But it's not the responsibility of the people who made up the contest, the people who promoted the contest, the people who used the contest to increase their ratings? Is it not possible that there is enough responsibility to go around? It was pretty stupid to promote that contest without knowing the possible consequences. If the contestants failed to inform themselves of the risk, does that let the promoters off the hook? I think it's very sad that a woman died and her children are left motherless. Blaming her alone and no one else is what I find troubling. It's not like she decided to jump off a cliff or stand in front of a train. A lot of intelligent people have never heard of water intoxication. The radio station employees were fired for "violating the terms of their employment agreement." I am guessing that means they were expected to get prior approval for the contest and failed to do so. Perhaps if the juveniles who devised the contest had shared their ideas with some adults at the station, the contest might not have taken place.
I too think it is terrible that a mother died and left her kids motherless. That is not the issue here. I assume (yeah, i know) that everybody knows that all of these dumb contests have SOME risk involved. What would be sooo entertaining about them if they didn't? With that in mind, would you not think, even for a second , that there might be some danger in this? If you thought of the possible danger at all and continued with it then you might have crossed over into stupidness! Now you must own it.
There is a level of liability for the people involved both morally and legally. The level of liability is related to the probable risk and the infomation each party has. A waiver does not excuse all liability, but only that liability that would be assumed by a reasonable person. In this case a reasonable person would not assume they would die from such a contest unless they were versed on the subject. The fact there is some expectation of risk in your mind makes the liability greater on the part of the radio station as they would have to inform the participants of the generally higher risk than normal life and the risk specific to what they were proposing. I fully expect there to be criminal charges for the personalities involved and a civil case which will be settled on the part of the station as quickly as possible. There may also be a civil case against the personalities, which could be part of the suit against the station or separate. The situation is not that different from the California college frat brothers who were convicted of manslaughter for using excessive water consumption as an part of their fraternity initiation in 2005.
From a news report on AOL: Those comments, and others made during the Jan. 12 "Morning Rave" radio show, appeared to give little regard to the risk of water intoxication. But just hours after the contest, a woman who guzzled nearly two gallons was dead. On Wednesday, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department launched a criminal investigation into the incident, and attorneys for the family of Jennifer Lea Strange said they plan to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the radio station. The county coroner said preliminary autopsy findings indicate Strange, a 28-year-old mother of three, died of water intoxication. Authorities decided to pursue the investigation after listening to a tape of the show, obtained by The Sacramento Bee, during which DJs joked about the possible dangers of consuming too much water, sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Tim Curran said. At one point, the DJs even alluded to a college student who died during a similar stunt in 2005.
There is zero personal responsiblity being placed here. Why are the Dj's at fault because she chose to come into the buliding, she chose to play the game, and she chose not to stop until it was too late.
Is there nothing between zero and 100%? Have the DJ's no responsibility whatsoever in this thing? Is there not more than one person who might have used bad judgment here? All of you people who are blaming the woman entirely are giving the DJ's a pass, and saying "no personal responsibility" about one person and not the others.
I'm kinda with ya on this one, although they were not entirely responsible, from everything I've seen, they blew off warnings from a nurse. Seems to me if I was going to run a contest like that, I might want to research the side effects of all that water before hand. I had never heard of water intoxication until a few years ago, it may be the woman never knew it was dangerous and it doesn't sound to me as though the dangers were explained to her, kinda like those releases you have to sign before you have surgery, etc. She did sign a release of some sort, but I'd be interested to see if it listed the dangers...........................................
On one of the am shows this morning, there was a gentleman who was in the contest and he stated that there was no such warning in the release they all signed.
Not here, not in my eyes no. I can't blame a radio station I am listening to while driving my car if I crash that car. I can't blame the tv for "making" me watch tv and gain weight. I am sorry for her family that she has passed away, but to think there is always someone else at fault is just plain wrong. There is always a scape goat I am just getting a little tired of it. Our God loves and our God forgives. Evolution does not.
Well all I know is they were pretty dern cold hearted. And a warning was passed on to them...not that it mattered. They had a listener call in and tell them ON THE AIR... "you know what those people are doing is going to make them sick with what's called water intoxication." And the radio host's response iwas "oh it's okay she signed a waiver." And I think they said ... so we won't get in trouble (I couldn't hear good after they said waiver) Now look, 3 kids don't have their mama & a husband lost his wife. :-( I see this has already been said... sorry, I'm sloooooow :lol:
To the people stating they blew off warnings froma nurse. Anyone calling a radio station can be a nurse, cop, lawyer, doctor. It is a shame for her family yes, and I wish them peace and I really hate that 3 kids are with out their mommy. But the fact is SHE CHOSE TO DO THIS. NO ONE FORCED HER!!!!!
I never said anyone forced her, I just don't think ANYONE, including the woman herself, took the risks seriously and obviously the DJ's didn't even when they were warned! That's all I'm saying..........................I also am not sure the family is entitled to sue, obviously all the facts ARE NOT in yet.
wow RJ. We get it. It's all her fault. So what radio station do you work for... or is it workED for??8)
I work for central prison, no radio now or ever. I just think that too much in America is how can I, we, they, or you blame someone else. Be an adult that's all. A lot harder to do with all the bleeding hearts out there telling everyone they are a victim.