
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ForeverFaithful, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Have to let off some steam, so bear with me....Clayton's prom is next week. A month ago my son and I went to the tux place in Smithfield (not mentioning it by name) and picked out his tux (a Zoot Suit). Turned out the hat and chain had to be bought because they were not a part of the actual tux. Ok, no problem. Me ~ how much is the hat and chain. Lady 1 ~ Chain is $10 and the hat is $20. Me ~ Ok, we are going to look a little more so we can let him be sure what he wants to do. Lady 1 ~ ok.

    Son and I discuss it and he says he really wants to Zoot Suit with the hat and chain. We discussed him having to pay for the hat and chain himself, which he agreed to. Now we are ready to place our order. Lady 2 comes over and we tell her he has picked out his tux and tell he what he wants. Lady 2 ~ Did you want the hat and chain too. Me ~ Yes. Lady 2 ~ OK, the had is $30 and the chain is $10. Me ~ Oh, the other lady told me the hat was $20. Lady 2 ~ Well it is actually $30 but since you were quoted $20 I will give it to you for $20. Me ~ Oh thank you. That is great! Oder is written up and measurements are taken and deposit is paid.

    Fast forward to today (exactly 1 week before Prom) ~ we get a call at the house. My son called me at work and told me the people from the tux place called and said we were going to have to pay more than what we thought. I asked him why and he said the price on the hat was wrong. I call the store. Me ~ Hi, this is XXXX, XXX's mom. My son called me and told me that there was a problem with our order, specifically the price of the hat. Lady on phone ~ Yes, the price of the hat is actually $35, so the difference will need to be paid. Me ~ No...when me and my son were in the store, this is what happened (and I told the story). Lady on the phone ~ Our price on the hat is $35 and you were misquoted. Me ~ No...if on the night we were in the store we were told that we were sorry about the misquote, the price is $30 and asked if that was ok, it would have been, but not now. Lady on the phone ~ Do you want to cancel the hat. Me ~ No but I think I should not have to pay more than what is on my receipt. I have worked retail before and we use to have to honor misprices. Lady on the phone, (which now comes out that she is the one that did our order and has the ticket in front of her) ~ I need to talk someone and will get back with you. Me ~ that is fine, but I am leaving work early to go to the doctor, so you can call the house and talk to my son and tell him what you found out and I will call you when I get home.

    Fast forward again (and of course I am still upset over the previous phone conversation), no call when I got home. So I called the store and ended up talking to the owner. I asked her about the hat situation and I got the hat price spill again. AGAIN ~ I told her the hat story and the fact they are calling me one week before prom and no we did not want to cancel the order. Without going into all the back and forths, I ended up telling her that I had did some checking and also had worked in retail and that I felt she should honor the price that was quoted. There was a little resistance and I would not back down! She told me that she was not trying to start an argument and I told her neither was I but I felt the price should be honored. Well, she got a little upset and informed me that "She would honor the price, this time".

    A week before prom and they call me up wanting me to pay more for something that they agreed to sell me at a lesser price!!! That just ticks me off so bad! :evil: It was not my fault that someone messed up and then to call me this late in the game! If it wasn't so late, I swear I would have cancelled the order and went somewhere else! I would have paid the higher price that night, but not now! I will not go there again! I am sure when we go in to pick up the tux next week, someone will have some "attitude" with us. I plan on being as pleasant as pie, but they don't want to get too much attitude!

    Ok, I am done venting. Just had to get this off my chest. It was wrong and totally upset me and my son. Don't know if anyone else has had a not so nice experience with them, but this just made me not to want to go there again...especially with the owner doing this too!

    Thanks for letting me vent.
  2. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Feel better?

    Interesting situation.
  3. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think I do.
  4. tawiii

    tawiii Guest


    When you pick everything up, make sure to let them know that you are will probably not be returning because of this ordeal.
  5. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Oh, I do plan on it...actually might do it when I drop everything back off that Friday.

    Most of the time I am easy going and usually end up giving into people in situations like this and then be mad at myself for not standing up, but for some reason, today I decided not to give in. Maybe it was the way the thing was handled, I don't know. But I was taught in retail, the customer is always right, especially if you want a repeat customer. Heck, I have a daughter starting HS next year and who knows how many times I might have needed to get something for her and would have gone back, but not now.

    I am sorry for ranting, but I can't rant at the kids and my husband is at work, so....You all got to hear it. But I do feel better now.
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  7. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Thanks Kaci
  8. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Ah...those were the days. It was great wearing a tux to the prom...for about the first two hours. Then I was ready to ditch that thing. That was seventeen years ago.

