I thought we dodged it this year... got one home today so here it starts. Any one else? Curious if there's an outbreak... my son goes to West View. Julie
Sorry to hear that - rest, fluids... the usual drill. We've already had it once. I hope this isn't going to be a repeat performance! :?
Oh no...not again. Two of mine are at West View. I hope yours and mine aren't in the same class....no offense, but with 5 in the house it took 2 weeks to go through (literally) all of us before.
I've got 5 in my house too!!! He's in second grade... and I've got a 4th grader... I notified his teacher just so she'd be aware... I've got my mask on and I'm armed with bleach so hopefully I can irradicate this 'bug' before anyone else gets it!
Third and fifth grades here....looks like we might be ok. I hope all goes well and it is over soon. I loves those Lysol/Chlorox wipes. This winter we seemed to stay sick so I dusted the entire house with them. I don't know if that was the cure or not, but (knock on wood) all has been well since then. Good Luck!!
Just heard back from my childs teacher. Unfortunately, it IS going around. 3 children from the class across the hall are out today too... who knows how many more. DARN!
I'll start spraying now...maybe spray the kids too (LOL). Too bad spring break doesn't start tomorrow.
I'm not ready for another outbreak! It's the only time I HATE being a Mom... I have a Middle schooler out with something that looks like the flu. Body aches, cough, fever and nausea. Anyone else have this mess? My husband just got over it a week ago.