Learn and Earn, currently is place at 33 high schools statewide, allows students to stay in high school for an extra year, and earn enough community college or university credits to get an associates degree and a high school diploma at the same time. Easley said plans are already in the works to expand the program to 75 high schools by the 2008-09 school year, but his forthcoming budget will take Learn and Earn statewide. Easley's spending plan would work with the university and community college systems to offer all schools college-level courses through the Internet, Easley budget adviser Dan Gerlach said after the speech. I kinda like this. Stay in High school for an extra year and earn a associates degree. Does anyone know what schools currently have this program? Also, what are your thoughts on this... Thanks.
I think it's a great idea too! Just think of all the opportunities this will give the kids who can't get into college their first year out. Maybe some issues on campus policies but that can be worked out. How would he pay for this, Lotto?
All Easley can do is spend money. Stage gov has grown well above the inflation or growth of income curves.
so you had no financial aid, scholarships, grants (NC Legislative grant) or no help in anyway to pay for their college degrees?
This program is a GREAT idea! There is a huge gap between the avg. earnings of a high school grad and some one with a Bachelor's degree, and the gap has been widening ever since 1980. (source NPR news) On the other hand, there's not a big difference in avg. income between HS dropouts and HS grads. Gov. Easley's proposed plan will do a lot to help those who otherwise might not have the means to close that gap some. It's about providing opportunities to those who are willing and able to take advantage of them. The students benefit, obviously. But employeers also benefit because they will have a more talented workforce available to them. The state benefits because more people will be working and paying taxes, and it's a easier to attract more businesses to the state if the workforce is more educated. Society benefits by having a more educated population for a multitude of reasons, including lower unemployment, less crime, more resources. This is an investment. Conservatives, I would think, should understand the value of an investment. It pays you back more in the long run than you put into it to begin with. Of course, if your goal is to keep a certain percentage of the population living in poverty or to keep them oppressed, then this would not be the plan for you. Snuff
That's right!!! Lets not help those kids that have no options to get out from under. Let's be the selfish nasty money greedy Americans our government officials have mentored us to be. Let's spend the money on war instead. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, too bad these programs weren't around for yours.
And before you get a cramp patting yourself on the back, remember that NC taxpayers "contribute" to everyone's tuition that is a in-state student at the state university system. Its now up to almost $10,000 a year. So someone's tax dollars contributed to your education and to your daughters, otherwise you would have paid a whole lot more than you did.
Why is it so hard to see education as an investment? Several disjointed points: 1. A healthy democracy requires an educated electorate. 2. How do we expect to compete in the world economy? 3. What better way to reduce the welfare rolls and increase tax revenues at the same time?
Through tax cuts of course!!! If they are educated they will not fall for that line either ... more the reason to not educate. :-D :lol:
Isn't it a little hypocritical to be complaining about tax dollars paying for post high school education when you've benefited from tax dolars paying for yours?