Here we go again ladies and gentlemen ! Weve had a couple slow weeks at the jam due to bad weather so no excuses this week ! Lets get fired up and bring the STANK LIKE I KNOW YOU CAN. Tell your friends , any and all musicians welcome. All styles and skill levels. Backline provided. All around just one hell of a good time , music , beer , mmmmm what the hell else is there ! Magoos is located on hwy 70 east in clayton just behind the K.F.C. thursday night 9 pm till the beer is gone !!! COME OUT AND PUT SOME STANK ON IT !!!
awesome ! cant wait to meet you. and dont worry you can jam with me and we will rock the house ! later shane
Sorry I can't make it, Shane. But that's a little late for me on a week night, plus I have the kids here. I sure would like to be there, especially if talent is not an issue. Heck, I ain't proud! Don't mind making a fool of myself, esp. when everybody's drinking. LOL Snuff
Love me some Stank Jam! Only got to go once so far, but hopefully there will be more Stank in my future!:lol:
i like that idea !!! everyone come to the stank jam ! for all your stank jam news !