
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by carolgilx, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. carolgilx

    carolgilx Well-Known Member

    It's that time...I need to start locating an orthodontist for my daughter. Anyone have any recommendations? I'd like to be in the Clayton area. I know it's more expensive the closer you get to Raleigh. Thanks.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  3. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    I also think Wake Ortho and Ped's is the best place to go! Not far from Clayton (white Oak Shopping Center) and the staff is great!
  4. twisty

    twisty Well-Known Member

    I've heard great things about Dr. Devlin in Clayton. Our girls have seen Dr. Henry Zaytoun Jr. in Garner and we think the world of him. I'm not sure how their quotes would compare.
  5. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    This may be a silly question but...

    how much does ortho go for these days? Little One is going to need it (eventually), we've already noticed. Trying to get braced or start saving, one or the other!

  6. twisty

    twisty Well-Known Member

    It's going to run about $5,000 each for our two kids. It does depend somewhat on the extent of the problem being dealt with as well as the length of time the braces need to be on. We're still in the every 6 month appointment pre-braces phase waiting for the rest of the baby teeth to come out.
  7. cindy13

    cindy13 Guest

    Dr. Macon and Dr. Collie with Wake Orthodontics are WONDERFUL! Both of my kids have been to (or are currently going to) them. My daughter even had to have surgery on her mouth - but both the kids really like them.

    I was amazed at how quickly we could tell a change in my daughter's teeth. It was almost overnight. She is now out of her braces and has finished all of her follow-ups! Her teeth look great!
  8. rrgreennc

    rrgreennc Well-Known Member

    We were quite pleased with Dr Devlin. He has an office in Clayton, and one in North Raleigh. One week he will be in Clayton on Tues/Thurs, the next on Mon/Wed. The other days he is in his North Raleigh office.

    My son's braces cost about $2300, but that may be low. We were told his problem was not too bad, and he had to wear the braces for about 16 months only. The cost will depend a lot on how long your child has to wear the braces. My son had an appointment for checkup and necessary adjustments roughly once a month. If there were problems in between regular checks, it was quite easy to see the doctor on short notice.

    We were expected to pay monthly, with the monthly amount determined by equally dividing the total by the number of months. No interest charges. If the braces stay on for a longer time, this will still be included in the original amount. (I'm sure if the child is not following instructions and the time goes for a much longer period this may not be true).
  9. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper Well-Known Member

    We are very pleased with Zaytoun Orthodontics in Garner.
  10. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    I agree. My daughters and I went to Dr Collie. My oldest daughter didn't like the way her teeth looked when he took them off so he put them back on for free. I got a discount with mine because all 3 of us had braces at the same time. Dr Collie even took the time to talk to my daughter and show and explain things to her since she is interested in becoming an orthodontist.
  11. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    just finishing w/ the second child with dr macon -- he is terrific and the staff is too!!!!
  12. Hotwire

    Hotwire Well-Known Member

    I'm 22 and have my appointment scheduled on March 13 for my ortho recall/records to be taken. It's sad, but I'm excited! I have chose to go with Dr. Macon, I hope this turns out to be a good choice! Everything I hear about him is great.
  13. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

  14. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Yep, all depends on the teeth and how much you are putting down, etc. I got a discount because I put a good amount down. My oldest only require 2 years, because her teeth were not that bad so it was right around 5k, I have a friend who's child's teeth were bad and it's costing them 8k, because the braces will need to be on for about 4 years.
  15. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    What age do they start the pre-appointments?
    My son is almost 7 and he is SO going to need braces. Up north, I have seen them on kids as young as 8.
    Glad for this thread :)
  16. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Mine started about 8. My pediatric dentist actually pulled 4 of my youngest daughters teeth at that age and put in spacers so that when she gets her braces at age 11-12 her teeth will not be bad at all, they were horrible before.

    Usually when a child gets them at a very young age, often times they may have to get them again or wear retainers all the time. Ortho recommended waiting, because of these factors.
  17. LI-bratz

    LI-bratz Well-Known Member

    Dr. Devlin the best
    My daughter just had them put on over the summer & it is running $5500

    Very pleased with staff & service & by far Dr. Devlin
  18. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    the boys are eleven and its time for the ortho visit they say...Riccobene and Co. have not pointed me in that direction yet....I am keeping my fingers crossed, x two.
  19. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    I am so lucky with the boys teeth. Hopefully never have to go the braces route.
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    well I got the news today, that I have been dreading.....gonna have to have braces, times TWO.....jeez louise......potentially $12,000 (6 grand per child). I picked Dr. Devlin for my consult and that's on the 24th of April. :cry:

    something to think about.....My kids teeth are perfectly straight right now, so don't be fooled into thinking that has anything to do with whether they need braces....

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