Hi there... my friend Alicia has a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis. Every year we try to raise money before we do the Great Strides walk in May. This year we are trying an Usborne book sale. ALL proceeds will go directly to CF research. Please take a look at the books and if you are able/willing please buy something to help us find a cure for this dreadful (and fatal) disease. (and no I dont think this should only be in the classifieds, because I want to let my cyber friends know about it!!) :lol: :lol: Place: www.ubah.com/HOS80248........ http://ubah.com/ecommerce/hostess.asp?sid=F2339&gid=23879194&HID=HOS80248 When: Today thru 3/20/2007 11:59:00 PM You can learn more about CF at www.CFF.org Thanks ya'll.
Thanks for posting this! CF is the major cause I donate to. My brother has CF and, thankfully is doing well at 33 yrs of age! He has a great wife and they have a beautiful baby girl. Where can I get more info on the Great Strides walk ljk? I would LOVE to participate! Thanks!:-D
You can go here http://www.cff.org/great_strides/ we have a team every year "Team Taylor" you are welcome to walk with us!!!! OR you can form your own team if you would like. It is so nice to hear of an adult with CF that is doing well... hopefully it will be the norm and not the exception soon!!! Let me know if you want to walk with us, we have a good time. They provide food and some sort of music. It is nice to meet up with others each year and catch up!
There is a whole bunch of walks in NC. Which one do you do? I use to do some stuff like these when I was growing up. Relay for life and such... I would love to get back into it and take the kids.
Relay for Life is gearing up now. The walk is usually the first weekend in June. I'm not doing it this year, else I would ask you to be on my team. You can get info from Pat Penny at the Rainbow Vacuum store in Clayton, if you'd like to start a team or join one.
We do the one in Raleigh. The walk is on May 19th and will begin at 10:00. This year there will be events for the younger crowd also. There will be a children's walk and there will be activities to help keep them entertained. Instead of being at the Capitol Building it is being held at Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh.
I'm not doing Relay this year either. Have another event that conflicts. Same goes for the Walk For the Cure in Johnston County :neutral: . Guess I'll get in shape for next year. Frogger
This link is not working for me. Is anyone else having a problem with it? Okay, I got it when I typed the HOS80248 part in at the homepage. Here is the link that works for me, in case anyone else is having problems with the link above. http://ubah.com/ecommerce/hostess.asp?sid=F2339&gid=23879194&HID=HOS80248
You're welcome, L. We have friends who have a son with CF so anything to help this cause!! :idea: Books make great additions for those Easter baskets.