You would not believe how many Mexicans come into my store who do not have a drivers license. And then they just laugh when I tell them that they should not be driving without one. Then they get in thier new car and drive away. I think the next time this happens, I am calling the police. I am tired of this crap, honestly. I know many places that will sell these people cars and cell phones without proper ID and never bat an eye because it's money in their pocket. I am not that greedy.
Depends on where I am sitting But usually I put a seat belt on because I choose to as I think it is safer. Still don't wear one in the bed of a truck though.
So if you didn't put a seat belt on you wouldn't wear one even if it's the law? I only ask b/c you said "Think the government should tell us what to eat as well? Ever heard of personal freedom." Then you said "But usually I put a seat belt on because I choose to as I think it is safer." In my opinion and in others we feel it isn't safe to ride in the back of a truck. And it's our duty as parents no matter what age to insure the safety of our children. So IF we feel it's safer to not have a child in the back of a truck then that is our right to feel that way. Also I would like to know do people only buckle their kids in a carseat when they are babies and tell them to buckle up when they are older b/c it's the law or for their own safety? I know I tell my kids (don't have to tell them anymore) to buckle up for their safety. So I guess I wouldn't have mine sit in the back of a truck with no safety restraints at all in an open cargo space for their safety. This is not a personal attack on anyone at all, it's just my God given right to my opinion.
It's about personal choice Glad it is your opinion that they should not ride in the bed of a truck. It is my opinion that the government has no right to legislate who can ride in the bed of a truck. Whether I agree with it or not when the government makes it a law it takes away someone's liberty.
In regards to someone saying the kid in question is a teenager I of all people know this. It has nothing to do with the who. It has to do with total disregard for safety. Everyone is intitled to their opinion and that is what is so great about our country. All I care about in this case is the teenager that almost got killed. I am happier talking about this than mourning her death. The bed of a pick-up truck is for CARGO, not people. If you care about your passengers (or your pets), do not allow them to ride in the back of your truck. You may be the best driver in the world -- but you are not always totally alert while you are driving. You never know when some other driver may cut you off or cause a collision some other way. Don't put people or animals at risk by allowing them to ride in unprotected places. Again I am happy that there are no serious injuries for anyone involved. As far as the truck being totaled thats what insurance is for so that will work out.
wow, somebody is on their high horses again tonight. :roll: pepper, glad you and your daughter are ok. let me know if you need anything.
Whats the difference between riding in the bed of a truck and riding a motorcycle when involved in an accident? Very little i would say. So why is no one screaming to ban motorcycles?
I posted that she was a teenager because some were questioning whether it was illegal for someone to ride in the bed of a truck, the answer is "yes" if the person is 12 and under the way I read the law. Do I let mine ride in the back of a truck on a highway, no, but what Pepper did IS NOT against the law. We've all done things that in hindsight was not the thing to do, legal or not. The original post said that was the one and only time she ever let her ride back there. Again, the blame needs to be placed back on the person that caused the accident.
Peppercorns, I'm sure your daughter has received lots of extra hugs since Saturday. That was a really close call. I'm so glad to hear that you and your family will recover from this terrible - potentially fatal accident. I sure hope "Mex" is punished in some way for leaving the scene of an accident where injuries were involved. Like someone else mentioned - I'm surprised 1270wmpm didn't mention the other driver involved. Hopefully they will get that corrected. I think everyone sure be made aware of the large number of unlicensed, illegals operating vehicles on our roads without proper insurance - or a conscience. I'm sure there are lots of good hearted folks who have come here from Mexico to make a new life for themselves (legally) - but Mex sounds like the type of individual who needs to go back where he came from. I hope your family recovers quickly.
Don't forget they have to wear helmets. Maybe if you ride in the bed of a pickup truck you should wear a helmet as well.
The only thing that matters in this case is that everyone will be just fine and for that I am grateful. I can only imagine how peppercorns is feeling about this now after all is said and done. Now back to mex who started this whole chain reaction almost killing three people. I could be wrong however from what I understand if someone leaves the skein of an accident they get arrested legally here or not. If our police are not doing there job we need to find away to make that happen and that even means making this whole thing heard around the state and country. I will be doing some more research about this today and will make some noise and see what happens. Again I am happy that we are talking about this and not morning the death of anybody. Good luck to all on the roads.
I disagree. If your competition is using them for labor and/or a customer base ...your choice is either to do the same or go out of business. The reason they're here is because our immigration policies are a huge failure and nobody's doing anything about it.
Why would the competition be using them for labor? I agree that our immigration laws are a pure failure.
In the building trades for instance. If your competition uses a low paid immigrant crew, and charges lower prices're going to be in trouble unless you can compete with their prices.
Lately with the crackdown on underage drinking, I've been in two stores behind Mexicans who were driving but couldn't produce a valid driver's license. One gave a Mexican voter's ID card, which I looked at, and the other gave something that said "not a valid ID."
I guess what I was getting at was if the competition is using them for labor to make more money, would that not be related to greed?