Smithfield Mom Could Face Charges For The Way Her Baby Was Dressed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    none of these are reasons to neglect a baby.
  2. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    you are the exception in offering assistance or being willing to step in and i am thankful for guardian angels like you sent to step in for those who are in need --wmpm "reports" what is written in the police report -- they do little if any investigation into circumstances or explanation -- the police are charged with upholding the law -- extenuating circumstances are why, i suppose, social services may have been asked to step in --
    but too often i see that judgements are made based on the what is perceived as a middle class reality not on what the reality of those who are involved -- i don't condone or excuse the mother -- but just question why many who have posted are so quick to judge another in such a harsh way and with so little empathy or thought to another's circumstances....
  3. Snuffleufogous

    Snuffleufogous Well-Known Member

    Remember that DSS involvement doesn't automatically mean the child will be taken out of the mother's custody. they are there to help, too.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LIke I said, my empathy is for the baby, not a 21 one year old who can most likely take care of herself as far as being able to put on a coat when it's cold outside. I hope she does get any help she needs and this will be a learning experience as well for her.

    And what I highlighted in red is just as much of an assumption. I would imagine you don't know the current circumstances of most of the posters on here nor the circumstances they came from.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2007
  5. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    point taken
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    The police have the duty to investigate any potential crime, whether or not a crime has actually been committed. The investigation is not complete nor is the blurb reported in any way the complete story. The problem is the assumption of guilt based solely on the fact there is an investigation. These or any other possible circumstances may have been involved and not reported, but that has been ignored by many.

    I agree there could and should have been assistance provided and the investigation may involve that assistance being provided in the future.

    On a side note, the baby may not have been cold, which was an assumption made by the people viewing. There as a ~14 month old that I know who strips off as many clothes as possible when I am chilly in mine. I have to believe the age gives enough understanding of the cause and effect to know the removal of clothes will remove some warmth and thus indicate the child feels too warm.
  7. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    I guess the possibility that the baby was wrapped in a blanket still exists since the news article does not say it wasn't.

    The article was way too vague to draw any good conclusions from.
  8. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Again, ratings. (would 'ratings' apply here?) The more curious people become the more they want to know and tune in.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Personally, I think if a blanket had been around the child we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  10. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    But do we know there was not a blanket?
  11. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ---> "smiling, laughing, shaking head, motie"<--- here

    tawiii --- how do does one pronoubce that anyway? i'D love to meet you.


    Living life in my ipod. lala la la lalala lala lalalalllaaaa

    crystal bluuu persWAAAAAYYYshunnnn...ah, ah...

    ah la la la....

  12. Twitch

    Twitch Well-Known Member

    I think this whole thing was kick up because of G105. Bob was on there complaining about people who take there babies out in the cold and how they should call DSS.

    I do remember when my daughter was little (around 4) and our car broke down in Greensboro and it was snowing really hard. Even though she had on her little coat I took off mine to wrap around her. After that I kept extr blankets, pillows, change of clothes, and flares in the trunk. My car looked like a rolling hotel on wheels.

  13. MelloTofer

    MelloTofer Well-Known Member

    if we would just put a ban on babies, stuff like this wouldn't happen, you know.

    :mrgreen: :lol:
  14. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    True... it's all speculation at this point. It's just sad that things like this happen to kids in the first place. They're innocent.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007
  15. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    "If" the Mom had on a coat herself, I agree that she should have given it to her child. I may have overlooked a mention of wether the Mom definately had on a coat or not. If the child was in danger at home and there were no friends, neighbors or relatives nearby who would open their doors to this mother and her child ... I don't really see a problem with spending the evening in a well-lit, warm, safe place with lots of witnesses and security around ... aka Walmart. It the Mom was scared of the husband she may have felt safer at Walmart than she did at home or sitting in her car, in the dark alone. If she ran out of the house because she feared for the safety of her child and herself ... I can't fault her for leaving the child's coat ... unless she had one on herself and never thought to cover her child with her own coat. If I awoke in the middle of a freezing night and found that my home was on fire, I may not think to grab coats when I was trying to rush my child to safety. Hopefully this young Mom doesn't feel that she has to do everything on her own. If the only option this Mom thinks she has when she feels her safety and her childs safety is in danger ... is spending the evening with strangers at Walmart ... hopefully this Mom will get a little help from DSS so she will know thier is help available when she needs it. Although 21 is technically an adult ... folks of that age still have a lot of growing & maturing to go. It sounds like this Mom & Child need more strong, helpful guidance from other willing adults. I don't know enough about this Mom to judge her ... but hopefully she wasn't just hanging around the outside of Walmart when it was freezing outside. Hopefully she has good reasons for what she did. I am glad to know the police were watching out for both this mother & this child. It sounds like they needed a little guidance and help that night.
  16. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    On this point I am sure we can all agree.....
  17. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Finally!! Yes, that can be agreed on.

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