Felon Coming to Cleveland

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kroywendy, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. Galaxy

    Galaxy Guest

    Mad as Hell

    I think Danny Chance should have been executed under his original sentence. If you feel that he should be free, then let him move into your neighborhood. Let him prey on your mom, daughter, sister, etc. Has anyone stopped to think about the victim that was never given a second chance. All of you who embrace this murderer and rapist are the cause of such a screwed up legal system that would allow a person such as this to go free.
  2. mordorboy

    mordorboy Well-Known Member

  3. Happy Camper

    Happy Camper Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately there are several like him that are released year after year. Since he is minimum custody and at Wake CC he is probably already on work release or may be in the near future even if he doesn't get paroled this time. I can't remember if minimum custody level threes are allowed to utilize the work release program or if they have to be at least a level one. More than likely he has worked his way down from maximum, close custody, to minimum custody. Most of the inmates you see working around Raleigh are from Wake CC. He was probably the "ideal" inmate that earned brownie points for his good behavior and got good custody reviews. Most people may not know they are inmates but one way to tell is to look for their green pants, green cap, white t-shirts, green jackets, and chukah boots.
  4. Galaxy

    Galaxy Guest

    Why are we all so concerned with his race. Who cares if he is white, black, indian, etc. The bottom line is that he kidnapped, raped, and murdered someone. Race is not the issue.
  5. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    the thing is the issue you're complaining about is ALREADY fixed, it just cant be fixed retroactively, so criminals sentenced before the fix have parole available to them... sorry, thats just the way it works. if anything you can take comfort in the fact that this wont be happening for people convicted after the law was put in place... but... thats just how it works.

    theres nothing that can be done... I'm not saying that he has served his time in my opinion even, I'm just restating that in the eyes of the law he was sentenced under he is up for parole, and thats not up for debate. you can continue to complain, and raise a stink all you want, I'm sure the dead horse wont mind.
  6. kroywendy

    kroywendy Guest

    You can make a difference

    You may not be able to prevent Danny Chance from getting paroled but you do have a say in where he will be allowed to visit during a pass from jail or where he will be allowed to live. His parole officer came to the neighborhood to determine how Danny would be received in this community. If you do not want Danny Chance in your neighborhood then call EILEEN COCHRAN, Superintendent of Wake Correctional Center, at 733-7988. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

    If his family wants to reconnect with him then they should do it in a more rural setting where there are not so many neighbors per square inch and certainly not within walking distance to a school.
  7. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Just FYI: The double gang rape victim that ID-ed Danny Chance was 14 years old, and she witnessed her friend being beaten to death while he was tied to a tree.

    The whole crime report is even worse.

    He should have gotten a ride on "Uncle Sparky" at CP.
  8. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I AGREE...

    100% with your last sentence!!
  9. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Jesus Clif, this dude is a rapist and a murderer, how the heck can you give the "he paid his debt to society" line? There are many crimes in which this applies, but not this one!

    His record shows that he committed 19 infractions during his first 18 years in prison. . .yeah, yeah, I know any tiny form of contraband can bring a big black mark, but sincerely, the guy was definitely a slow learner. . .sure, his last infraction is reported to have been in '91, but that don't mean he's been a good boy, just that he has learned to hide whatever junk he shouldn't be doing from the guards.

    This individual took someones life, it wasn't self defense. He raped someone. . .which took a big chunk of their life away too - if you're a woman, you likely understand this better than males. He doesn't deserve to be let out on a 24 hour pass or anything else. For bottom-feeders like this, life in prison should be just that.

    When the time comes, let him out. . .for his ride in a pine box so he can be delivered straight to hell.
  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    IS this in Jordan Ridge? Where his brother lives???

    I work out there, LATE at night and EARLY in the morning. . .nice quiet neighborhood, never anyone out roaming while I walk a tiny little Boston Terrier whom I've never heard bark. . .hmmm, I wonder if with the way the homes are nicely set back from the street and so well built, if the inhabitants of the other homes will hear my screams should this freak of nature compute my schedule, or if he'll watch the nice family pack their car and leave and decide to break in and have some alone time in which case I'd walk in on him. . .maybe I need to add the 9mm to my little pack with my mace. . .I'd definitely not have any problem blowing his sorry kidnapping/murdering/raping butt to kingdom come. . .

    If he ends up out on passes and you live in Jordan Ridge, if you see someone walking a little dog down the road, please don't attempt to approach closer than say fifteen feet, I wouldn't want to hurt any innocent people.

    Great, just great. . .the thoughts of this is going to mess with my sleep as well as possibly mess with my income.
  11. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Or he might just visit with his family and enjoy being out of prison.
  12. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    You're one of those 'the glass is half full' people, aren't ya? LOL
  13. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Meanwhile inside his mind may be a stew of hatred and resentment, slowed simmered to perfection for over 30 years.

    I need more info. Who did he attack? What did his victims do to him? Did he know them or were they strangers? Did they taunt him and push him to the brink over a long period of time or were they just innocent bystanders. If they were innocent bystanders, I'd agree that he should have fried a long time ago.

    If the victim was my family member, my plan would now be 30 years old, and I would welcome his release from prison.
  14. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    He should NEVER see light again!!! Were did you find this informations (not that I do not belive you but so I can share this info)!! He should not be able to even play basketball outside, or anything! A CHILD is a CHILD period and he is a SICK man.... and needs to repay for his crime FORVER! He took the life of someone, so he should never have the freedom to live outside prision walls! That little girl can not spen time with her family! Then why should he???
  15. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Oh... and sorry for the typo's! I was too mad to think! LOL
  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    What I get from Kelyel's post is that the rape victim was 14 years old at the time of her "douple gang rape." She also had the pleasure of watching her male friend (also a child?), who was tied to a tree, beaten to death. :-(

    IMO, the is no justice in paroling someone who is guilty of a crime such as that! :evil:
  17. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    FYI: Call the NC Parole Comm, if you want the FULL scoop.

    Judge for youself.
    This is all public information & you have the right to know the full story.
    BUT Be Warned; it is not easy to hear information.

    Overall it is MUCH more than a very sad case.
  18. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Good Point Ken!

    I am a very careful voter. I always try to be very informed of the Judicial choices at every level.

    And I will be voting on May 8th. Mark your calendars now.- K
  19. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I just got off the phone from a call to Ms. Cochrans office - she isn't in today, but they are taking names addresses and phone numbers of people who have a concern about this release proposal for Danny Chance.

    Call and let them know how you feel - if you don't want him wandering our streets freely.

    Got to go to work now.
  20. Daredevil

    Daredevil Well-Known Member

    I'm sure the judge has weighed the circumstances and has the best interest of the innocent in mind over the hardened criminal, right?

    Nothing says welcome to the neighborhood like sitting on your front porch in a rocking chair with a shotgun across your lap.

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