I am not on here trying to cause any drama nycool I am trying to protect others. please read the above link I posted to many people that are not connected are comming foward. Can we please be adult about things and follow the issue at hand! Thank you to so many of you that have contacted me with similar stories. Emails with refrence only to these kinds of situations can be sent to cadams@ci.garner.nc.us this is Sargent Adams at the garner police department. I wish someone would have told me these stories before hand and one bad comment will not stop me from getting the message out there to the public. All that a child has is their parents to protect them. I want to teach my child she can always come to me.
nycool is just a little confused about who the real idiot is. Just ignore him/her/it. Apparently a lot of people have had good experiences at that practice, but that certainly does not make you an idiot for sharing your experience.
I have called around and cant find anyone that will see a 2 year old. They all said to go to a pediatric dentist (including dr. R's office) None of the pediatric dentists (that I have called) allow you to go back with them. I dont want to wait until he is 4-5, I want to go soon....
I found the same thing when my son was younger. I was anxious to take him but noone was anxious to see him. Unless there was a problem they said to wait. I did wait until he was 3.5 and it was actually perfect timing. We went to Dr. R's and he let them do all the cleaning, polishing, flossing, etc. Younger than he is now and it would have never happened. I wouldn't DREAM of taking him somewhere that wouldn't have allowed me to be there with him. It was a great experience and he's ready to go back.
According to their website http://www.raleighorthopedo.com/pedo_policies.htm Will I be able to accompany my child during the visit? If your child is below the age of 2½, you will be allowed to accompany your child for his/her visit. However, parents of children 2½ and older are not allowed in the room during the treatment of his/her child. Most children react much more favorably under these conditions. The principle reason for the success of this procedure is that it enables the dentist to establish a direct and close rapport with the child. When others are in the room, the child's attention is divided and it becomes difficult to gain his confidence. Dentistry for children is exacting and requires the undivided attention of the child and the doctor and the development of confidence and trust in one another.
Thank you for pointing out the info needed for a lawyer. Wonder if their malpractice insurance approves of that?
My 10 year old had problems with his teeth when he was little so I wanted to get this one in early. He has an appointment for September but will be over 2 1/2. I scheduled it so he and his brother would go back at the same time so I will have a spy.
I for one had NO clue that we got to go back there with our kids when I first took my son.I was referred to a dentist and I went. I learned my lesson from his experience. I only will take my kids to one who I can go back with them. There are lot of first time moms out there who do not know that you can go back there. AND no we are not the idiots that drop them off everywhere. before someone labels someone a bad parent, they should get their facts straight.
a little FYI As an experienced Dental assistant, I am very sorry that your child felt scared. I understand that as a parent you want what is best for your children. However, until you are on the other side of the scenerio, you don't know what it is like. In a pediatric practice you arleady have to walk around on eggshells because there are so many unsupportive parents in this world who will get angry at every little thing. I am in favor of allowing parents back, but only in certain situations. If the child is not scared and they are doing fine, then it is okay for them to come back alone. We can't go to school and hold our childrens hands can we? They do have to grow up at some point in time. If the child is fearful, then I think you should allow the parents back. But only if the child calms down and listens to what the dental professionals are asking the child to do. I can speak from experience that when I have a child in my chair and they are hysterical, I will tell them that I will go get thier mom only if they do me a favor and calm down. When they calm down, I do as I promised. But if I get mom back there and they continue to not be a good listener, then I have to send mom back out. It is all about positive reinforcement. You have to understand the sometimes parents really do make the situation worse. I remember being a child, If i fell down and got hurt at school I would cry 3 hours later when my mom came to pick me up because I wanted her sympathy. Same rule applies. Now if the child is fighting you, grabbing at you, and being uncooperative, that takes it to a different level. As many of you may not know, a dental handpiece spins at 64,000 RPMs. That is VERY VERY fast. Fast enough to REALLY REALLY hurt you. If you are trying to numb a child you have a a significantly long needle on the syring. If the child grabs at the syringe, they could get suck in their eye, their hand, or they could cause the dentist or the assistant to get stuck. If they move while the dentist is prepping the tooth with the handpece, it could get thier eye and cause severe damage. When a child is acting like this, you only a couple of options. First you can try Nitrous Oxide, and sometimes it is very effective. But the child has to want to do it. If the child is crying so hard that they are gasping for air, it does not work. Nitrous is breathed through the nose. If the child will not do that breathes through the mouth it DOES NOT WORK! You are wasting your money!!!! So, as you see nitrous is not always the answer. Your second option is to use manual restraints. Example: an assistant or The parent hold the child down while the work is comleted. I know that sounds bad to some people, but it really isnt'. You tell the child Mommy is going to hold thier hand or if the mom isn't back you tell them to hold your hand. Usually I also tell them to squeeze my hand if they get nervous. So yes, I am holding the child, but the child dosent realize that is what is going on. To them it is comforting. The third otion is to use a pappose, which you have to do when the child is too strong the be held manually. In EVERY offive it is a law that in order for a child to be "wrapped in a blanket" the parents have to sighn consent. So if your child has been wrapped in the "blanket", you allowed them to do it. Even wake Peds Strictly follows this policy!!!!!!! Another option is if the child ahs significnt dental decay, then you take them to the hospital, put the child under and do all the work in one day because the child would be too traumatized to do it in the office. The last option is to send the child home and do nothing! As a parent who can speak from experience, it is VERY important that your children lay still at the dental office when they ask them too. My child did not do as he was told and his simple occlusal cavity( about $125) turned into a pulpototmy and stainless steel crown( about $500) because he was not still and bit down on the bur in the handpiece that was going 64,000 rpm. So if an office has been stern with a child, it is beacuse they are Beleive it or not, looking out for the safety of your child. You know how you always tell your children, wether or not you agree with me I am looking out for your best interest. Same thing here. Wake pediatric dentistry is a GREAT place to take your children and I wish that you people wouldnt judge the whole practice (all 6 Doctors and thier staff) based on what happend with ONE doctor. Some of the BEST doctors in Raleigh work at Wake pediatric dentitsry and those of you who have canceled your appointments should possibly look into what doctor you were scheduled with. There are other doctors there who have wonderful reputations! Again, I am sorry that your daughter had a bed experience, but I am sure that the staff did everything that they possibly could. They are a GREAT bunch of girls and don't judge them on that doctor either.
