Anybody else see all the signs that were placed on I40 in respect to How do they get away with littering.
It's an arm of the NC Association of Realtors. They don't seem to mind littering busy corners with homes for sale signs, either.
I believe they have thirty days to take them up. I used to drive a route that had tons of signs. I started picking them up and driving over them at opportune times.
Reviewed the Law and the signs are in clear violation Wonder if they will ever be removed or held accountable
Way to mess up the drive 19 signs littering the interstate on my drive on I40 east from Exit 293 to Exit 312......I Think somebody should be prosecuted.
Removing the Litter Waiting on Monday to see if all the signs are removed. Kudos to our county commissioners for getting aggressive about something
NC Realtors Association came through all the signs that I saw were removed. Glad they followed through. Now to get the rest cleaned up.