I bought a lemon from foodlion, read my experience maybe it'll happen to you too

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nevilock, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Juicy, yellow, good. mad props to the lemon department.

    heres how it went down guys.

    I went into foodlion at 40/210, and headed for the fruit. i picked up a lemon from a basket, and held it firmly in my hand. i walked up to the register and paid for it. BAM! I WAS THE PROUD OWNER OF A LEMON.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2007
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    My, what big lemons you have!!!!

    I hope they don't get repossesed!
  3. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm envious. My lemons from FL aren't that big!:lol:
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Y'all are bad....
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to see the Corona that goes with those huge lemons!
  6. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    it was the icon, wasn't it? you wanted super lemons, yep.
  7. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Can't Resist

    Speaking of lawsuits related to libel
  8. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Your initial post was not nearly long enough, nor did you have any spelling/grammar errors (except, maybe, capitalization).
  9. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    i know... thats why i tried to buffer with the huge picture of the lemons.
  10. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    You put Limes in Corona


  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Sure a lawyer could argue otherwise

    I am sure I am not the only one that got your intentions that the lemons at Food Lion have brown spots. I don't personally care either way, but your were mentioning to the troll about libel lawsuits
  12. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    someone has really made this guy mad (The fran lemon). He wants someone to eat poop on the other thread!! SHAME SHAME!
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2007
  13. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Did he spell it correctly, or does he want someone to eat pop? :lol: I tell you somedays I just kill myself! :rolleyes:
  14. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Right you are! But lemons are okay too. With lots of salt . . .mmmm
  16. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    hey, you two. you got enough **** split between you know to tie off the contest? this is about my lemons not your view of the law and how libelous ken's remarks of food lion's lemons may or may not be.

    Start your own thread. "I got hit with a libel suit by foodlion, read my experience or maybe you'll get sued too".
  17. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Are you a lawyer?????

    I know many lawyers that could argue your intent. Guess what they do not care and their would be no lawsuit. Just found it funny that you would warn someone else of libel and then issue your statement.
  18. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    We could go on for days

    Depends on what time period you are looking for. Not mad just stirring the old pot :-D
  19. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Good grief. Did you contact the BBB about this? Are you going to sue? :lol:
  20. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    I did contact the BBB! I said "PLEASE ADD ACCOLATES TO THE FOODLION OF 40/210 BECAUSE THEY GAVE ME THE BEST LEMONS I'VE EVER HAD" and they hung up the phone...

    ... maybe i shouldnt have yelled?

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