Nice. Try something original next time. Heck, you are old enough, why not try something REALLY old on us!
There are no "absolutes" in faith. That's why its called faith. There are plenty of people on the other side of the world who think the same way. Like Ormly, they think there are actually sides which must yield or be resisted, so they blow themselves up in the name of resistance. Not as easy as when their minds are closed enough to believe there are "absolutes" in faith. Hence all the nut-cases following narrow-minded Muslim clerics and calling for the death of all infidels. Stupid beyond measure. Erroneously complicated. All you must do is believe and accept forgiveness (become born again). Jn3:16 The rest of Ormly's prerequisites are just stumbling blocks. There are no parts that must be done in a particular order. These are just more stumbling blocks from a modern day Pharisee. What presumptive arrogance!
Ormly, you don't follow Rick Miesel's theology, do you? because his ideas are all over the internet, but if you'll dig deeper, you'll find more about him, such as... Biblical Discernment Ministries A triple misnomer. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]You'll find nothing biblical here and precious little that has anything to do with true discernment.[/FONT] As for "ministry," Rick Miesel is a classic theological Ishmael—a wild man whose hand is against every man (cf. Genesis 16:12) . His only "ministry" is declaring well-known Bible teachers heretics. And to paraphrase something a famous book critic once said, The material at this site is both good and original. Unfortunately, the stuff that is good is not original, and the stuff that is original is not good. Miesel simply collates everything he can find that is critical of well-known Christian leaders and compiles "exposès." Some of this material is legitimate, but some is incredibly picayune. Much of it is nothing more than the spreading of gossip—and a lot is grossly inaccurate. Our advice is to use whatever you find here with the utmost caution; Mr. Miesel himself is not very trustworthy. Look at this poor woman's experience with him! :shock: Or Darwin Fish's theology either, I hope!
I have been a silent observer reading these threads. They have been very entertaining. I am curious though No one has answered this ormly guy yet. certainly not objectively anyway, all I have seen is subjective reasoning from a belief based on feeling or what has been experienced. If you are going to debate, and I don't think anyone has been mean spirited yet, why don't you do it based on true bible scripture and not what you have heard or verses out of context. If you all are objective you might learn something and I don't mean come to a consensus. A wise man said, He who has ears let him hear. This Pastor G fellow if he really searches where he is getting his info from he would be appalled at the mixture of mysticism and Christianity he aspouses. And he is a pastor who will be judged by God as a shepherd. Now I am not trying to judge him at all, but that is biblical. I would be scared to death not to investigate more deeply. My challenge to you is dust off your bibles not your purpose driven life books and reason it out.
ehhh, maybe I'm wrong, but it appears someone just got a new screen name. Gosh, shades of wavy lines!
Ormly I will not get into a theological debate with you. Not that I am unable, but it would be to no avail; it seem that you love to twist things. I just want to point out a few biblical parameters that you live outside of (otherwise known as sin) First, you do things without love (i.e. you are rude and offensive to others) You need to re-read 1 Corinthians chapter 13, Paul tells us we can have the whole spiritual arsonal but without love we have "become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." Ormly, simply put, you are making a lot of noise and driving people away from Christ. The bible also says, in Mark 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. You are offensive to "little ones" (new believers) Your second error is to judge someone or something without knowledge. 1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. You have judged me and my church before you even knew anything about us (just what you assumed in your mind) That is a dangerous place to be... "do not judge lest you be judged." Now as far as what I teach and preach... I preach according to the 16 tentants of faith based on the word of God and taught in any good Penetecostal church. I don't sugar-coat it and I don't water it down. But I do it in love and compasion. And I see results; one family that was out of church for over 9 years has come and become a part of us. The husband and wife on the verge of a divorce... he had cheated on her and was going out drinking with his buddies. Today, their marriage is healed, he has been set free from lust and drinking and they are happy and well adjusted serving in our church. Another family, out of church for over 3 years and are now a part of us. They were scared of the gifts of the Holy Spirit becuase of a bad experience in a Pentecostal church, now they are filled with the Holy Spirit, speak in other tongues and serving in our church. This Easter we had four people come forward and give their hearts to Jesus (one of them was delivered from homo-sexuality). I told them before they came forward, not to come forward just to say a prayer and feel the warm feelings. I told them this meant a change in their life and a total surrender to Christ. And they came forward anyway. People want to change... they want what Jesus has to offer (eternal life and a changed life) But they just are sick and tired of people who condemn and judge before offering mercy and grace. Ormly, Jesus said "you will know them by their fruits." I am bearing fruit, what about you? When's the last time you led someone to Christ? Was it because they wanted to change or was it out of fear of hell? Love is the catlyst for change, not condemnation or rudeness. As far as Rick Warren is concerned... yes, I've read the books and others but I am using Jesus model for His church... He's the Master Builder. Our process for making disciples (Connecting to God... Growing in Faith... Serving Others) this process can be directly supported by scripture. Connecting to God - simply put in old-timey language is repentance. People that repent from their way of living and follow after Jesus with all their heart. Growing in Faith - "without faith it is impossible to please God" we must come to God in faith (which is how we are saved through grace) but that is not where it stops. In Jude 1:20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. We need to build (grow) our faith, which is the process of maturity in the Lord. Not staying babies, not keeping our old ways in place, but being renewed in our mind. And lastly, Serving Others (not servicing others like I said before) Jesus said if we want to be great in the Kingdom of God that we must humble ourselves and become a servant. In our church we are servants starting with me. I've told my people, I will not expect anything out of you that I won't do myself. Well, there you have it. I hope that will clarify things for you. I hope that you won't look at this as an opportunity to disect my comments and insert your own. Ormly, I love you and am praying that God will clearly show you where you are wrong. But once again, I'm not praying anything for you that I don't pray daily for myself... any area in my life that is not pleasing to Him I want to be so in love with Him that I will repent instanly and let it go! I hope the same is true for all of us. Making a Difference! Pastor Glen P.S. - Ormly if you are not in church, please accept my offer to come and visit us... you are not my enemy and my door is open to you.
This seems to be the caliber of the mentality/spirituality of the subjectiveness being offered up.
<under my breath in a 4hz pitch>.........Hmmmmmmmmm. I will digest all of this and will return. I do pray that you will have the courage to read what I have to say. Thank you, rm
Impressive Ormly! You managed to put the URL of one of my websites in a post. Very impressive. Thanks for any potential increased traffic. Now take your troll butt back to the cave.