Does anyone know what is going to be built near the Dollar General and Food Lion at 210/40 highways. I noticed they were using some heavy equipment yesterday on the way home from work. Thought I would ask here since people seem to know here before anyone!! Thanks for any information!
If you mean in the same shopping center as FL, it's been discussed a couple of times on here. A KFC is being built there, and at the moment I can't recall what the other thing was.
Must have missed that discussion. Strange place to build where they are digging, but I guess it is as good as any. I guess they will make road frontage into the parking lot. thanks for the information.
It is supposed to be a KFC. While I'd like a different food place, saving driving another 8 miles (16 round trip) does make a difference, so I don't consider it just up the road.
I would welcome sit down dining establishment. Fast food businesses in this area are not customer oriented. Seems everytime I go through one of these I am treated as if they are 'doing me a favor' by waiting on me. Staff are soon forget that they have jobs because of the customers dining at these establishments. I will not name any restaurants here, but I think everyone knows where they get good as well as bad service.
Would love to have more stores in this area so I don't have to drive into garner or smithfield....would be nice to have something in the middle.
Okay, if this is an advanced auto, then are we still getting a KFC. I hope if we are it is a Kentucky Bell (KFC and Taco Bell!!)
Maybe there isn't a KFC going in, but awhile ago someone working on the project or something like that told us. (sorry it was so long ago I forget how this person was connected to all this lol) I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Harley - If I had the money I would open a chick a fil a (that is my son's words) He LOVES the one at White Oak. It would do GREAT in this area...Is anyone with money reading???
Wonder how much it would cost to open one? 3 mil +? Ages ago I looked into one semi-fast food franchise and is was $xxxK + net worth of xxxK and liquid assets of xxx+K; all sooooooo much CASH. Plus the good FF places have exclusive areas and do not allow overlap. Then there is the LAND price, + all the fun time with labor! And of course the 24-7 nature of the food biz - What Fun. :x Might as well own/run a DAIRY! At least the cows do not call in "sick" on a Sat night! :roll: Woo Hoo...Moooooooo!
well I dont know where you all get your info from but I heard from a relaible source that it is going to be the Six Flags over McGee's main ticket office.
Cows are great!!! Mooo Hoooo! They really know how to move when you yell at um! The chocolate milk from the dark ones is delicious! Come on out and I am sure we can squeeze you a sample!! LOL!