My son has been bullied since the start of school. I have been to the school SO many times. I basically get told "boys will be boys" by the Principal and Vice Principal. At the beginning of the year I went to the Principal and asked for my child to be moved to another class. The Principal decided on her own not to do that. Now here we are again with more problems. This situation has not stopped or even slowed down since then. Yesterday my son who is 10 came home with a red mark under his eye and a couple of knots on his head. My son and this boy got in a fight at recess. I even called the Board of Education and can never get a returned phone call. Do I get police involved, (which the Principal just laughed when I asked her that question)? I'm at witts end and feel helpless toward my son. Anybody know anything we can do?? PLEASE HELP!!
When I was in HS I broke some girls nose for aggravating me. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'm not saying go beat up someone, Make him eat his wheeties and vitamins everyday. He'll be bigger than that bully in no time That's all I've got....going outside to play now!
Bullying is against the law. Call the police. Not only that, but the principal, by ignoring the situation, is an accomplice and can be charged as well.
I'm with that. My goodness, I would be livid!! This is not ok and the principal's responses are absolutely unacceptable. Don't stand for it. Period.
That's what I was thinking. Yeah, she laughed at me. I even asked her if they thought about a resource officer and she laughed and said "not in elementary school". We (principal, teacher, and myself ) tried to meet with this kids parent. We were all there except the kids mom. She never showed. So we had the meeting without her and it still continues. I believe my son 90% of the time. He's always been honest with me. He's about 50lbs soke n' wet. I think it's where he is smaller than the other kids. He does get targeted! I keep telling him to walk away. He takes it and takes it until he explodes. He's definitely not a fighter, his little brother beats him up ALL the time and he does nothing back!
We do not condone fighting. However, we, as well as alot of parents, do not send our kids to school to be a punching bag either. We have always told our kids, do not under any circumstance start something. If you do, you will pay at school as well as when you get home. BUT, if another student puts their hands on YOU first to start a fight, go to their "you know what". I realize that they could get in trouble as well, but they won't be in trouble at home as long as they were defending themselves. Kids these days need to defend themselves or they will be walked all over. It's not like the days we had in school anymore. Yes, I agree that a teacher should be told first but it is obvious to the original poster here and to some of the things I've observed at my kids' school and other parents, the school is not always ready to jump in to help. No child should have to put up with it. Nor any parent. Too often alot of the troublemakers do not get in the trouble they should. It seems like it's the other kid who was innocent at first is the one who gets the short end of the stick. It's just not right..............JMHO
School boards have been sued. Tell them you are documenting their every move, especially the fact that they don't seem to have any anti-bullying programs in effect. This is an important life lesson for your son. Sometimes no one else is going to help you. They should, but they won't. You have to stand up for yourself. Get him involved in self-defense. I personally would go speak to the parents face to face and we would agree on some future consequences. If they were defensive and uncooperative, I would TELL them the future consequences. I would tell them that if their son ever spoke to or touched my son again, I might become mentally unstable.
Yeah, if this kid always acts this way, I 'm pretty sure the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. I do have every meeting and complaint wrote down. I even saved all the voice mails the teacher and Principals have left. I thought of going to the newspaper. Lots of parents I talk with whom have children at this school are not happy with the Principal and Staff. I told my son to stay away from him no matter what. And can you believe my son called me from his class this morning and told me the teacher moved this kids desk right beside of my son! I asked to put his teacher on the phone. When she got on, I asked her if it was true and she said YES!! She said she thought it would force them to get along. WTF is this lady thinking. I called the Assistant as soon as I hung up and he did say he would make sure they would not be sitting near each other. So, I'll find out later if he did move him! It's like the teacher doesn't get it or doesn't care to get it. Common sense would tell you not to put two kids who were fighting the previous day beside each other in class....DUH!
Contact a good attorney. Most will send a letter for little or no charge and such a letter to the priciple WILL get some attention if there is any level of understanding of the legal ramifications. An assault and battery happening on school property after such a notice opens the door to civil and criminal actions.
What school was this? I have twin 10 year old boys, and the stuff they tell me goes on is unbelievable.
We came from Riverwood and moved to the Wilson's Mills area. It's like I told my husband, when we were looking for a new bigger house, I didn't think Wilson's Mills school would be any different from Riverwood. BOY WAS I WRONG! I did learn...If you move , make sure you check the attending school first. No matter how great the neighborhood, house ,or whatever, check the school FIRST!!
I'm sorry to hear your having such trouble! My son goes to Riverwood now, he's only in 2nd, I am keeping an ear to the ground for any bullying issues myself, as my son is smaller than some of the kids in his class too. So far we've not had any problems, but I'd be raising some stink too if there is ever an issue. It's the teacher and the principal's job to intervene in these situations. Bullying is not to be tolerated in today's day and age by anyone.
Wow! WM is usually a pretty good school! I can't remember the name of the Princ. that use to be/still is out there... Phyllis something? It was white haired woman in her 50's maybe. She wouldn't have taken that junk... She must not still be there b/c that SO doesn't sound like her to laugh it off! Dern...Hate to hear that and Good Luck!!
I had the same thing at one point. Still do, kind of. I taught my son to be better than the bully. I told him to ignore him, dont let it get to him. It makes my son a stronger person for it. I know we all want to go to the school and protect our children, but just like in life, you have to teach them to be the better person. Well he is in 6th grade middle school now and he is fine. He has lots of good friends. We still have rocky days, but you just let them pass, unless it is life threatening. I also told my son that if anyone touched him FIRST, he could have at it. He took Karate for a while and it boosted his self esteem. I am not saying fight but if he is touched then the line has been crossed. At one point they gave my son a incident report to carry with him and he could fill it out at any time he felt it was needed. It also helps that he has a brother in high school to help council him. Good luck.
I had the same problem with my son in school. PM me and I will tell you what I did. No it isn't illegal.