Your not getting a reply today Hey pirate Your not going to get a response back today... want to know why? Because the staff is all at the hospital surrounding another staff member and his wife because their new born has had several surgeries and many things go wrong and now more complications have come up more things have happened for this family then anyone at this forum will go through so... your right you want get a response from anyone today because they are at the hospital praying and knowing God will do a miracle in this little boys life and in everyones life who has contact with this little baby and they will say "we are not sure how it happened but he is completely healed" So don't expect a response for a few days. P.s not a staff member but I am a member and LOVE c3 with all my heart
Understand and Noted, but........ That may be true and I will pray for the baby and family............but somebody who has access to delete comments from, deleted them yesterday but did not have human courtesy to at least say I hear ya and please pray for this child.
I did not mean to barge into the service and grab the mike, but there will probably be someone in the office. Whenever we have something going on at church there is always somweone in the office. Simple as "hi, I live next door, could you please ask the building committe to ask the contractor to not start working until 7 am". I am a contractor, and every know and then I get that call saying, "make sure you guys don't start until 7 am we had a neighbor complain". then maybet alk about the voulme of the music. Don't be rude, just ask the question.
Just trying to give light Pastor Matt does not have the access to edit his blog he has people to do that.. Which I understand communication should have been made and its sad that it didn't.. And I am sorry that it hasn't been made.. Which is why this forum was made but to then turn it into bash fest talking about finances, Its one thing to talk about the communication thing but then to totally bash a church who is turning people to God is not right( to each their own, not saying you can't everyone has their own rights) just saying if everyone is going to keep it on the communication thing the lets do that but to go from that to saying they only want your money, which is not true, We teach out of the biblical teaching about giving from Malachi 3, the tithe and then an offering over and above but its all up to the person he was only giving practical ways of giving, I mean if u think c3 is out to get money then give it another church as long as your giving to Gods Kingdom..I am just saying lets not get off the reason this thread was made.. And I will even go as far as to say that i will tell the right people to get in contact with that lady.. I am not trying to start a fight or defend the church its not my place to argue or fight just trying to provide light so C3 doesn't look like some horrible place.. This is to the person a few pages back who said it give religion a bad name.... maybe but see Christianity is not about religion its about a relationship with God.. Religion is a set of rules saying you can do this and only this dress this way dont do these things, Christianity has broken those chains and allowed everyone and anyone a chance to have a relationship with God and many church's around think the same not just c3 if c3 is not for you go somewhere just get plugged in that is the real goal find a place you feel you can go deeper with God
" more complications have come up more things have happened for this family then anyone at this forum will go through so..." That seems like a major assumption, that no one here has gone through difficulties with health, or a babies heath. I pray the baby will be ok, but that is a rather "angry" response.
My heart goes out to Jordan, Patience, and their little one and they have been and will continue to be in my prayers but the office is still staffed during the day and it would only take a moment for an email response to the neighbor to help curb this anti-C3 situation going on here. While they may not think this local board means a lot, you can look at how many people have checked it out and may be getting a view of C3 that is not positive, therefore deciding to never set foot there which is not what i believe the church staff would want. JMHO
If you reread the invitation from the C3 member (I am one too), it's an invitation to visit if you don't already have a church home. We'd like you to be our guest - not your wallet - so you can hear God's message of real hope for your life. We want you to know how much God loves you and wants your life to be filled with His love, hope, peace, and kindness. Many people come to C3 and for the first time in their lives experience Christ's love, learning they matter to God, that their lives aren't wasted or meaningless. None of us is perfect: we're real people who have real big problems in a real tough world, but the people of C3 are growing and we truly desire to make a difference for God's kingdom now.
24 pages and counting Previously would have never had a second thought about attending, but given what I have seen, heard, and looked into based on this thread.....not going to happen. Until somebody in an official capacity with the "church" addresses the issues brought up in this thread I have a hard time calling it a "church". For me it has gone past not responding to a neighbor about a complaint. Peppercorns brought up the issue about not contacting her......she probably could do more, but after 24 pages not one word from the "church". Not a good representation of God's people in my own opinion.
No one ever said I haven't called the Sheriff.......... They have been starting work a little bit before seven. Just enough that by that time i call and by the time the sheriff gets there it is seven. Shrewd? I called there again today. THat make twice and left a voice message again. one last Friday and one today. I am nothing but nice because that is all I would like them to be in nice. I don't need to yell and hop up and down but I would like to be heard. Oh - and I am not usually around every Wednesday evening for service. Besides I feel awkward about just showing up. A service is a celebration not really a time for annoyed neighbors. i will respect that. I can not ask for respect if I am not willing to give it. **** BUT it sure is fun daydreaming about the PA systems and the loud music right back at them. I think my daughters System of the Down CD would be better NO......I not really going to do this so don't everyone get your shorts in a knot.....
