yeppers She is at school today. Hopping around. Took her Motrin pain pill to do it but she wanted to go. Dj is just PO-ed about the fact that the illegal was let go. What can we do to get him sent back. Like I stated before, my friend was hit by one and the he hit someone else and he is STILL HERE. Why? It makes no sense! Where the heck is the immigration department. When we find them they should be held and then deported. No ifs, ans, or buts. Maybe they will think twice before driving without a license or other ilegal activity if they know they minutes they are caught they go back. Yes, it may make some run away faster, but still i think we need to strike while the iron is hot. And when an officer has them, it's hot.
{{{Pepps}}} Lin, ban motorcycles?! I think I'm gonna faint. NOOOOOO. The one thrill left in the world right now is the occasional ride. I agree with ya...that was kind of an extreme statement... Frogger
Ya know....all day long I have contacted WMPM that the story that they have posted is inncorrect and slanderous me and mine. I am very annoyed that the posted story is all wrong. 2 trucks, not 1. We didn't hit the fence and the mailbox, the other guy did, the illegal, unlicensed driver.THere was no Medivac unit called and no one went to UNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the heck!!!!! I was there>>>>At least they have the picture of the right truck. I have called a few times and no one has called back. Why doesn't anyone call me back??!!!!! This is not fair. For crying out loud this is aggravating.
Not so fast my friend Does not explain deleting my comment and several others about the C2 thread and not coming here to "respond" since her phone "only works outbound"
Maybe their internet only works outbound and not inbound for questionable commentaries? Just a guess. And remember never questions God's anointed.....even if they are self anointed claiming to serve God.....albeit for their own ends. Craig
Most of them produce a Mexican driver's license and a tax-ID card instead of a SS#. I know that most Nextel stores will give these people phones without any problem. I am sorry but I just hand the ID back to them and tell them I can't help them or I just tell them I won't do it. It irritates the snot out of me.
Kids used to ride in the backs of pick-ups all the time around here. That was the real Johnston county. Now we're becoming more of a transplant-infested suburb of Raleigh with each passing day. I don't propose lynching people because of their race, but in the recent case of a mother who has lost her son and husband to a drunk illegal ...and is now being harassed by a gang, I would love to see the tables turned by some type of citizens militia. Gangs have no place in this area and anyone who would do this to a woman in this situation doesn't deserve a trial.
Well I was able to get a hold of the reporter and he will fix everything once the accident report becomes available. THat should clear that up. I was just upset that they left out everything about the other truck. Still no word on what or whose insurance in paying for what. I have got work around the house to do and other things that need mending but all these injuries will put a damper and a hold on that,.... but I am very happy that we are all still here to complain about it. i think it is terrible what happened with that woman loosing her loved ones to a drunk illegal and now she is be harassed. As a community can we do anything to help get the laws changed and get these people away from us? I have respect for those that are legal and by no means wich to slam them. My daughter said that our accident was in the local spanish speaking paper. THe legal Mexicans are upset because people like the man who hit me and the drunk who killed people given them a bad reputation.
Among the first in line to demand justice Glad you all are here to "complain" Among my limited interactions the people that are here legally are even hotter about illegal immigration than natural born citizens. You can understand their plight. They did it the right way and paid usually in excess of $2,000 in fees and feel like somebody else is getting a free ride. At least some of these ILLEGALS will be sent back to where they came from! :roll: :roll: :roll: Round em up and ship em back home ASAP!!!! BEfore they rob, murder, sexually assualt or KILL an American! Oh wait that already happened (I cant find the story or link) when an illegal was driving drunk and KILLED 2 teenage girls. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: Remember they are ILLEGALLY HERE!!!!!!!
HG, click this link and scroll down to the picture of Geraldo Rivera with the title "'Factor' Face Off" and watch the video. This country "lures" them here? :evil:
Immigrants March in LA Over Bush Plan Perhaps we can give them all a drivers license at the same time