Smithfield Mom Could Face Charges For The Way Her Baby Was Dressed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    If you go out of the house with a child's coat, then put them in your own coat. I understand that she was going from the car to the store and back, but what happens if she has a break-down on the road? I do believe that some people fail to show common sense at reality, we all do at some point. However, your child is your greatest responsibility. It is terribly irresponsible to leave without a coat, a blanket, or something. Keep a blanket in the car at the very least.

    If there was some sort of domestic situation uncovered here, I do hope she will find courage and strength in this occurance and seek help. If not, then I hope this has shaken her to her senses to realize that this child isn't a baby doll.
  2. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    this is a toughie....i can see reasonable arguments for both sides. the boyfriend could have been getting physical and a hasty retreat was called for. walmart is close by to alot of people, and open all night and there's people including maybe a cop late night. and i've seen enough COPS to know that if the police get called to a domestic and there's any evidence of violence one party or the other is going to jail for the night....

    who called the police and why? do you call the police if she's just cruising around shopping acting like nothing is wrong, but her kid has no sock on? it's 70 degrees in the store....

    or do you call the police because this woman is in the store just hanging out near the front or walking around not really shopping but walking around near customer service holding her baby who is underdressed and she seems to be upset, maybe crying....

    there's one thing that sticks out, though. the part about how the cops had to tell her to start the car and put the baby in the heat. that's troubling. unless she was really, really shaken up...
  3. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    yeah yeah, she's too young and inexperienced to know that when its 29 degrees outside that a baby needs to be covered. i'll buy that one......not!
  4. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I believe that I have not been provided all of the facts and any conclusion I come up with will most likely be incorrect.

    I also believe that when people are under stress, they do not always make the correct decision. Unfortunately, hindsight is just that.
  5. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    You are contradicting yourself.
  6. Lester

    Lester Well-Known Member

    Then she has no business being a parent.

    I still don't see the connection people are trying to paint here.

    She was in such grave danger she snatched her kid up and ran to Wal-Mart, without properly dressing him/her first.


    Maybe the police shouldn't have been involved.

    She was in grave danger, or she wasn't. If she was, she should have gone to the police. If she wasn't, she had no excuse to drag her kid out of the house half-dressed, at midnight, when it's 29 degrees outside. Does Wal-Mart now contain some sort of magic shield that keeps violent boyfriends out?

    She has no business being a parent. Having to be told to start the car to get the baby in some warmth only amplifies that fact.
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Maybe in Tawii's view of the world, but not in mine.
  8. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I know.
  9. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Must be nice having the gift of clarity.
  10. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Under the circumstances, what would you have done?
  11. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Well if I was already at Wal-mart I would for one would BUY THE KID SOME CLOTHES. And before someone says... if she left without a coat then she probably left without her wallet.

    Well then there would be quite a few fine Wal-mart employees that would be able to verify that I beg for money or clothes.
  12. Clif

    Clif Guest

    If she was still in Wal*Mart, how do you know she wasn't going to buy him a coat before she left?
  13. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    But she wasn't still in wal-mart... she was outside where the cops were telling her to crank up her car and put the baby in there.

    You know it's hilarious how you operate... you call people idiots and then defend them. Bright clif, real bright.
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    And how do you know she had the $ to buy the kid a coat???
  15. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Well then there would be quite a few fine Wal-mart employees that would be able to verify that I beg for money or clothes.

    That's what I would do. And I am pretty sure anyone with half a heart would have helped. (and that makes me wonder) Heck fire, if I was there I would help her.
  16. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    There is not an either "Grave danger" or not presented. There is the possibility of a domestic situation, which is speculation as there was no evidence presented either way. The case with domestic situations is there can be an escalation quickly, especially if there was say alcohol involved and the person is what we called a "mean driunk". In the majority of such cases neither party wants to have the police involved but may need a temporary "safe" haven. The "violent boyfriend" would have to know where she went and have a reason to follow, which may not have been the case if the situation had not gotten too heated. There is not enough information to determine what happened other than speculation. It is just that some wish to speculate there was a problem with the woman's parenting while others point out there was insufficient information for any conclusion, which is why there was going to be further investigations.
  17. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    The question would then be, what was she doing outside. Was she in fact begging for money or was she removed from the store? There is many more questions than answers to this and since the officers there were unsure of the "abuse" there is no way for anyone who was not there to be more sure than they.
  18. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Well if she was removed from the store - baby in hand - then SHAME ON WALMART!
  19. MelloTofer

    MelloTofer Well-Known Member


    yes i blame wal*mart. :mrgreen:
  20. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    That is the whole point, we don't have enough information. Lets not go after Walmart on this issue unless someone is aware of the facts (Walmart is leading to the downfall of civilization, but maybe innocent here).

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