Starryed ... please tell us what practice you work for so we can all avoid it. Since this is your first post to the board I suspect you work for the practice that the original poster is complaining about. As an EXPERIENCED parent ... I can tell you that you are WRONG! What you are doing to those upset children is CHILD ABUSE and torture! How sad there is a dental practice that obviously supports this type of treatment. Moms read carefully what she wrote. It should make you question ANY dentist or doctor who does not welcome a parent be with YOUR OWNchild!!! Can you imagine your child sitting there with a stranger terrified and upset being told she will not get to see her Mommy? :evil: :evil:
NCMOM Obviously you didnt read what I wrote. I said I was in FAVOR of the parents coming back!!!!!!! go back and read it again. And second, I don't work at that practice. I do take my children there and I know some of the staff personally and when I heard about what was going on I decided to read it myself. Some people read or hear what they want to hear. I can tell you that the options I described in my post are approved and taught by the NC dental borad! So if you have a problem with routine procedure then you should take that up with the board. All i was telling you is that this is what I was taught in school and when I used to work this is how it was done.
You also wrote ... :x What stuns me even more is that a parent would allow themself to be "sent back out"! Perhaps the dental school should spring for at least one course in child psychology!
If they are such a great staff there they would have came got me as I requested!! They are a good staff of lieing to people!
I too am an experienced dental assistant in an orthodontic office. In our office it is our policy to have the children go back without the parents because thie children will be harder to work on if the parent is there.We do not forbid the parents going back with the kids, we would just rather them not. I will usually say that the child will be busy doing lots of things and watching a movie that the parent doesnt need to be in the back. I encourage the parent to check on the child as often as necessary but to not stay. Not forgetting the fact that the parents usually want to ask questions, while the assistant is working, and some will go so far as to get in the way while the child is getting the braces on. I DO NOT condone the alleged unprofessional behavior of any DR. and believe me when I say. I have met some real winners. I also know that a childs perception can be skewed if even one thing happens that they dont like. That one thing could be that they didnt hear they were getting thier braces off anytime soon because they break too many brackets. The rest of the visit will be perceived as horrible because of a couple of words the kid didnt like. None of us who were not there can say anything. I also agree that there have to be other Drs... and staff that work there in the office that are awesome people. Dont judge a whole office because of one bad egg. I am sorry your child had to go through this trauma.
Wow! I am amazed at the level of ignorance displayed by a number of people at this website. Wake Pediatrics is an awesome place for children! The practice is very large and has many employees. I feel confident in saying that the dentists and employees in this practice, while not perfect, genuinley care for the patients in their care. Working with children is very different than working with adults. Most general dentists will not work on children. Most will do cleanings only and they refer out for any operative work. Pediatric dentists specialize in the treatment of children. As most people know every child is different, therefore how you approach treating every child may vary somewhat. Some children respond to lots of TLC. Some respond better to a firm voice. All children deserve to have their feelings respected. At the same time the dental professionals have a job to do and some time constraints as well. After all, no one wants to wait for two hours because someone esle's child is being uncooperative. Part of the reason dental professionals have such a tough job is the lack of discipline most children receive in today's society. Too many children run the house instead of mom and dad running the house. My children have been going to Wake Pediatrics for 10 years. The dentists in this practice are very reasonable. Maybe you should have tried talking to the dentist you had an issue with instead of strangers.
Glad you came by and shared your feelings! I think you showed your ignorance by stating that the child must run the household. I would not let my child go back by himself. I am his guardian and protector that is my job. I will be the man to reprimand him not a Dentist. I pay the Dentist and my son would be his customer. Don't worry NC it is coming. http://www.ecu.edu/cs-admin/news/inthenews/archives/2005/12/03142006dentaleditorial.cfm Dentist in NC will have to learn how to be competitive and actually work like the rest of us. Too bad they didn't pay enough to keep little old ECU from getting a Dental School. The patients of NC will be glad when their Dental Services increase and the costs go down.