know.

    ALSO, how you all decided to pick apart his myspace.. OKAY well my parents know i have one they look at it and think it's cute.. mine says i'm 100 years old and i live in Japan, which obviously i'm not and i don't. OH it also says that i work for the FBI and i make 250,000 a year i'm married and a proud parent. SOOOO OBVIOUSLY KIDS PUT STUPID THINGS TO BE SILLY.. but i guess since you parents are so caring and want nothing but people that tell the truth and it's easier for PREDATORS to find them if they tell their real age, where they live, where they go to school BLAH BLAH then they should just be HONEST on their myspaces.. because parents.... you all should know your child MOST likely has one.. either a myspace or a xanga if they are over the age of 11. Shoot, my 7 year old cousin has one! Buuuuut anyways, you all are just making a huge deal over NOTHING :) have fun ranting because honestly it's getting you NO where. Fighting on the internet is like being in the special olympics, even if you win you're STILL retarted! ( and please please don't write back saying i shouldn't talk about retarted people because honestly i don't want to hear it.. i have a cousin who is handicapped and he thinks it's HALARIOUS!) ADIOS

    EDIT: oh by the way for those of you that know how to READ :) there is an address on his myspace.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2007
  6. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Very easy to say when you don't have children. I said the same thing myself. Then I had kids and my whole outlook changed. Once I became responsible for to lives, I suddenly understood why my parents were the most strict and unreasonable (to me) parents in the world.

    No they don't. Trust is earned, not given and then taken away of it's violated.

    I have no idea how my child would act at a strip bar, but that doesn't mean I would want to send him in to find out.

    Well, aren't you special. When I was a kid I knew a dozen girls who would say "yes" for every one girl like you who said "no". The fact that you were one of the few still doesn't convince me to give the kids freedom to do what they want.

    Ok, so your parents think it's "cute" to claim that you work for a government law enforcement agency (which is a federal offense). You have some great parents, I'm sure, who support you when you break the law like that.

    The rest of your clap-trap I'll leave to others to pick apart.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2007
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    there's nothing "hilarious" about being "retarded"

    did y'all go to the same school to learn spelling???


    Sorry Ken.. beat ya to it!
  8. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    enough said. [​IMG]
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd add......

    My kid is 11 and doesn't have a myspace or xange page.

    I know this because her time on the internet is limited and monitored by me, and she has enough respect for her parents (thats me) to know that when I say no, I mean no.
  10. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Which, in turn, instills respect for herself! Which a lot of kids today seem not to have. :neutral:
  11. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I see, you hung out with 18 year olds and know how to say no. Saying "no" and hoping the 18 year with you will take "no" for an answer is what we would all hope for, but that doesn't always happen. I'm glad you weren't victimized....had you been, you may feel completely different about this.

    I'm glad you don't have kids...
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm also glad she doesn't have any and hope and pray she doesn't until she GROWS UP and realizes responsible parents look out for their children's welfare so they GET to grow up. :roll:

    I wasn't put on this earth to be my child's friend, I am his parent and as stated previously, it is my job to protect him to the best of my ability and teach him right from wrong. Is that always going to be what HE wants? Absolutely not. Do I think I can shelter him from everything in this world? NOPE! Should I? NOPE! But there is absolutely no reason on this earth for young teens to be hanging out with 18 & 19 year olds in an environment like that.
  13. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Complaints and Jokes we have recieved about "Other Teen Clubs"
    Current mood: [​IMG] creative
    Parties and Nightlife
    We have recieved numerous emails and messages about the same topic:

    " Please say you don't let Middle Schoolers into your club"

    This is very true, we heard rumors about other teen clubs in Raleigh/Cary letting actual Under Under Age Kids in. Club UndeRage will allow no one in that is a middle schooler, High Schoolers ONLY!!! And also this comment:

    " Okay, real clubs don't do pizza and hotdogs, please say yawl don't "

    Well, I love a good hotdog and pizza, but in a nightclub for teens. Hmmmm, guess not! We will not be offering food in our Teen Nightclub. But on the 14th, we will have a VIP area filled with "So Deliciouz" sweets like a chocolate fountain, and strawberrys :) We do it right!

    And the Music thing.....we think HipHop/Top 40 is what's HOT..from this comment I guess you do to...

    " Noooooo, more country and 80's rock"

    I love the 80's and aerosmith was alright with Run DMC, but not in the club. Nothing worse than (Salt Shaker followed by a Garth Brook's Slow song)

    Now, I have no problems with any other clubs in the area and hope they keep doing the right thing for teens. We are just give an actual "CLUB" feel to TEEN NIGHT. There still is no alcohol,no tobacco and no BS.....We just do it in a "Non Middle School, Hip Hop Playing, Hottest DJ Bringing, Cheapest Door Covering, Theme Pary kinda place..

    You can make your choice, but I suggest you try us out first!

    Club UndeRage
    Clayton NC, 27520
    Clayton Corners Shopping Center
    US Highway 70 West[​IMG]

    guess this means 12 and 13 yr olds cannot attend.
  14. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    This guy waffles more that the Waffle House. Anything to keep everyone happy. He has changed the age restrictions every time someone asks a question. I have been informed by a very reliable source that there were 13 & 14 year olds in Magoo's on December 27. There are some very mature looking 13 & 14 year old girls and they will be admitted to these events.

    Let me ask some of you parents of 13 and 14 year olds a question? What kind of photo ID's do your kids have that indicate their DOB?
  15. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    my kids had a photo id when they were younger, with their fingerprint on it. it was done for missing children or something like that. but they didn't have anything at age 12 or 13.
  16. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    I was thinking the exact same thing!!!! About the waffling and i.d
  17. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info tangy.
  18. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    My kiddo has the ident-a-kid id & she's not a middle schooler yet.

    Have any of you actually gone to see this place? We've devoted a lot of space (on both sides) talking about it. Just wondering if any parents have been (more than once or just the opening night), and what you think. If I've missed a post about it, sorry!

  19. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    If they want to limit it to high school students then they need to change the age limit again. I wasn't slow in school by any means, but due to the actual date of my birthday I started school a year later than most people my age and was 16 years old and driving as a sophomore, which had me at 15 as a freshman in high school and 14 in the 8th grade (middle school around here).

  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Good point Craig. i was actually 13 in the 8th grade and 8th grade was in the high school where i went to school, so basing it on what grade the child is in really doesn't help much.

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