I think I sat in front of this kid on an airplane the other day :neutral: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/article.html?in_article_id=34513&in_page_id=2
I have never been able to understand how stories like this and why they even get much press attention. Dog barks and scares boy. Boy screams long time over chicken pen. Chickens die and father of boy pays for chickens. So we deduce that barking dogs scare little boys. Chickens are dumb and China puts a great deal of concern over said dumb chickens. I bet they ate the dog!
3-year-old unnerves airline: http://www.telegram.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070121/COLUMN01/701210459/1008/NEWS02?page1
I felt sorry for the parents, but having to live in these things, I silently cheered when I heard about this!
I have heard that chickens are a heart attack waiting to happen. A friend who raises chickens tells me you can go in the pen and make a loud noise and at least one chicken will die.
Anybody else wondering why they were blaming the kid? OK, a dog is barking and a human child is screaming. Which is more likely to scare chickens? How do they know that the mass death was not fear-related heart attacks due to the dog barking? And what about mass suicide? Any body find cianide-laced koolaid cups around? Was it raining? And did the price of grilled chicken breast sandwiches go down in China? Tune in tomorrow, but you still won"t hear the answers to these and many other mysteries that arise when people foolishly assume causality from corelations.