This is a great platform to run on, but we all know that it will never happen. Once the Highway Trust Fund was robbed, it opened the door for it to be raped at will. Congress will have to shut the door on that one, which they will never do.
Yeah, he announced yesterday, in front of the old orphanage. He likes to tell people he grew up in an orphanage. Both of his parents worked there. :roll:
Don't forget his other line he always uses, in fact usually starts off his speeches with it, " know I'm not a politician, I'm a conservate businessman..." Yeah, right, he spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to run for an office that pays less than $20,000 a year, now he'll be spending millions to try and be governor, but he's no politician!!!
Tall Order Tall order for anyone to tackle as it will reveal things that they have been hiding for years. I believe he will make family values and illegal immigration his two key points.
Tall order for anyone to tackle as it will reveal things that they have been hiding for years. I believe he will make family values and illegal immigration his two key points. ...and by illegal immigration he means, apparently, looking the other way while hundreds of them work on his housing developments. I haven't seen a more backwards candidate in some time be so widely (widely - locally that is) lauded. I think there is a difference between conservative and just plain backwards. I also think our state need progressive leadership and I do not know that Fred Smith can keep us with the times. It looks like his main competition in the primary will be Bob Orr. Having siad that I cannot find Orr's website.
Stated very well........If people payed attention don't you think a new candidate could easily take the lead on either side of the race
Ding! Ding! We have a winner! If you don't agree with what he says, or don't believe him ... Don't vote for him!! BUT Show up and vote for someone else. That way he won't win by default!!! Frogger
If you're referring to the Gov's race Fred just announced for, I doubt he'll even get the nomination. That will probably be between Bill Graham, of the gas tax TV fame, or Justice Robert Orr. As far as the race overall, I feel that Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue will win no matter who the GOP nominee is. If you're referring to the State Senate seat, think that is solid GOP no matter the candidates until the next re-districting in 2011.
Let me throw this out. If JH Langdon runs for that NC Senate seat, do you think the House seat Langdon has now would be at all vulnerable? Just wondering what everybody thinks.
With the way that house seat is drawn (Reps vs. Dems) it will be a GOP seat until 2011, barring some big scandal.
Word is that Fred Smith his committed to spending $4 million of his own money on the Governor's race. If I had an extra $4 million lying around, I really don't think I'd be spending it on a job that pays a little over a $100,000 a year. Either a lot of public service spirit or a massive ego one.
Seems to be money is the Republicans only shot at winning. Guess we would be seeing a lot more of him on TV.
Fred has my vote. I use to own one of his houses. Did I see tons of Mexicans??? Yes I did. But they worked for the contractors. Not Fred. Fred doesn't run that company anymore. His son and Son-in-law does.
I know you are not going to say that it is justified because he did not make the decisions. The company's name is Fred Smith and they choose which subs to employ.
Actually it is a low bid process like all other companies. Come on man. You know that. Hell the state does the same thing. The people who build our roads?? Low Bidders.
So basically. That is the great vision we need in the governor's office. It is a low bid process no matter the legality. Betcha he does not hire you as campaign manager.