Just stay away from Dr. Krynn on 42 in Clayton. I've never met a more condescending, rude, know-it-all _ _ _ _ _ _ _ doctor in my life! :shock:
I saw his office today... (usually too busy driving to enjoy the scenery) and realized no one had mentioned him. No one has mentioned Dr. Shaikh either, over behind Medicap... :?
A few years ago Dr. Krynn misdiagnosed my daughters pneumonia as brochittus and she nearly died because of it. When her conditioned worsened we just thought it took a little time for the meds to kick in. When her temp reached 103 we rushed her to the emergency room. Once they got her stable a dr. came to talk to my wife and I. They told us that our daughter had nearly died and wanted to know why we hadn't reacted sooner to the obvious symptoms. We told him that Dr. Krynn had told us it was bronchitus and assured us the meds would take care of her. That Dr. looked at us and said "Krynn, huh? Well that explains it." I would reccommend avoiding him like the plague. Just as a side note, Dr. Krynn went to med school in Canada (I saw his degree).