Wackos on both sides of the situation. http://littledemocrats.net/samples.html What are they trying to teach here, Democrats will save you from men in trench coats. Of course it would not be complete without bashing the president.
interesting. can you link me to a place i can buy a book called "why mommy is a republican"? i can't find one anywhere politics is fun to discuss for some people. it reads and sounds like arguing sometimes, but it's great fun if you are a news/politics junkie. how about a few less religions threads? haven't we run that into the ground yet? and there's really only one person in them having fun....
I think all parties are a bad thing. Never seen the Republican equivalent of the book. Would love to see it if you know where to find it. Scary that some people would give this to a child. What ever happened to individual thought?
i was using absurdity to illustrate absurdity. i chose to use religious threads because i believe i've seen her participating there frequently, and i wanted to use an illustration she could identify with. if grace doesn't like the political threads, she should feel free to not read them. if i, or anyone else, doesn't like the religious threads in which she seems to love to participate, we won't read them. i'm not going to go into them and say "haven't we had enough fo the religion threads yet?" becuase, since they are active, someone must have some interest in them. it's really very simple...
Try These Books for Balance http://www.amazon.com/Help-Mom-Ther...5174545?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1176692566&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.com/Help-Mom-Holl...5174545?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1176692566&sr=8-3
The whole thing is sad, but it's really no surprise. The public school system has been indoctrinating our children into liberalism for many years. And colleges? Pfft! They don't even try to disguise their agenda. I cruised around that website for a little while and in the testimonials section found this quote: REAL moral values? You mean values that teach your kid that you can drive drunk, kill someone, and get away with it by lying just because you have a lot of money? Values that teach that it's okay to take a bribe and then hide the money in your freezer? The values of Dianne Feinstein? The cronyism of Nancy Pelosi? The adultery of Bill Clinton? These are the freakin' values that you want to teach your kid? Now the republicans ain't no prize, not by a long shot, but identifying the Democrats as the party of moral values? :roll:
It is a joke that either Party talks about morals. Their are bad apples in both parties that either are in leadership roles or that leadership allows to continue their problems. Republican or Democrat should not be writing books to degrade the other party in a children's book. That in it's own right is a bad moral value. Way to teach your children tolerance and individuality.
i am a democrat because i believe it is important to be tolerant, to take care of those who are less fortunate than most,-- it is the party that most aligns itself with what i think i am commanded to do by my god --to love my neighbor --to work for the greater good of ALL humans -- so if my being a democrat makes me less moral in your eyes so be it ....
while i certainly respect that view --no -- i have previously posted (several times in several threads) i am pro choice -
Now You Got Me Going I"m sorry "Less Fortunate"???? So those of us who went to school, studied, worked and made the right choices in life are just "LUCKY"? Winners of life's lottery? Therefore what we earn and save is ill gotten prize winnings? I don't mean to dump on you but I HATE the term LESS FORTUNATE. It implies all those things about those of us who work. I recall Jesus also said give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you feed him for life. Also, that old favorite. If a man shall not work, he shall not eat. To work for the GREATER good is pure socialist dogma direct from that old atheist Karl Marx himself. "From each according to his ability to each according to his need". Yours is the kind of attitude that is dooming the American people to a life of servitude to the federal gov't and destroying our personal liberty. Sorry, you said it and I MUST respond. Somebody has got to say it, may as well be me.
Oh, before I get all the right wing GOP nonsense. I am NOT a Republican or a Democrat. I think GWB is a failure. I am a Libertarian!
Nothing wrong with that at all. In fact, more power to ya! But when we, as parents, start looking to any politician to provide our children with moral values, we've got a big problem! But seriously, the dems as a moral compass? C'mon now!
So you think everyone who is poor is undeserving? And all the rich are deserving? Just asking. By the way, the fish quote is not from the Bible, it's a Chinese proverb. I believe the one that says if a man doesn't work, he doesn't eat, comes from Acts, and describes the communal life of the early disciples. Certainly anyone who is able should work, but what about those who are not able to work? Jesus said, whatever we do for the least of these, we do for him. (That's in the 25th chapter of Matthew). I think the four gospels present Jesus as much more caring about the poor and the powerless than many religious leaders today would suggest. All that being said, I would certainly agree that anyone who pulls himself up by his bootstraps, goes to school, studies, works hard, should be richly rewarded. As well as admired and congratulated. So congratulations to you for your hard-earned success in life. I mean that sincerely.
No the "poor" are not undeserving, but neither are they "less fortunate" and the rest of us "fortunate" Ever notice 2 things, lots of "poor" are overweight and smoke cigarettes. American have no conception of true poverty. Sorry for the mis reference but they are true nonetheless.
I am a republican for the same reasons. The difference is that I believe that people can do it themselves with minimal government involvement.