Well ...sure. But you have to get caught first. As long as none of the aspects identified her as a black person. You could have said Eskimo lady, Indian lady, Hispanic lady, or even pacific islander lady ...but you shouldn't have said black lady. The webmaster should probably block that term so no one passes out at their computer from shock. I spoke with a dark-skinned lady from Africa today. She had a heavy accent. Super nice lady. If Al Sharpton is an African American, then what is she?
Legally...tough task. One legal remedy is: The 50C protective order first became available in December 2004. It seeks to protect victims of sexual assault, stalking, and other forms of harassment. Victims may be any age, and unlike the 50B protective order, no relationship between the victim and the offender is required. However, if the relationship between the victim and offender falls within the relationships outlined in a 50B domestic violence order, then the victim may not apply for a 50C order and may only apply for a 50B. These are the relationships in which only a 50B can be issued (not a 50C): • Current or former spouses • Persons of the Opposite Sex who are not married but live together or have lived together • Have a child in common • Parent and child or grandparent and grandchild • Current or former household members • Persons of the opposite sex who are in or have been in a dating relationship Of the many cases of violence that do not happen within the above relationships, a 50C may be helpful. For example: • Stranger and acquaintance violence • More distant relatives that do not live in the home (uncles, cousins) • Dating relationships that are less “serious” or long-term • Same sex dating partners that do not live in the home • Workplace and school violence (employers, employees, teachers)
Actually specifying any race (including white) would be a racist statement. As I said before, specifying anything at all, aside from her name, was unnecessary, since I doubt seriously if there are any other principals named Dee Edmondson. If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were just being ignorant. However, since I do, I believe you're just being a pain in the posterior.
Clif, You are unbelievable. That's all. I was called a racist in here because I said "mexican child" Yet so many threads have passed that someone has said mexican. How about the mexican city one (clayton) I could see if she wrote something bad or horrible about blacks, but she didnt. She was describing what she looked like. Not a big deal. I felt no hate in her comment. I agree with JOSE on this. I AM NOT RACIST. HOW ELSE do you describe what someone looks like? um, dark skin with "black" hair, they come here from south illegally sometimes? The principle who is Dark dark skinned, ummm has "black" hair, dk brown eyes, is from Africa. Most people would say she is a colored woman or black. I am called a white woman,short and stocky, brown hair with blonde hilights,brown eyes, descended from Alaska and Canada... so what. You are reading waaaay into the descriptions of people. UGH. sorry for the caps.
I have been reading all the posts here and until now kept my mouth shut. Unless your child is in this kind of a situation you don't have a clue. My son went to that school and it was the pits of hades. The principal is the most uncaring person in that position. She has no couth no manners and no brains. Then you have the second idiot in command the VP and I use both termws losely. That school needs an overhaul in administration. The principal is on thin ice as is and if there are parents out there to crack it and sink her the more the better. No matter her heritage, and I don't think it was said to be racist, she should not be in that position. She belongs on 42nd street instead of an elementary school. If I get banned for my comments so be it, but I've had my say.
I did! The first part of the post is either idiotic or BS, I doubt that there are multiple people with the same job and the same name. The second part of the first sentence kind of cinched it for me, and the sentence about the boy firmed it up.
I read your first post and I have to say how bad I felt for your son being bullied in school. What makes me so mad the most is the principal laughed and told you that there is nothing they can do. WRONG! The principal should take it seriously and do something about it. Documents everything you can for record-keeping. Take photos of your child's bruise. That way you can prepare for a legal action. You can set up a "Againist Bullys" rally in his school along with other parents and victims. I will pray for your child's safety and happiness in school for you.
I would rally with you for against bullys. My son goes to that school. Fortunately we have not had that kind of experience, although he is only in first grade. I agree that it is wrong for the principal to just laugh it off. Boys will be boys???!!!! Why does a child have to get seriously hurt for someone to do something? Have you talked to the boys mom also and perhaps had peer mediation? GL
And you were jumped on for the same reason. Just like there was no valid reason for describing the principal's race, there was no reason for you to point out that the child (actually it was a family, if I remember right) was mexican. The point is not "how else could one describe a person", the point is why was it necessary to point out the person's race. It did not add anything to the conversation. So, what was the purpose?
There are 2 ways that this so-called racial remark is being looked at. Clif sees no reason to say the race of the woman. However, if I say, "Go see the lady behind the desk at the school.", there ALOT of ladies that work behind a desk at the school. Maybe by mentioning that the woman was a black woman, it sort of narrows it down. :idea: 8) And that would racial in the way of.........???what???? hmmm? Yes, I know that since she may be the principal or Guidance counselor or whatever, all that may be needed is to ask for THE PRINCIPAL or counselor or just her name. There is only ONE principal and she or he should be easy to locate without knowing the race. But that does not make it racial to make mention of it. I mean, gosh, if I took offense from clients on my job asking for "the white girl on the left of the office" since they may not remember my name, I'd be in court suing people WEEKLY. :neutral: :roll: People are WAY to sensitive these days. :roll: Get a thicker skin or something. Get over the "dumb stuff". There's alot worse in this world than a remark that probably means nothing anyway.
HELLO This thread should be over with!! I got intelligent responses from MOST of you guys about a BULLY and I thank you. For all you who are harping on the fact that I said the Principal was black, you guys are here just to start crap. Until you have been in my shoes and walked the many miles I've walked trying to deal with this problem ,shut up! Yes, I said the principal was black, BIG DEAL. If you could consider all the bad things my son has to encounter on a daily basis, you'd think deeper into things also. It may be racial, but I hope it is not. As for the "Mexican" comment, my last name is MARTINEZ. It does not offend me to hear or see Mexican or what ever you want to call Hispanics. It's people like you guys who look for DRAMA! You try to make things a bigger issue than what is at hand! Grow Up!
Now, if you said, "Go see Joanie Cunnimgham behind the desk at school, and she's black", just how many Joanie Cunninghams might be behind the desk that you would feel the need to point out that the correct one was black? It has nothing to do with thick or thin skin. It was a question of, why was it felt need to point out the person's race? The principal was named, and then it was mentioned that she was black. All I asked was why it was necessary to point out her race. If she was identified by name, why add the person's race? I don't know if Dee Edmondson is a common name or not, but, really, are there that many principals named Dee Edmondson that it was required to point out her race? Is it really just me, or does anyone else understand the question?
Clif, I understand your point, but, in my humble opinion only, it's sensitive. I would almost be afraid to say anything around you in a conversation for fear that it could be taken the wrong way. That's not a put down or anything, it's how "I" feel. The way I understand racial slurs and remarks to be is that they are UPFRONT, NASTY and UNDOUBTABLY meant to to stir up trouble and hurt. Now, of course there are those that say things with "underlying" meanings. I didn't feel that reading the posts myself. Maybe you did, and that is how you feel. I just don't think that because it made you or anyone feel a certain way, that THAT is what the person meant. Here is a question for you and please don't take it like I am being sarcastic or anything. Do you think you may have jumped to conclusions about the remark before really thinking about what the person could've meant?
Most of yours were BS. You did make 1 valuable comment.(ONLY ONE!) You just need to take a chill pill and relax.
To be honest, Clif has jumped down my throat SEVERAL times when I post something. I think I have a big BULLS EYE on me when it comes to Clif. No tears in my eyes. I can take it!
I did understand the question, and I think most of us did. A suitable answer to the question might have been something like: there's another Dee Edmondson who is a school administrator, and she is white. Or a Lee Edmondson, or a Dee Edmonds, etc. If that were in fact the case.