Just the facts: You and your chldren benefited from tax dollars to pay for your higher education. Now you think someone shouldn't benefit from tax dollars (and at a much lower amount probably) to pay for the technical education after high school. Yeah, that's not hypocritical at all.
But because someone is coming along now you resent that there might be a program that can help them with their higher education, which won't cost as much in tax dollars as your help did? Wouldn't it be better to pay a little for them to go to a technical school, learn a trade that they are actually interested in, than for them to go to the state university system and flounder around for a year or two, wasting even more tax payer monies?
People should pay for their own school. This is not a new concept, there are PRIVITE SCHOOLS pre-K thru 12 and all the way beyond college. People are filling these schools every day, every year. But there are those, and there are many, that continually ride the taxpayer to pay their and/or their kids way. Those that go this route take advantage of taxpayers. They think that it is someone elses responsibility to do what they should be doing. It is not my place to pay for your kids.
But you didn't pay for all of your education. Taxpayers paid for the majority of it. What's the difference between the generic help you received and the generic help that these kids will receive...other than the fact that you're too old for the public schools now?
And of course, you will try to ignore the benefit to society of that education ... Even the people who use that tax payer money complain when others want to use it for a different type of education.
let's just eliminate public education altogether... might as well try that experiment.... the educational system is a joke.... what's to lose?
Nice...when you're shown to be a hypocrite on a subject, then let's try to obfuscate the truth and get personal. Not sure if you realize as much about taxes as you think, since in your other posts you keep referring to "tax breaks". What I and others are referring to are the government subsidies you and your children received for going to the state supported university system...which I'm sure is much more per student than what the Governor is planning to spend on this extra year of HS. Is the public education system perfect? Not at all. Neither is the university system which I've instructed in. But until we have school choice/vouchers in the public system, along with a viable vocational high school program in this state, I'm not going to begrudge someone an extra year that might actually do them some good.
Ok, those people receiving freebees through the schools from the taxpayers, they seem to like Government Programs - here's one for you: NEW GOVERNMENT PROGRAM All taxpayers will continue to pay at the same levels they are currently paying but, schools need more, ALL the "MORE" going forward shall be Paid By Those Utilizing these school services. There you go: New Program, More Money.
I did not breed (you all are welcome :mrgreen, so no I am not getting the same benefits you did Mafia.
Making some assumptions there, what if we couldn't have children? Would or should we get a tax break? I don't think we should.
You're right,its not complicated. You could choose to have another child and that child could take advantage of the extra year of tech HS/Vocational College, whatever they wind up calling it,at taxpayers' expense. Does it really make you feel superior to call people stupid or is that a just a way to keep from addressing the issue?
Still haven't addressed it that I can find. How is it wrong for us to subsidize a student to go to an extra year of Voc/Tech School, but okay to subsidize your daughters going to the university for 5 years?
I didn't even read this thread until I just tt PRM1. I don't EVEN like my taxes going to the school system, you know why? I DON'T HAVE KIDS!!!! CAN I HAVE MY $$$$$$$$ BACK PLEASE????????
A true N.C. State fan would have known that a very large percentage of the cost of its students' educations is made possible by tax dollars. Snuff (Was that me stirring up trouble again? )