Hi, I am fairly new to this area and looking for some local idea's for a 6 year olds Birthday party. If anyone can recommend anything that worked well for them or places to avoid, would really appreciate the feedback. thanks everyone!
We had my son's 5th birthday party at Kid's Clubhouse off Hwy 42 about 1/2 way between 40/42 & Clayton. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. We have been to the Little Gym but that was for a little girl. Good luck!
Call Diana at 333-1496. She does the kids allstar characters like Sponge Bob, Princess, ect. and they come to your house.
Yes, also a good idea. We went to a party there also and it was alot of fun. That party was for a little girl.
Is this for a Boy or Girl? Dance Art off Cleavland School Road does parties and they have an instructor and can make it a "hip hop" or 50/60's sock hop party, Princess party and so on. Did my daughter's there... My nephew is having his at the park (garner) and renting a shelter for hot dog's and so on... and then they are making homemade kites to fly at the park (Kite kit). (just ideas a little different) and if they like riding horses there is a Horse Stable in Willow Springs that does parties too... (saddle tree stables)
great place except... a lot of the games in the game room usually don't work, at least the last few times we went they didn't. That was the biggest draw for mine (6½ & 8) they usually leave disappointed. :-( My 8yos class went to Interskate a few days ago - it seemed pretty nice. The air hockey and a couple of other things didn't work but the repair men were there before we left. ....?