Yeah but Clif, there is a big difference in whatever you did that got you a short amount of time compared to someone who kidnapped, raped, and murdered and got life sentences. Also, on his page it also noted 19 infractions - scary.
Now, Clif, we know you didn't do any of that bad stuff! You might be hard-headed, but I don't think you're really mean, so maybe you should be forgiven your youthful indiscretions. :lol: :lol:
Poor guy has been victimized for years now. And here we are judging him... he only raped and killed someone. ROFLMAO... I bet he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, huh clif?
Personally I don't know. But apparently you do, so tell us all about him. What have you divined from your total of fifteen minutes reading a short biography, eh?
I called the NC Parole Comm & voiced my dismay and displeasure at any release for this felon. The crime was very-very-very EVIL. NC Parole Comm #919-716-3010. CALL THEM.
Devil's Advocate Time: If he is Native American and convicted in 1971, there's some possibility that prejudice played a role in his conviction. I remember some Lumbee Indians being released a few years ago after being cleared. Perhaps he didn't actually commit these crimes. (Hey, don't blame me for bringing that up, blame the KKK and all the prejudiced people who wrongly convicted or who framed innocent people in the first place. It did happen.) 19 infractions in 33 years on state. That's not bad, esp. considering the last one was in 1991. Sounds like he may have "mellowed." (Or he has learned how to operate in the system without getting written up.) Clif, where's your hide out, I may have to join you after this post! Snuff
We do know he was CONVICTED of a violent crime, unless he has been exonerated, we have to assume he was guilty. That whole innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law thing runs both ways..................................................Lord knows we've been beat over the head with it enough when the shoe is on the other foot.
I've called Ms. Cochran's office to voice my concerns at the number left by the OP. Kelyel, what did you find out about the specifics of the crime?
Yes, he was found guilty, and I'm not disputing that. However, he did his time. He paid his debt to society. Unless he was let out because of over-crowding, or other some such nonsense. But, as usual around here, once a criminal always a criminal. Apparenly y'all haven't been beat over the head enough with that.
No Clif, i think you are looking at the comments wrong - in my opinion, if it was a crime that deserved a life sentence, then make it be a life sentence unless something proves he was not guilty of the crime he was convicted of.
A Stitch In Time I thought his sentence was life plus 99 years? Let's see...99 years + 1971 = Hmmm....I must have fallen asleep and woke up in 2070. Have they figured out who Anna Nicole used as a sperm donor yet?
My 2 cents is that the Life sentence should be just that. If he's mellowed since his incarceration date, fine. I just can't see that the crimes of which he was convicted are those that should offer him a 2nd chance. As bad as the killing of someone is, there are mitigating circumstances that can be brought in...crime of passion, unintended killing, etc...I could see parole after a certian period. Rape and kidnapping...those choices were planned ahead of time and carried out...and deserve no break...He did the crime, he should do the time. Nope, Mr Chance had his "chance" the first time and blew it. He should remain incarcerated for the rest of his natural life.
Actually his First sentence is life, with a second sentence of 99 years to run at the end of his life sentence, then a third conviction of 83 years to run at the end of his second sentence (this sentence is commutable), and finally his final sentence is another life sentence to run concurrently (same time as) his third sentence (this sentence is also commutable). And while he was convicted in 1971 his actual time served did not start till 1973. A typical life sentence usually carries the chance of parole after 20 years unless other wise specified. The 99 year sentence would probably be eligible for parole in 3-4 years depending circumstances. And as his last 2 sentences are commutable, they probably will be or have been, if they truely let him out on parole. Also as he is a min. 3 housed at Wake Correctional, he is more than likely running around day in day out on work release somewhere. Just alittle info. Craig
i'll go down the street to "bobs big ol' house of time machines" and grab you one so you can go back to 1970 (make it 1965 just to make sure you get everything done in time) and rush the time on the 85% law... cuz thats the only way you're moving this (PLEASE DO THIS CAREFULLY, DO NOT DISRUPT THE SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM! mullet man is your guide. WARNING: HE'S ONLY DONE THIS ONCE BEFORE). he's done the time required for parole according to his sentence... he's getting out. my question is: did he do something to you personally that you've taken such a personal interest in this one man?
So you think spending years in prison is "payment" for murdering and raping someone? Tell that to the victim's family. I don't think I would see it that way, he's still breathing and the victim isn't. If your hunky-dory with it, let him move into your neighborhood. If he moves in mine, I'm not rolling out the welcome mat and probably would move. My choice. I'm glad he's got your sympathy, he's going to need it.
my question is: did he do something to you personally that you've taken such a personal interest in this one man?[/quote] If the OP was notified by Wake Co Correctional that this person was being released, one would think they do have some sort of personal connection. They don't just send something like that out for no reason. At least that's what you'd think. I didn't get the notice, did you?
Yeah, good point. i feel rightly a little dumb for posing the (what is in retrospect very personal, for which i am very sorry) question, but that doesn't change the fact that he has served his time (read: time in jail) as defined by his sentence, and unless he gets up and says "HEY IF YOU LET ME OUT I'LL KILL YOU TOO!" (aka the manson theory of parole representation, keep in mind he gets parole hearings every few years for the exact same reason that Mr. Chance [ironic name] does) he'll probably be paroled...
I guess I just don't get it.............he murdered and raped someone and now get's to go free. He's not the only one and I don't have the answers, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw a welcome home party, nor am I going to round up the villagers with a pitchfork in my hand. I don't think he has served his time based on the OP's description, but they didn't ask my opinion.