BTW Pepper, there is only one Wed nite service a month - the first Wed of the month and it is for Baptisms, etc - not a good time to approach them - i think you are handling the whole thing in a very mature and neighborly way - you go girl:-D
I'm sure some ICP played really really loud would illicit a response from the church as well. But then again that might send them into a ban all music, unless it's their (the church's)music tizzy. Craig
Compassion and Understanding After reading the following about baby Isaac and the medical ordeals he is going through along with his parents and family......Wow! You certainly can understand why the leaders of C3 are tied up. They still have a responsibility to their community to engage this discussion, but right now I can see why their focus is better spent on prayer. Hopefully Pastor Fry can stop in and give us a quick hello Please pray for this child and his parents!
Most Certainly Again does not make any excuses. Somebody took the time to delete comments on the pastor's blog as well. One of the unfortunate things that executives at all levels have to deal with is "the show must go on". The accountability of running a church of this size also ensures that this problem does not go on for 7 days like it has in this case. Still important to remember that this child is fighting for their life. That is separate form this issue, but important to remember that he needs our prayers.
Thanks for the link above. I read most of the blog and it is truly heartbreaking what these parents are going through. The baby is truly beautiful and my thoughts and prayers are with this sweet baby and his family. I lift him up to the Great Physician and pray that it is His will that this baby be healed. I pray for wisdom for the doctors and all treating him, and if it's not God's will that the baby be healed, then I pray for strenght and comfort for the parents that it may draw them and many others closer to their Heavenly Father. May God bless them all!
That little baby is really sick and does need our thoughts and prayers. I want to know where he got that Staph infection in his lungs. THat is terrible. I know what they did to me when I had MRSA after my surgery last year. No way would I wish that on a little one, (and he has it so much worse in the lungs.) We're pray'in and pull'in for you, Baby Issac!!!! And no , this has nothing to do with C3 not wanting to talk to me. Someone should call back.
Fed up So how many of you (people who are attacking) have actually BEEN to C3?!?! Talking about the Music, the money, the staff, even the decorations (which if you have been there- you will notice there ARN't any) like you know what goes on there. You know what-- God is doing HUGE things there and another example BESIDES growing!! is YOU people-- sitting back being hypocrites and passing judgment. When God is working the enemy is working even harder to make sure it doesn’t happen! So you know- a church this size does not humor or play with critical spirits- if you have a problem... go there, during office hours. There are 16 people on staff ALL the time M-F (some exceptions) SO walk across the street and TALK to someone face to face. Stop hiding behind words on a screen or through a phone! If you are a Christian look at Matthew 18! 15"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'[c] 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. So BE an example! Go talk to them instead of trying to turn the community against the church- because you are hurting God and the Kingdom of Christ NOT C3!!!
Thank you for reading the thread before going off half-cocked. Its nice to see the same thing thats been posted 4 times posted for a quick 5th.
Amazing.......truly amazing. Usually people put down things they fear to make their fears seem smaller so they can deal with them. What do you fear, here, Ken? (I sense the denial comment coming back ina few minutes. It's unfortunate that I have to leave for work and will miss seeing the comment until tomorrow, at least) Buh-bye!
Chris~ Read the thread then post a response. It's already been addressed too many times to mention, about going during the day. Those who have posted about the loud music in the service have attended a service. I was told, by a "higher" person in the church, to basically get over it or go somewhere else. This is also a very respected member of the community so needless to say it was a huge shocker to me. The office is NOT always staffed. Just because you attend the church, that doesn't mean you know what goes on there every minute of every day. The staff either doesn't answer the phone most of the time or aren't there to answer it. Which is it? When I've gone by (many, many times in the past few years), it has been pot luck to catch someone (1) there and (2) willing to help. Read the entire thread before putting your foot in your mouth, stop spouting scripture, and behave like an honest Christian. Frogger
So do you remember the story of the money changers in the temple? That's in the bible too, and if I remember correctly Jesus wasn't real happy with what the rabi's were up to. Can you please explain how having a coffee shop that charges money for their wares is any different than those who used the temple for a market place? It looks to me that this place is more a temple to "Pastor Matt" than it is to God.