    Zoot suit? Really? Then, I wouldn't have gotten caught dead wearing something like that. Trends sure do change.
  9. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you may be talking about Goody's. If so, I have a friend that got married in December and they screwed his order up even after he called 2x and went in the store a few times to confirm the order. Long story short . . . his tux came in at 10:00 the DAY OF THE WEDDING. The wedding was at 2:00. It was a close one! The people that worked there were very snotty to him and would not give him any sort of discount. He went in and ordered the tux several months ahead of time but the lady at the store lost the order until a few days before the wedding.
  10. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    michelle, if that had happened to me - I would have been furious! And FF you should definaltely let them know what you think of this stupidity. THey were so wrong. Tuxes are usually sold by makers. Ralef lauren or whomever. I would track down the make and let him know the slapshop way you were treated and how poorly his line of suits had been represented. THat might make an interesting way to get back at the lame store owner.

    AT least your son gets to go to the prom. The guy who asked Kiddo weeks ago, said that since she wan't going to "play nice" to him, (eq: put out), he wanted his ticket back and he was going to take someone else. He told her he didn't want to go with her two weeks before prom. I am still so angry I could spit nails. I am out the dress and she was crying and miserable. What a POS! They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend just classmates but I still think he is a first class buthead.
  11. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I didn't know what a Zoot Suit was. :oops:

    Peppercorns, does your DD have some girlfriends that she could go with? I know of some girls that went together last year and they had a blast. They rented a limo, went out to eat... the whole nine yards. Who needs men to have a good time! :-D
    (Well, we still need men to have a good time in some ways, but since that isn't what your daughter is looking for, you know what I mean. ;);):lol:)
  12. Curious

    Curious Well-Known Member

    I fully agree with Ready...why let this BOZO spoil your daughter's prom. She already has the dress, so why not get a bunch of friends together and "party on"....let him know that she doesn't need him (or his over-active hormones to have a good time!) :)
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't have given him the ticket back. She should go and have a great time.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest


    I meant to respond when you told us about that moron in the other thread. I know it's small consolation to your DD, but she is SO much better off to find out what a jerk he is ahead of time. So many girls get that pressure, I am so happy she was able to stand up to him. I agree with the others, hopefully she could find some people and go any way. Having a good time without him would be the best revenge. 8)
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    What she SHOULD do, is get some of her ROTC buddies together and go kick his hiney.....
  16. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Michelle ~ no it wasn't Goody's....the little shop is on 2nd street, I think. I never thought about letting the makers of the tux know. What really go me is the fact the Owner even tried this!

    I could not believe my son picked that for a tux either, but I have to say last year when I dropped him off at the prom, I saw some interesting tuxes. He had a date last year but doesn't this year. Pepper, your daughter should go anyway...who needs that kind of pressure from guys. If that is the only reason he was going to prom with her, he sure as heck wasn't worth it.

    Anyway, my son's Zoot Suit is black and white and he is getting the black and white shoes with the black hat that has a white band (the hat that has caused all these problems) and he has gotten the long chain that goes on the side. A neighbor of ours has given him a pair of white gloves to wear. He is also going to be the first one picked up by the limo driver, so I am looking forward to the pictures I want to take. I don't have a digital camera, but as soon as I get the film developed, I will try to post a picture of him, if I can get it on here.
  17. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    FF - is your son's prom this friday? i hope he has a wonderful time!!!
    I want to see pics!!!

    Kiddo isn't going to go. The jerk did this on the last day tickets were for sale. And she is too darn nice. She gave him the ticket back. I even searched her bookbag hoping to find it because I didn't want her to give it back. I want so bad to drop him. All I have gotten to do was leave an annoyed message at his home. I wanted to kick his but, hey he's 18....
    She is going to spend the evening with some girlfriends and hang out - who are also not going. I wanted her to go with some hottie and make him fell like dog poop. oh well, she is too young to be as vindictive as mommy.
  18. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    They could still get all dressed up, go out to eat at a nice restaurant and have a great time together. Hmmm, what else could they do... anyone got any ideas?
  19. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    i like this....hmmmm
    I shall run it past the girls....... this may go over pretty good!
    THanks Ready!!!
    I don't know a girl alive who doesn't love getting all dolled up........
  20. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    What about letting them rent a limo too - a bunch of girls, dressed to the nines, in the back of the limo will have a blast together:-D

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