That is true robbie, but this location is not on 1010, it is on South Shiloh in the residential area, like i said, i do not have anything against growth, it is pretty much inevitable but there needs to be a separation between commercial and residential areas.
That's true. That gas station is going to be put in a little too deep! Need to keep that land as a buffer between res. and comm...
Woohoo!!!!!!! We won the first round:-D Went to the commissioners meeting, we had about 30 or so show up from the area in opposition and i honestly believe if we hadn't shown up it would have been passed, the Commissioner staffer who was presenting to the group had already made up her mind to pass it and was recommending it (in the process turning the facts around to make the Commissioners believe it was right with all the other commercial building on 1010). She was not happy with us:lol: Anyway the Commissioner are recommending denial of rezoning for that lot to the Board which meets on May 7th so we will have to go again to present our case against it and this time the builder and owner will know we are coming (they were a little surprised by the turnout in opposition, they thought they had a slam dunk). That said, we will be circulating petitions in all the neighborhoods off South Shiloh to take to the meeting along with pictures of the area. If you live in any of the neighborhoods off South Shiloh and would be willing to help circulate the petitions for signatures in your area, please let me know. Or even in any of the surrounding areas, a full service auto mechanic shop and carwash will affect more than just those on South Shiloh - it will change the whole dynamic of that stoplight intersection at 1010/South and North Shiloh, if you would like a copy of the petition to circulate in your neighborhood, please let me know - we will need as much support as possible to stop this. TIA:-D
Keep going strong You better keep getting after it because if it is anything like the recent land use meetings the builder and owner will get a large contingent of people to show up. In my own opinion I think the majority of commissioners want the rapid growth with no limits. Unfortunately this is the first of many battles. I agree that this should be denied as well as the location on Mt. Pleasant/50. I welcome growth, but not the rape and pillage mentality that is currently present.
i totally agree Pirate, i know growth is inevitable and i support growth to an extent, but as i explained to the Commissioners last night, commercial growth needs to be contained in the commercial area and not encroaching on residential neighborhoods. We will do whatever we can to fight this one, you have to start somewhere so maybe when we win this one it will inspire others to do the same for their area. If anyone has any more suggestions for our group, we are all ears:-D
Congrats!!! I just wish that something like this could have been done a few months ago when they started the meetings on the Mount Pleasant/50 project. They were very sneaky about it. They only put the rezoning sign on the Mount Pleasant rd side. When they sent letters to the residents in that area they didn't describe the location in a way that they thought it would effect them. They had no idea it would be right across the street or right next door to them. A map would have been helpful and easy to place on the letter. Many have been shocked and feel helpless seeing the clearing going on. Because of the way they "informed" people it's not going to be easy to fight especially after they've already started working the area. But I'm so glad ya'll had a small victory last night! I hope that this sends a message to the developers that the community doesn't approve of all this growth in residential areas.
Kaci, so sorry I couldn't make it last night, but get me a copy of the petition and I'll work on my neighborhood. You know what's funny? Dh and I are on opposite sides of this fight. He thinks the growth there is awesome (shorter trip to the gas station and increased property values he says), while I don't like it. Ours is a household divided, lol....
I'll sign a petition, too, even though I'm not in the neighborhood, if you think it will help. I can stop by your office sometime when I'm going that way.
Thanks Froggie and KDsGrandma, hopefully i will have the petition ready for signatures next week. Jenn, thanks so much, will get it to you as soon as it is ready. Tell you DH he is way off. First, it is not a gas station, it is a carwash with a 3or4 car bay all service auto mechanic shop in a metal bldg (we saw the plans last night) with dump storage bins for oil, waste etc, and the majority of the less than an acre lot will be concrete and guess where the test driving of all the cars they are working on will be. The gentleman who wants to open it just moved down from NY 3 months (i believe he said) ago and had the same type of shop of there and the pictures he showed us was not a pretty picture. As for property values, tell DH he is way off there too - putting commercial business into a residential area drives property values down - even the things that will be going in on the corner will affect the property values of the whole area to an extent but putting something like that actually in the residential area will be a lot worse. Let me talk to him, after he hears what i listened to last night for almost 2 hours i bet your house will no longer be divided:lol:
Hey Kaci! I want to sign and help with the petitions too! Will it just be for the 1010 development or for all the areas with proposed commercial sites??
Well it will be based on that area but am including the encroachment of commercial into any residential in Johnston Cty so any an all signatures will be welcome. As for your first post about Mt Pleasant, i know what you mean - that is how those storage buildings going up right behind our subdivision got in. They had a sign up which we questioned but then the sign was taken down and the For Sale went up again and 6 months later they are bldg Storage Units with no hearing or anything for the neighborhoods around the location:evil: That is why we wanted to jump on this one from the get go.
Another Invasion Another Yankee that will come down to help us poor folks out and build something we don't need where we don't want it.
Bump. Were you all aware of this?
storage unit I understand that everyone is concerned about the new auto mechanic shop but why hasn't anyone mentioned the storage unti that is going to be right across the street near all these subdivisions?? It is commercial and brings tons of traffic!
i don't believe anyone is happy with that either, but the time to stop it has passed unfortunately - basically we all have to realize that 1010/Cleveland School Rd is going to end up totally commercial. At this point, the best thing we can do is stop the building and spreading of commercial property onto the streets off of CSR. As for whatever other businesses buy on that corner, hopefully we will get enough announcement time that we will be able to have some kind of say in whether that business is a desirable business in our neighborhood.