
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by tawiii, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Good, then you should be able to provide some prrof of your stereotypes of human nature for us. You know, those things people of sound minds call scientific research?


    So different people have always been bad as were the subject of those sterotypes over the thousands of years?

    So they were not afraid of animals without horns? I bet those who encountered wolves, bear, lions, tigers, crocodiles, and the like really thought that stereotype was correct ... :rolleyes:

    No, they were kept in their place which was away from the genteel civilization so there was no chance to cause harm. That is the beauty of a sterotype, it can be used for preventive actions.

    Well, I suppose you can provide proof of your claim with the variables of socio-economics and racial bias removed? You know that old science thing I mentioned before.

    Like the historic English view of the Irish? Or the historic Irish view of the English? Odd how the two cannot be correct in reality but fit your "proof"

    It could be that you are incapable of understanding, but not of how to create a strawman ... ;)

    I believe you would have to prove such a claim before it could be considered factual. The number of anecdotal "shotgun weddings" indicate your position is more than flawed.

    In your opinion, which is based on the belief that it needs to be true.

    Yep, you do know how to make a Strawman .... :rolleyes:
  3. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    You sure are asking a lot without providing any facts yourself.
  4. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Your anecdotal example combined with your personal belief proves nothing but your basis for a sterotype. How many "daily" fights are there now per student than in the past per school?

    All day, every day? In every school or just in "general"

    Really? You have something on which to base this other than the wish to have it be true?

    No, and I do not see forcing them to be married is any better. I also wonder what the birth rate actually is in your percentage, per 100,000 and compared to prior periods. This would have to include the total number of teen pregnancies as the prior solution was, as I stated, a shotgun wedding.

    I also know that reported "crime and violence" covers a lot more actions than fights ... ;)

    Where ARE those facts on the racial sterotypes? You claim the sterotypes are correct and that you are interjecting facts, yet your facts are less than supportive.

    I am very aware of that, but I have a suspicion that you do not. How about those facts beign given?

    How often is "not very" and "very" per 100,000 students for the same school in those periods?

    And that supports your sterotype in what way again? Between the generalizations and vague assertions I have trouble seeing your "facts".
  5. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Maybe you should look up the definition of "anecdotal" as most of what you provided was in fact anecdotal evidence. :rolleyes:

    Which is what percentage of the total cases of assistance under this program? I know there were not investigations for each and every case given the total funding listed for the program. You see how things can be presented to sound worse than they actually are?

    The rest are anecdotal cases.;)
  6. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    You missed the links? Those blue highlighted things that take you to websites where the references can be found without post huge sections in a post that some would not wish to wade through.
  7. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Admittedly, it would be a mistake to equate the sexual revolution with the increasing prevalence of premarital intercourse. As the works of John D'Emilio, Estelle Freeman and Beth Bailey have shown, the commodification of sex, the heavy emphasis on sexual fulfillment, the "resexualization of women in popular and scholarly thought," and, correspondingly, the elimination--or, at least, the decline--of the double standard, proved to be important developments in the sexual revolution. (8) Yet, surely, the proliferation of premarital sex is no less significant a social indicator of liberalizing sexual attitudes. In fact, one of the reasons academics have lavished so much attention on "petting" during the forties and fifties is because, having already assumed that premarital sex was not on the rise, the practice of petting has enabled scholars to explore some of the sexual rumblings beneath the supposed stability of sexual behavior. (9) Equally significant, the most important works on the sexual revolution have made a point of denying that premarital female intercourse was increasing during the forties and fifties. (10)

    Even Alfred Kinsey, the most influential scholar to write about sexuality during the postwar era, denied that female premarital sex was rising briskly after World War II. Although Kinsey's data shocked American readers--especially his claims that nearly half of women had premarital intercourse, sixty-two percent had masturbated, and a quarter of married women, at some point, had engaged in extramarital sex--Kinsey believed the big jump in female premarital intercourse took place between 1916 and 1930. (11) Any increases after 1930, he reported, had been "only minor." (12) But coming out in 1953, and based on some interviews that Kinsey and his staff conducted during the late 1940s, Sexuality in the Human Female did not cover the entire decade of the 1950s. Thus, the question of whether female premarital sex was rising or falling in the fifteen years after World War II would be left to a later generation of researchers who would draw upon the methodology pioneered by Alfred Kinsey. Overwhelmingly, these researchers would conclude that female premarital intercourse remained fairly stable during the forties and fifties, and only began its sharp rise sometime during the late sixties or early seventies. (13)
  8. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    The portrait of increased premarital sex, painted by vital statistics, is further corroborated by fertility data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau. By asking samples of women a series of questions, including the date of their marriage and the date of the birth of their first child, the Census Bureau has been able to gather a good deal of information about premarital pregnancies. Unlike the rate relating to single motherhood, premarital pregnancies encompass babies born to unwed mothers, as well as babies born to parents who, although single at the time of conception, were married by the time of birth. By combining both groups, the premarital pregnancy rate offers the fullest picture of the levels of premarital sex that ultimately resulted in pregnancy. An examination of these data, compiled by the Fertility Statistics Branch, and recalculated for the purposes of this article (from ratios and raw numbers provided by the Fertility Statistics Branch to premarital pregnancy rates), reveals a sharp increase in premarital pregnancies over time. For example, between 1939 and 1942, there were 8.5 premarital pregnancies for every thousand white single women between 15 and 19 years of age. In the period between 1955 and 1958, that figure had more than doubled (to 19 pregnancies). (24)


