Need recommendations for a good tutor for my son. 5th grade, 11 years old. Asked the school - week went by and I called back. 3 days went by. called back. Got a name. Teacher was suppose to be given my phone # to call me. Week went by - nothing. I mean..there are only nine weeks in a grading period.... and half the year is baby needs some help and I am at a loss.... any suggestions??
Have you thought about a high school student? My son did math tutoring at West View (5th grade) for part of his Senior project (he plans to teach high school and had done his project on the "No Child Left Behind Act" and how it relates to children with a learning curve) and it was a very positive experience for all participants. My oldest often "gets through" to his younger brothers (3rd and 5th grade) looooong before I can. And then I think....why didn't I just explain it that way? I think they just know how to put it in to terms they understand better than we do. Maybe I'm just getting old.
I'd call the school again and talk to your child's teacher. At West Clayton Elementary and Clayton Middle they offer tuturoing for free at school if your child needs it. I would think the other school's in this county offer the same programs.
Oh, crap, thought I was losing my mind. You posted this on both sides then. Ok. I get it now. Off to lunch... Frogger
Thank you for explaining, kdc. No, it isn't wierd to think one is losing his or her mind when you *think* you just read an answer to a post & then the thread has no replies... Frogger