Realtors Oppose Legislation Taxing Homeowners' Equity

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ncmom, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    They try to sneak in those taxes any way they can. Sounds like some calls need to be made.

    from 1270 wmpm

  2. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    The people who take 6% of the value of a home every time it is bought and sold are opposed to using 1% of the value of a home to pay for roads, sewers and, schools which help to maintain and increase the value of homes and our quality of life.
  3. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    You got to admit though, its a great way to muddy the waters. When you hear "taxing homeowners' equity" you first reaction is that every year you'll be sent a bill telling you how much your home has increased in value, then you'll pay taxes on that amount.

    A transfer tax actually has nothing to do with equity. You could be selling your house at a loss and you would still pay the transfer tax, or at least the buyer would.

    Got to love a lobbyist!!! (And I say that knowing that I used to be one)
  4. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Wish they would stop breaking the law

    They have been illegally placing signs on I40 in the public right of way. It is littering. I counted 19 signs littered on the side of the road on I40 east from Exit 293 to Exit 312. Let's see they started their campaign yesterday and they popped up yesterday. Guess they feel like they are above the law.
  5. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    When I bought my house and pay my mortgage I used money which I earned and the governement taxed to pay for roads, etc.... When I sell my house they want to tax me on that same money AGAIN! :shock:
  6. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    Thought we already HAD taxes to cover all of which you just mentioned. But what the heck...whats another tax right?
  7. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    if we "HAD" taxes to cover all that was mentioned then we wouldn't need to be mortgaging the future each time we pass a bond (a form of tax) - much more of our infrastructure is financed through bonds than folks realize -- much of the waste water/sewer treatment facilities for instance not to mention the most widely accepted use of bond money --school construction....1% may allow us to do less borrowing and start paying as we go -- fiscal responsibility -- guess that's too liberal for some....
  8. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Its time to close the borders of Johnston County!!! Only let retirees move here who promise not to bring children or grandchildren with them!!!
  9. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    So you are saying that we are not taxed enough?
  10. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    i would love to think the taxes i pay paid for all the services needed and given, yet we know that not to be true -- so the question is to find an equitable way to insure the services are indeed paid for -- what is discouraging is is how the current leadership within the county is so eager to put the burden for paying for services needed NOW on future generations -- ie bonds -- why can't there be impact fees, transfer fees etc. that allow for paying as we go -- the current leadership says they will put all options on the table and yet i have seen little evidence of that being a reality -- at some point the county's bond rating will come into play and then there will be little to no alternative to raising taxes --
    do i feel overtaxed -- yes when i have to write that check -- but the return i get is pretty remarkable -- fire service, law enforcement, waste treatment, schools, community college, parks, roads, libraries, the list goes on and because i appreciate all of those things i am willing to pay... 1% more of the value on the next purchase of my home -- because i know i alone cannot build a road nor a school nor stock a library full of books for the cost of my taxes -- sharing the burden -- looking to make a sound investment in the infrastructure of the county -- isn't that worth 1% of the value of your home??
  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    I have heard from respectable authority that the signs will be removed by the end of the weekend.
  12. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    so that gives them basically a week of publicity -- mmm why not removed immediately -- by allowing them up through the weekend they have achieved their goal--
  13. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Ah see now you have to introduce that equation. I have personally counted 44 signs illegally placed. Can not prove who placed them (wink, wink), but at least the NC Realtors Association is stepping up to the plate and making sure they are removed. I do not know maybe "somebody" plastered many miles of the interstates and it will take that long to get picked up. Either way the litter is going to be picked up. :)
  14. lindenul

    lindenul Well-Known Member

    No....because what is next? Where does it end? It doesnt.

    Do you realize that if i bought a boat, for example...for X amount of dollars. I pay sales tax. If its expensive enough, i pay a luxery tax along with the sales tax. Now every year i get a nice form from the county for my property tax, and i again pay another tax on my boat and every year from then that i keep it. If i were to keep the boat long enough, i would pay more in taxes to keep it than i did for the price of the boat when i bought it. (give or take a few dollars)

    No matter how you word it or present it, its yet another tax on an already overtaxed dollar. I dont care what its for, im against it. I paid my own money to go to college. I should not subsidize anyone else. Put up toll booths to pay for roads as a use tax. If i had a well in my yard and septic tank, then i do not use the waste treatment plant, so why do i have to pay for it? You already get a water/sewer bill if you use it so no need to put another tax on it.

    Its just another tax.
  15. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    We need to upset the apple cart

    The majority of politicians will not respond to average citizens, unless their views align with the special interests that line their pocket, until such time that the outrage in not responding is greater than voter apathy.
  16. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Well, if you went to public schools or the North Carolina University system, the taxpayers subsidized your education. Even private universities and colleges are subsidized, just with a lesser amount.

    Agree though that we are tax enough as it is. Instead of fees, special taxes, etc. it would be nice if politicians would study the national sales tax idea:
  17. Josey Wales

    Josey Wales Well-Known Member

    Oh yes. What a great value our government provides for us. Why can't all products and services be provided by our wonderful and efficient government.

    The free market ...blah ...who needs it. :roll:
  18. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    This tax will hit those of us who own our homes. It will tax money that I chose to invest in a home. Not to mention the sweat equity, etc. And, my hope is that if I take care of it, and try and improve my home, then it will be worth the investment I placed. Taxing the income that I make has already occurred, yet it will be taxed again.

    How about those that rent, but do not own? They use the services and infrastructure that the 1% will help to provide, yet they aren't penalized with
    the ax as I would be.

    Penalized again for doing something that benefits society to begin with.
  19. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Tried to edit, unsuccessfully.

    Para 2 should read "tax", not "ax" but then again.....


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