    While there is much that the fertility data fail to reveal, their upward trend is undeniable. What seems to have occurred here is more than a statistical blip. Just as the forties and fifties experienced a sharp increase in unwed motherhood, there likewise seems to have been a significant upswing in premarital pregnancies during this same period of time. Here, vital statistics and census data, two different sources of evidence--collected through very different research approaches--are pointing to essentially the same conclusion.

    So what do all of these numbers reveal? They indicate that Elaine Tyler May's assertion that the rate of "premarital sexual intercourse" was "stable from the 1920s, to the 1960s," and D'Emilio and Freeman's claim that from the 1920s the "incidence of (female) premarital intercourse ... remained relatively constant until the late 1960s," are not corroborated by the best empirical data. (28) Instead, the evidence suggests that far from being quiescent, the forties and fifties experienced a sizable increase in the frequency of premarital intercourse. To argue otherwise one would need somehow to reconcile the more than doubling of white illegitimacy, the more than tripling of all out-of-wedlock births, and the evidence of a dramatic increase in premarital pregnancies, with the claim that sex outside of marriage was not rising during the forties and fifties.
  9. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    wow, Happy Easter all!

    and now...

    I can't believe wearing a white robe and pointy hat can be compared to a kid wearing baggy "thug" clothes?!! There is ONLY one connotation with that "white outfit" only one! Kids today, ALL races, are wearing baggy pants, do-rags, and the kids, poor kids, etc I like the style? No but PLEASE don't compare race and kids to the KKK and stereotype. Turn on the radio and listen to what is mainstream, I can't stand it but it is what the kids are listening to. If I was walking in the mall and saw a group of kids wearing "thug" wear, I could walk into ANY number of clothing stores and pick out their outfit. Where the heck am I to buy a KKK outfit?! Macy's? Come on!

    Realize in the year 1970 the population of the US is 293,200,000 in 2007 the population is 301,565,721 with more people comes more crime. We also have the resources of 300+ channels with access to news 24 hours a day included stories unsolved from the past. Back in the day there was what, 3-4 channels? Mostly local news, unless it was some worldly event. The percentages will equal out to proportion of growth of crime, poverty, and so on.

    and as a retorical question (or not), how diverse is your (to no one in particular) social circle? black, white, hispanic, indian, asian, etc? I find the stereotypes are greater when there is no diversity in a person's life.

    Once again, blanket statements should be avoided.

    I hope that everyone has/had a wonderful Easter (whether you celebrate it or not) no matter what race, religion, creed or class you are.
  10. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    That is so true, and at least in part because we tend to fear the unknown.
  12. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Those who think we owe anyone an apology are misguided. I don't owe anyone anything. One of the replies to that ad stated "They have gone to the same public schools I have and received the same education". I agree 200%. No one deserves a gimme. Not blacks, not mexicans, nor any other ethnic group. I am tired of always being lumped in by these liberal dems who think it is their duty to to apologise to the world. Screw that. I worked my way through school, college, and graduate school. I paid for every single thing I have with no charity. I earned what I have and just giving things away will get anyone removed from office!! Republican or Democrat.
    Stop whinning about the unfairness. Why was so much attention given to Katrina victoms in N.O.? We had the whole western part of our state devastated by the same storm and it did not make the news like New Oleans did. We still have people up there who need help. Where's the aide for them? Home were washed away but we need to give a poor family who keeps having children to gain more free money, more housing, and medical care. We need to wake up and smell the do-do rising!!
  13. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Those who think we owe anyone an apology are misguided. I don't owe anyone anything. One of the replies to that ad stated "They have gone to the same public schools I have and received the same education". I agree 200%. No one deserves a gimme. Not blacks, not mexicans, nor any other ethnic group. I am tired of always being lumped in by these liberal dems who think it is their duty to to apologise to the world. Screw that. I worked my way through school, college, and graduate school. I paid for every single thing I have with no charity. I earned what I have and just giving things away will get anyone removed from office!! Republican or Democrat.
    Stop whinning about the unfairness. Why was so much attention given to Katrina victoms in N.O.? We had the whole western part of our state devastated by the same storm and it did not make the news like New Oleans did. We still have people up there who need help. Where's the aide for them? Homes were washed away but we need to give a poor family who keeps having children to gain more free money, more housing, and medical care. We need to wake up and smell the do-do rising!!
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Regarding the New Orleans issue, the systems put in by the federal government (river control system) never met the level we said they would meet. This river control system benefited every soul in the United States, we have an obligation to fix it. Regarding the Road Home grants, they were also available to other folks (including the state of Mississippi). I realize you think the rest of us are idiots but most of us where well aware that the storm damaged more than just NO, however being the largest city in the area and it being a concentrated Cluster F, it deservedly gets most of the attention.
  15. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest


