Not true. Most accidents are caused by not staying between the lines and/or running into things. That's like saying hamburgers and pizza make people fat, so we need to limit fast food restaurants. I say we give tickets to people who run into things, and just leave the rest of us alone. I'm for graduated licensing too. A 16 year old, an 85 year old, and a 40 year old should all go the same speed? Does that make any sense? I don't ride bumpers if its just me, but if you see a train of cars behind you (assuming you know what those little mirrors are for) ...get a clue people.
Roads are designed for specific speeds and cannot just be changed. Something along that stretch of road will need to change for the road to be posted higher. A superelevation, a horizontal curve, a vertical curve, sight distance, etc... It seems like many of the elderly people around where I live grew up in the area, not transplants.
To me, speed is a matter of good judgement and prudance. Some people have no business driving the speed limit in many instances, because they operate their vehicles with distractions without accepting their ability to manage them at speed. Do conditions allow for increased speed? Also, a person's vehicle must be taken into account. Are the brakes up to par? Does the vehicle operate with good tires? Can the suspension handle emergency maneuvers and last, but not least, does the driver possess enough skill and quick thought to handle a vehicle in an emergency situation? As a driver do you look down the highway and also check your mirrors or do you grip the steering wheel with fear and only look a few hundred feet in front of you? Is your rearview mirror adjusted to properly observe traffic from the rear or so turned so that you can see yourself or maybe the passenger in the backseat? There is a set speed limit and if you exceed it, than lawfully as citizens we can not find fault when cited. However, if we choose to adjust our own speed according to our own judgement, then we are obliged to police ourselves and know when to be respectful of other drivers and recognize that with increased speed, come more danger.
ah see you don't know that. 7 speeding tickets...all 20mph over speed limit. how many on my record? 0 :mrgreen:
did i say i was proud? no. but was i defending the price i had to pay because someone said i paid too much? yes. will i drive however i want still? yes. i've never been in a wreck. my driving has never gotten me close to a wreck. so i do not believe i pose a 'danger' i don't ride people's tails just because i drive 'fast'. i drive that way when conditions allow, but i don't take it out on other people because they drive the speed limit. i respect the fact they do, well all are different. so don't judge.
SOMEBODY IS LIVING IN THE STATE OF DENIAL. :roll: SOUNDS LIKE THE SAME ARGUMENT I HAVE HEARD FROM THOSE THAT SMOKE POT OR DO COCAINE OR METH. SURE THEY CAN HANDLE IT. DOESNT AFFECT ANYONE ELSE SO LEAVE ME ALONE. IM GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO.:roll: HOW SELF CENTERED CAN YOU GET?:?: THESE ARE SOME OF THE MOST RIDICULOUS STATEMENTS IVE EVER SEEN HERE. :roll: :roll: mean to tell me.. if i am alone on the road and i drive fast. it may be wrong. but no one is there? if i am in congested traffic. i slow down, i follow everyone else. i don't ride tails...i don't blow horns or do any type of 'angry driving' if i live by those two rules, i'm lying and self centered?
Driving down Highway 42 at 45mph with ten cars behind you ...which you don't see because you never check your mirrors ...that's about as self centered as anyone can get.