A place for random thoughts....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Want me to bring MP Jr over to entertain you? :-D
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Trust me, even she would be bored in here today:lol:
  3. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Nah, just turn on some music and she is good to go! She will dance and sing, it's just too dang cute. We'll all be sitting together watching tv and music will come on, and she starts dancing, and we end up watching her instead of the tv, she is way more entertaining than any tv show! :)
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    LMAO, i can just picture that:lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    have ya checked your pm's lately kaci??:mrgreen:
  6. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I do not remember hearing about clouds and rain in the forecast for today. I need a full day of SUNSHINE! :x

    Okay, better now. ;)
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Nope, will do right now:-D
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    People . . . please take down your dang Christmas decorations! Christmas is way over and most of your stuff has fallen over anyway. Stop being lazy and get out there and pack the mess up!!!! I don't want to have to fire off an ugly letter to you . . . but I will!

    There . . . I feel all better now.

  9. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Today would have been my grandfather's 88th birthday. Wow. In five days it will be one year since he passed away.

    May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sunshine warm your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. ~An Irish Blessing
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Uh, i am sorry Michelle, will advise DH he better take off from working 70 hours a week since i can't do it this year so we don't get that letter from ya:lol: J/K but actually we do still have some lights on the house that he just has not had time to get down but they aren't burning:-D
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I've got everything down but a couple things outside, but at least they aren't burning, LOL. You can't see them from the road. Every time I have time to take them down, it's starts raining! :oops:
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Blasted rain! :evil: Oh wait, the sun is back out.
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    IS IT FRIDAY YET??? DERN!:x :x :x
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I WISH!!!!! :mrgreen:
  15. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    okay Michelle, talk to God and ask him to let the rain stop long enough to dry out the decorations so you can pack them up...as long as they are not burning who gives a rats arse.

    whew...bad day. Mine are still in the yard too but not burning. Been too busy or out of town to mess with it.
  16. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Bad day here too, actually started off as a bad week!!! Don't know if it is the weather or hormones or what, but have been weepy and it seems like everything has been upsetting me and the more I try to act like I am doing ok, the worse I feel. Just cried all the way home tonight and really couldn't tell you why. Then reading that MP talking about her grandfather made me think about mine that passed away 11 years ago this month and my aunt that passed away 1 year ago from cancer, now I am missing my folks and thinking about my grandmother (who will be 90 in May) and just everything and for some reason feeling very lonely. I hate being depressed and having to act like everything is fine around everyone. :cry: Sorry guys for this, but just needed to say something to someone and the only one home right now is my daughter and she is on the phone with her friends. I HATE FEELING THIS WAY AND I HATE TO CRY!!!! I HATE FEELING WEAK AND NOT IN CONTROL! Sorry....out of here now
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  18. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Forever Faithful, sorry you're feeling so bad. If I knew where you live, I'd go to your house and give you a big hug.
    ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( FF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
  19. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Aw FF, I'm sorry. :( ((((((((((((Group Hug)))))))))))))))) I've actually done pretty good today, only cried once. That song by Brad Paisley ft. Dolly Parton, 'When I Get Where I'm Going', set me off. The first time I heard it was right after Grandpa died, and it's so fitting.
  20. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    Sorry hon! Remember I'm on the menopause rollercoaster too right now if you need a shoulder! IT SUCKS! And I'm sick of it too. We'll cry together tomorrow on here! ;)

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