Murder/Suicide in Jonston County

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by CrzyForBaseball, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    Who knows, maybe she had seen him when his "buttons were pushed" and tried to get full custody to take them out of that environment. I think I will reserve full judgement until all info is in. Johnston Co. has just seen too much loss of children in recent months through violence and traffic accidents. I'm holding mine a little closer these days. You only get one chance to raise them.
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    It was something someone was commenting on while waiting outside the DMV office this morning. I checked on the story and it appears there was a misreading of the article. It was a missed mediation session and not missed medication.

    CLAYTON - A man in a custody dispute with his wife skipped a mediation session Monday, then showed up at her house and killed the children and himself, authorities said.
  3. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    I stand corrected. After reading the N & O article, it appears he was still living at the Indigo address. That is way too close to my home.
  4. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    The original news heading is why I made my comment. As soon as it hit the headlines it was listed murder/suicide before the investigators had even gotten a good start on the crime scene. I still have severral questions that haven't been answered by any of the reporting I've seen. Like why was he at the her home, why did he have the 2 kids with him, how did he get the kids? Was it plotted/planned for his vehicle to conviently be siting there just as she happened to drive by?

    It is a tragedy that the 2 children are dead, but to instantly report it as a murder/suicide like the news media did was inappropiate, because to me there are too many open questions as to what actually happened. Maybe he had went to pick-up the children cause she left them home alone while she went off to work, she showed up got mad, a fight ensued where upon in a fit of rage she shot and killed all three, arranged the scene, then conviently drove off calling the police with her story of seeing the husbands car and being scared.

    People can and do flip out like that, it's happened in the past (woman driving her kids into the lake and leaving them to die) and it'll happen again in the future.

    By all accounts listed he was a strange acting person, but who's to say she isn't just as strange?

  5. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    Agreed...we shall all see in time. I HATE the way the media labels things and then no one ever hears when things are proven differently. When the 3 WJHS girls were in the accident back in August it was reported that Melissa "blew through" the stop sign. It was later proven that she was going no more than 12 miles per hour. No one ever reported that she did stop. Numerous calls and emails to WRAL from many people in the community went completely unaddressed. I don't know what happened at the Henry house on Monday morning but when the truth does come out I hope that it will be told so that anyone that is/was innocent will be cleared.
  6. XBeautyQueen

    XBeautyQueen Member

    Thank you Sir!
    I appreciate it!
  7. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    As much as I have NOT liked my ex-husband in the past there is NO way in H E Double Hockey Sticks that I would harm my children to get back at him.
    Those poor babies. I agree with mommy3, I'm holding mine a little closer these days.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    As far as we know right now, SHE didn't kill the children, HE did. You can be strange all day long and not do such a horrible thing.
  9. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad someone agrees with in this house as the only female with 4 males....well, you get the pic.

    What keeps haunting me is how much the kids knew before.
  10. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Prove it

    Unfortinately you can't prove that he did kill the children, unless there is a live eyewitness or video tape of said event.

    And it would be up to the investigators to provide suffiecent evidence to bring the trial to court(assuming he was still alive) and it would be the prosecuting attorney's job to prove without a shadow of a doubt that he was guilty.

    As stated in my previous post it is a tragedy, but there are still many unanswered questions.

  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Prove it

    Unfortinately you can't prove that he did kill the children, unless there is a live eyewitness or video tape of said event.

    Did you not the "as far as we know" part of my statement ??

    Right now there are a whole lot of unanswered questions, that is for sure. I just read on 1270 wmpm that one child was enrolled in a day care, the other went to a local school. There was supposed to be a custody hearing on Monday, he didn't show up, but the mother did. So did he go get the kids? Where were they supposed to be? It doesn't sound like (so far) she had any idea he had the children.
  12. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I thought I had read or heard somewhere, that he had the kids for the weekend. So maybe the arrangements were for him to drop the kids off at daycare on Monday morning, etc... and instead, after she had left the house in the morning, he went and did what he did.

  13. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    On the 911 tape she thought he was sleeping or something in the driveway and called to have him removed because she was scared.

    I dont know who killed or what the deal is with him/her. I just know that if you cant handle life, drop the kids somewhere and blow your own brains out. leave the kids out of it.

    poor babies. *cry* sad, sad, sad.. God bless them. :-:)-(
  14. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Illegal, maybe...but if this guy was so bad (and I'm not doubting it for one minute), she should have packed her mess in a suitcase and gotten those youngins' as far away as she could from him. While I do not at all blame the mother for what happened, someone with this type of mental capacity (she claims he broke the family dog's leg) is dangerous to ALL parties. She should have hit the road, got a prepaid wireless phone in a friend's name, got her a mail box at the UPS store, etc...anything to get away from a somebody like this.I also wonder how long had he been "unbalanced"? If a spouse begins noticing aggressive tendencies with the other from the beginning of a marriage, they shouldn't involve kids with that person. Lots of unanswered questions with this situation. More will come, I suppose.

    Violette, of course, we found out later, was suffering mental illness a decade before he moved to NC. I still wonder if his wife was aware of his problems before they got hitched.

    I know I wouldn't want to start a family with someone with a history of severe mental issues or aggressive tendencies...medicated or not.
  15. ws

    ws Well-Known Member

    whether he did it or she was in on it. anyone who would even think of harming a child, be your own or someone elses, should be sodomized with white phosphorous. call me over protective of my child, but should someone harm my child i know without a doubt i would get off on temp insanity after the jury hears what i did when i found that person.
  16. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    Illegal, maybe...but if this guy was so bad (and I'm not doubting it for one minute), she should have packed her mess in a suitcase and gotten those youngins' as far away as she could from him. While I do not at all blame the mother for what happened, someone with this type of mental capacity (she claims he broke the family dog's leg) is dangerous to ALL parties. She should have hit the road, got a prepaid wireless phone in a friend's name, got her a mail box at the UPS store, etc...anything to get away from a somebody like this.I also wonder how long had he been "unbalanced"? If a spouse begins noticing aggressive tendencies with the other from the beginning of a marriage, they shouldn't involve kids with that person.

    Gee if only life was that perfect! Sounds like (and I don't have all the facts) she was trying to follow the law and not lose her kids. She could have run all she wanted but when she was found chances are ...the kids would have turned over to the father and she would have been in jail. So much for following the rules eh?
  17. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Would her kids have been any better off than they are right now? The way I see it, as a parent you have an obligation to protect your kids. If the legal system wasn't working for them, I would not have faulted her for doing what was necessary to keep her kids from harms way...even if that meant flight.
  18. rntobe

    rntobe Well-Known Member

    Hindsight is a funny thing....Yes, given what has happened the kids would have been better off, she thought she was covering all the bases....but like i said, hindsight.

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