Development on Hwy 50???

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by rcmommy, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    I know there usually is someone on here that is up to date on these things. I really need a heads up on what is planned for the land on 50, not just the Mount Pleasant side which is being developed as well. They are out there right now clearing the wooded area. There were no signs out there that said that property was in the rezoning too. :evil: I checked out the minutes from the planning meeting and Son Lan stated they had been approached by a bank, a Dollar General, and a gas station. But they did not specify what they were planning for that area.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
  2. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    Son-Lan does not know yet what is going in there on. Mt. Pleasant Road.
  3. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks lindenul....I've gotten info now from Son Lan. There's not much I can say but :evil: Nobody was rude or anything...I just don't like the answers. oh well...
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2007
  4. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    Did they tell you what was going up there?
  5. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    yup...Can you imagine this!?!

    Right now if all contracts go through we are looking at another gas station, a Dollar General, and a strip of small business shops going in on that little bit of land next to Milton's Pond Subdivision. Basically everyone will be coming from Garner on 50. Stop at the new stop light and then have the headache of traffic in and out of the stores/gas station. BUT DOT is goin to make the lanes wider there for slowdown turn lanes. I think it's insane to put that there right on top of the intersection and all those homes. But that's my opinion. Others may welcome it...but I know first hand that the residents DON'T.

    I just pray that something good comes out of it cause it's about to be a big headache.
  6. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Dollar General should surely bring up the property values in the area ... isn't there already a Dollar General at 210 Food Lion?

  7. le

    le Well-Known Member

    Excellent point!
  8. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    Rampant expansion, no say-so.

    Who's going to the County Commissioner's meetings? We need someone or a group of someones to speak for us before we become the next "hick town" with junky stores everywhere.

  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Contact Allen Mims, you might find him receptive to your ideas.

    If you'd like to ride with me to the meeting next Tuesday, PM me.
  10. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    But what can you do when the board has already approved the rezoning and contracts are being made. They've already cleared part of the land with home demolition soon to happen. Here's an article about it.
    Allen Mims sure sounds like he's thinking for the people unlike Wade Stewart who was more interested in the money of this deal!

    Dollar General is "junk" to me...and with a shopping strip of rental spaces that can have everything from a laundromat to video store....traffic is going to be non-stop in that area now. It already is a headache in the afternoons.

    If there was something that can be done about it, I'd like to know...But I got the impression this was a done deal.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    RC, I doubt anything can be done about this particular development, or others that are already in the works. I'm thinking more about future development. Really, I'm not trying to stop growth altogether - we could not do that even if we wanted to, and I don't think we really want to stop growth. I think if we stop growing we start dying. But we need to think about smart growth, not just let it happen willy-nilly.
  12. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member

    My problem is the interest of folks who own a own a home in that area. That land "WAS" residential, but the developer had it rezoned to GB. Basically someone just sold him their house, land, and ran with the money. I wouldn't want to live across the street one day to a home and then all of a sudden have a Dollar General sign as what I can look at from my dining room window. This type of development is what bothers me. If its in a commercial area and no one objects then fine. But when it's in a residential area where families live, that's a different story. It's life changing. But hey..that's everywhere here in this area. No land is allowed to be left alone. It's gotta be turned into a subdivison or commercial. I'm sorry a Dollar General just a couple miles from where another one is just plain stupid and tacky. :roll:
  13. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    All land, at one time, was residential. Every development in the 40/42 area thats commercial....was at one time residential until it was rezoned for commercial or Highway District zoning etc... See this is the problem with people...they love that, for example, the Cleveland Draft House is there now but at one time it was residential zoning.

    If it was your favorite store in the world that was coming instead of Dollar General, you would not complain.

    Developers typically do not rezone property from residential to commercial unless a business comes and asks them too, or expresses interest in a tract of land they own and businesses do not come where they dont feel there is a need for their particular business.

    Dollar General evidently feels they can survive in that area.

    Wonder if you will scream bloody murder when you see where else Dollar General is coming too.
  14. rcmommy

    rcmommy Well-Known Member wouldn't matter if it was Wally world coming to this particular land I'd still be "screaming bloody murder".


    And I know exactly what you mean about the land all was once residential. I think it sad how rezoning of residential areas like this on the level of development they plan to do is going to hurt the people living in that area...

    <driving down the road looking for a home to buy> "Oh look dear, that's a pretty house for sale...Shame it's directly across the street from a Dollar General. Let's keep looking." Who would buy a house or want to live across the street or right next to that mess. Regardless of if it was DG. There are homes right across the street and next to that future development. A whole subdivison that is going to be effected. Are they going to buy out everyone there and change the zoning to put in a Mall if they want to??

    Good Lord, isn't two enough!?!:roll:

    And I don't plan to give my business to anything out there.
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I thought in the paper (Herald) said the land was re-zoned BUT the developer would need to bring plans back to the planning board or someone for a special use permit. Maybe I'm wrong but it worth checking into.

    Here is the article ...

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2007
  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Is this the land where the brick ranch house that sits diagonal from Don Lee's is? If so, I saw that house listed on for over $300K :shock: a while back. It didn't stay for sale very long either so I guessed that the property was probably snatched up for commericial use. Doesn't surprise me with Don Lee businesses on both sides of Hwy 50.

    If that isn't the piece of property you were talking about... never mind. :mrgreen:
  17. scotsman

    scotsman Member wouldn't matter if it was Wally world coming to this particular land I'd still be "screaming bloody murder".


    Look for a Wally World coming soon...@ 50 & 210. Talk about a traffic nightmare!

    Time will tell soon enough!
  18. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    I'd love to ride, KD, but I have classes that night :? . That's kind of the problem for me right now.

  19. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Let's see ... we've heard behind (1) Smithfields/Golden Corral, (2) next to or behind Lowes Hardware, (3) somewhere near Old Drug Store and now (4) 50/210. Does anyone have any verified info. on WalMart coming to McGees or Cleveland?

    I know there was the lady who said she spoke to a realtor who was trying to lease spaces for a shopping center behind Lowes but does anyone know this relator and if she's legit?
  20. MelloTofer

    MelloTofer Well-Known Member

    i heard the dollar general was closing at mcgees. it was from a random employee...but i dunno. i've also read on a more national level that DG is loosing massive amounts of money and is planning to close more than 1,000 stores in 2007

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