You don't know squat about anyone's relationship with Christ, and from your anger, I don't think you're too secure with your own. People who are comfortable with their relationship with God are a lot more at peace. Just breathe. BTW - don't you all love how the subject of ink got dropped and new hostility has taken form?
Sure I do. All one has to do is read whatyou say on this forum. You mean people who have no relationship with God have more peace, don't you. [Temporarily anyway] Jesus didn't come to bring peace, but a sword. I am not angry. I have nothing to angry about. Seems you are though. I guess I'm steppin on your toes.
Happens EVERYTIME! Well, Thanks for all the people who actually were on subject. And I wish we could have left all this church stuff for church this Sunday. Gosh, I wish I hadn't opened that bag of LEMONS! Eating less LEMONS will make you LESS BITTER!!
I am a Christian, and I have 1 tattoo on my stomach. Hurt like crazy, won't get another one because it hurt so bad. I believe tattoos are a personal thing, you aren't going to h*** because you got inked. Me and Mickey Mouse live together very nicely and he doesn't bother anyone. And as far as sagging, I have had 2 kids, and my doctor always commented on how nicely Mickey withstood pregnancy. He looked much larger during pregnancy, but went right back to normal afterwards!!
turtle, you are crackin' me up today! :lol: I personally feel....well, wait, I said I wouldn't play with the trolls...I really try to keep out of the "heated" topics since it falls all too often to nonsense.
Why didn't just ask......Pretending is hypocrisy. That's what hypocrisy means, pretending. See don't anything and you slam me.
Sorry for bringing this up but I absolutely did not understand the first sentence you just wrote. Are we supposed to fill in the blanks where needed?
Slam you....OMG Who and Where. If I were to "slam" you , it would be on the ground in a choke hold. LOL you are funny FRANMAN!
Ormly, see how this has gone from nice little discussions about Christianity to pure ugliness. I don't think these threads are glorifying the Lord, do you? This is why I stopped talking about my faith on here, because someone always ends up feeling they are being personally attacked and then nothing good comes from these discussions. :-( How about if we start a new thread and try to keep all discussions pertaining to religion contained to that one thread? Also, we all need to try really hard to play nice!
think I missed something,, how does a tat make you a hypocrite??? and is this Orm person suggesting that he/she has never lied,cursed,not listened to his/her parents,or stole in an entire lifetime??
OH, I got a horse... and girls, if you have kids.. a tat is nothing for pain.. go for it if you want one.