Unrelated, but I saw something going on in Clayton yesterday on the shoulder of Hwy. 70 eastbound there in front of Matthew Motors. Guy was laying on the ground on his tummy and a Clayton Police Officer had his gun drawn standing beside his patrol car. There were two other cars arriving on the scene as I was driving by. Anybody here anything? **SIDE NOTE** The Highway Patrol has apparently ordered a lot of brand new Dodge Chargers. Not sure if they are all Hemis or not, but speeders better beware of the Chargers out on the roads now. I've seen one (unmarked) on the road with concealed lights, but up at the "holding pen" near the fairgrounds, there are rows and rows of them.
Point taken, tawiii. However, I didn't just say for speeding. If you're riding down the road, talking on your cell phone or slurping your drink and drift over the center, forget to signal, fail to yield, accelerate too quickly, follow to close, forget to buckle, roll under the light while red or past a stop sign by accident or...any other numerous infraction that will get you cited other than speed. My point is they are now driving more than just Crown Victorias and an occasional Impala. They are in Chargers now, so take it for whatever its worth. Make a mistake in front of a Charger and you may see blue lights. I myself do speed, but I always do so with care under appropriate circumstances and considered a safe driver. I do push the limit a bit, but I have not been in but one accident that was not my fault and haven't had a ticket (knock on wood) in 15 years.