    How does it benefit us today? Why do we think that we can beat mother nature and rebuild a city that is below sea level?

    Why do they get these grants and not people that lost houses in Hurricane Floyd of 1999? Why would anyone buy flood insurance?
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Hugh when you build a city BELOW sea level what will happen if a storm surge occurs? Also....right on the ocean. I think you end up wet. They have been warned for years. They were also warned about the hurricane coming and very few left. Is it our fault they did not leave? No it wasn't. Don't make excuses because you feel it is the "RIGHT" thing to do. Nothing is collective and no one speaks for me except "ME". I am not here to assume anyones ignorance. They usually knock that one out on thier own.
  17. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Practice what you preach.
  18. grysunshine

    grysunshine Well-Known Member

    That is sooo true. It is fear based. "what if what they say is true?" or "what if what they say isn't true, what's wrong with me?"

    Back on topic once again. Put yourself in the shoes of the slaves and their families...

    Imagine yourself in this group...
    for the above picture...
    "...This essay is accompanied by a number of engravings, including the one show here, which is described (on p. 270) as follows: "A front and profile view of an African's head, with the mouth-piece and necklace, the hooks round which are placed to prevent an escapee when pursued in the woods, and to hinder them from laying down the head to procure rest. At A [see letter over mouth of figure on the right] is a flat iron which goes into the mouth, and so effectually keeps down the tongue, that nothing can be swallowed, not even the saliva, a passage for which is made through holes in the mouth-plate." On the lower right is an enlarged view of this mouth piece which "when long worn, becomes so heated as frequently to bring off the skin along with it." The lower left shows leg shackles used on the slave ships; also, "spurs used on some plantations in Antigua" (placed on the legs to prevent slaves from absconding). "

    No apologies needed.

    If the time arises when you lie in agony from some tradegy, make sure the person who walks up to you to help, make sure you tell them, "Get away, I don't need your help..."

    How can the world progress, ever, if there is someone out there that says, I did it by myself and so can you. The next time a child needs guidance, laugh at him and tell him to do it himself :roll: ....people progress differently. It takes some longer than others, so does that mean we leave those behind? No it means we lift each other up, teach them, listen to them, love thy neighbor....that is what the gov't attempted to do with Katrina. Some people made bad decisions with their chance but a lot did turn their life around and start fresh.

    because you didn't hear it in mainstream news didn't mean it didn't happen...

    "...Yet lackest, thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." St. Luke 18:22
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Well there are all kinds of things that are shipped up and down that waterway that end up in your home. Whether it is Roundup that goes on your lawn or food that goes on your plate.

    I think the main reason is the level of damage and the trying to recover from the cluster F that went on there. These grants were put together when Republicans controlled the House, Senate and Executive Branch.

    Some probably did not buy insurance because the Army Core of Engineers said the levies would hold for this size storm.

    Remember that ever since we started messing with nature on this river this city has continued to sink, it was not this far below sea level when the city was founded. With the damage we have done to the Mississippi River during my lifetime we have lost significant portions of Louisiana which in turn contributed to the damage done from the storms.
  20. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Good for you, those private schools must have been expensive too. The problem is that YOU were never asked to apologize for anything were you? The government was because it was an entity at the time and had a hand in the situation.

    Assuming, of course, the poor family of which you speak is not in the western part of the state, correct? If it was you then believe we SHOULD give them the aid or is it just a bigotry against the sterotypical resident of NO?

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