The Board of Education has changed the makeup day from April 13 to June 8. April 13 will be an optional teacher workday.
Does your neighbor work for JoCo Schools? We JUST got a msg a few nights ago that it was April 13. I wish they would make up there dang darn minds!
that is actually graduation but i'm sure that those that have smaller kids could care less. its all about long as they are not inconvenienced.
Does graduation happen during the school day? When I graduated our ceremony was held in the evening... is it different now? (not trying to be a smarty pants, I seriously don't know).
no its held in the evening but Senior Breakfast is that morning and so is practice and any other thing that seniors need to do to wrap it up.
Well, I guess you'll need to spell it out for me-- because I'm not getting it-- on why having breakfast in the morning, practicing in the afternoon, cleaning out lockers, or wrapping up other things makes it inconvenient to come back for a graduation ceremony that same evening? Is it too busy a day for an excited 17/18 year old? I'm cringing as I write this... because I KNOW it will come off as being agtagonistic and I'm really NOT trying to start a fight! I don't have high school aged children yet so I don't know the schedule. I have one in Kindergarten, but we made plans to return from our trip early so he could attend the make-up day on the 13th. The whole make-up schedule is confusing to me, because when I went to school the days missed were always made up at the end of the year. In fact, we had such a tough winter the year I graduated that some students actually started summer sessions in college BEFORE they graduated from high school. It was a headache for many families and school administrators trying to get the okay for students to start college. Tang, please don't be offended by my questions, I truly am curious and just trying to understand.
well lets see....havung a special breakfast at 8 for seniors only will take away from the other high school kids that eat breakfast and delay them getting their lunch. and practice in not in the afternoon it is in the morning while others will be at school. and cleaning out lockers is not what i meant by wrapping up other things. anyway, it won't effect seniors. they will have their day. but it will effect the other high school kids. and do you think and learning will happen on this day? doubt it. i think its stupid to have a make up day then but anyway, won't bother my kid. she will be finished before then and will have most of the week off. and you are coming off as being "agtagonistic" but who cares as long as little johnny gets his yearly vacation during spring break.
"Little Johnny" wasn't getting his yearly vacation during spring break. He is visiting family we don't get to see very often and we made plans to come back early to make up school. No complaints here... I just adjusted the schedule and told family we'd spend more time with them during summer months. I had a feeling you would be tough to talk with because you seemed miffed by the change. But, I thought I'd try anyway, my bad. I don't get why your mad if it doesn't affect your child at all. But no need to explain, I see I've ticked you off more and like I said, I wasn't trying to do that.... so let's just drop it. Sorry and have a good day.
There are certain parents in this county that live to complain. Regardless of the make up day, they will complain. You can't please everyone, so you have to go with the majority. Other days in this county are scheduled around high school exams, etc. (workdays for teachers, for example.) Therefore, I am happy that they are going with the majority on this one and making it June 8th. I read the explanation, but still am confused as to why this interferes with graduation ceremonies in the evening. If it's going to a back up at breakfast, kids can either be inconvenienced or eat at home.
I really don't care what day they use to make it up, I would just like to know in advance. Thanks to some of you on here I do, just not officially from the school. LOL
did i say it interferred with graduation ceremonies in the evening?? and no dear, i don't live to complain. and if you think you were not going to have kids show up at the end of spring break, just wait and see how many show up the last day of school. beach trips are planned then too. but anyway, i'm done with this conversation. i don't have to worry about it next year!!!
MP-- I know, I'm amazed at how slow the school is at telling parents about decisions. At Christmas time, I learned from this forum that the schools were closing early for the holiday. And my DD's preschool informed me they would close because of JCPS's earlier dismisal. I called the school and was told the news would be sent home to everyone in the Tuesday newsletter, which was a little over a week's notice! Luckily, I could easily adjust my schedule, but I felt bad for parents who had to ask for time-off work or scramble for last minute changes. Communications/decisions need to improve!
The problem about communication is that people start speaking about it before they're supposed to. Probably someone found out and started blabbing it when the news release is coming later in the week. By the way, teachers will not be upset if NO kids show up. WORKDAY FOR US!!!
Okay... sorry for sounding like a fight-picker again... but once a decision is made and people know about it... why do they have to wait to a certain date to tell others? Why not be more aggressive on spreading the news? For example, if the decision was made to change the make-up day with today's technology... couldn't the JCPS web site post an announcement? Why not make the automated phone calls the next day? They're great at spreading the word on school closings for inclement weather, is it because these decisions don't seem as important? Does having a "tell the public" date at a later time have advantages? Maybe cut down on days they have to deal with complaining phone calls?I don't know how decisions like this can effect things... so I'm REALLY asking to understand the process.
Honestly though if it wasn't for some people speaking about it before they are supposed to, some people would never know until the very last minute. I don't take it as the 'official' notice, but it does give a nice heads up. That should not affect how soon the school notifies parents anyway. Wether or not someone blabs early, the school can still let us know plenty ahead of time can't they? Now if the school hasn't decided, then yes, I can see how they couldn't let us know. Bottom line is in the past 4 years that my kids have gone to JoCo schools, the school system lacks on sending out information in a timely manner. That is my ONLY complaint about the schools, besides that, I love them.