Just wondering if there were many parents out here that are owed back child support. My kids' sperm donor is behind for two years now and I have not heard anything from Child Support even after making SEVERAL request for a hearing. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem.
You are not the only one! My daughter's father was actually on probation in another state - and they "couldn't find him" to enforce the child support order. I used to call all the time and try to get something done. I finally just gave up. He is so far behind - I've stopped keeping up with how much he owes. And the sad thing is - he used to be a cop........
There should be stricter laws to prevent this from happening. Do they not know they are hurting the kids in the long run? I just don't get it!!
I have been in your situation for many years. My children were owed $35,000. He was even military for awhile. I never gave up. If everything is court documented you still have a fighting chance. I would call my child support case worker every month. If you know his ss# you can find out online if he has a job. I would hunt him down find out where he worked and call my case worker and tell them the address of the place and they would call the job to start garnishment. If he files his taxes any refund is yours. Just call your case worker and remind him of this fact. Long story short my hounding paid off. I recieved a check for $16,000 because he was in an accident and that was paid to him in the lawsuit. So, you can imagine his surprise when I got the check and he didn't. I did all this from another state. So please don't give up hope! Sooner or later he will get what's coming to him.
Sad thing is he works at John Deere in Fuquay. He has his checks garnished. For the past couple years he has taken a voluntary lay-off and was not paying during that period. He was drawing unemployment and they were not taking child support out. I spoke to the Child Support office and they said if he didn't have taxes taken out he would have to pay in to the state for what he drew while on unemployement. Therefore I would not be getting any of his State tax return. SUCKS. Whats so crazy is now he and his wife drive a 2007 $50,000 car. Way to support those kids huh?
Didn't (or doesn't) NC block drivers license renewals for parents who are reported delinquent on child support? Not that it helps right now, but just to know they'll have that pain in the butt to deal with down the road. Or.. know they're driving on an expired license and threaten to report them if they don't start paying up??
My sister had trouble tracking down her dead beat ex, everytime she would find him and his checks would start getting garnished, he'd quit and she'd have to start over. She lost track of him for a couple years, then had the brainstorm to write to his hometown newspaper, they put a letter she wrote in the paper. Believe it or not, HIS sister wrote her to tell her off, that he was active duty and over in Iraq and she should just leave him alone. BINGO! All my sis did at that point was get the military involved and let's just say that she gets a check every month in addition to his tax returns! Some people!
My mom refers to my father as "the sperm donor" to this day, and they've been divorced since 1978. Atleast I do have to say he did always pay child support, even if he did have to be dragged to court for each increase.
To funny!! My kids call their father the sperm donor. I am his 2nd ex-wife & he is behind on both me & the first. We won't go there with the total. He is an ex cop. Actually he is retired. Yes we finally got income withholding. However, it is not for the full amount for both families. WHy you ask....simple he is now on his 3rd & now has two more children. 6 kids in total with to step children. It is very difficult dealing with Child support enforcement. They usually say every month when I call & send a letter (over the last 4 years) that I am lucky I get anything. When I got a check for $15 I said I can't even by a sock for my children. To this day he has never served a day in prison. His taxes are garnished but I have yet to see it. It is on his credit so that helps b/c he can't get anything. Yet he still has the right to see the kids. I say if you can't pay then how can you afford to have them with you every other weekend. I could go on this is a sore subject with me. IT JUST ERKS ME!!!!!
My husband pays child support through his paychecks, they tracked him down like a hound dog, but my ex-jerk off has NEVER laid eyes on his baby, who is now 9 years old! He lives in Virginia, I have his social security number, but will they do a fricking thing to help me? NNNNOOOOOOOO. I do not have much faith in the system at this point. Although I do know a few pig farms around here. (jk) (really)