How many of those same contractors are running for Governor and want people to look to them for leadership and foresight?
Great Post! There is no way candidate Smith will be able to let his personal business slide on illegal immigrants. Taken straight from his campaign site We deserve a Governor that has the foresight and leadership to handle these type of issues while balancing our need for privacy.
Don't you want the state ran like a successfull business rather than the same ol institution it currently is? All I have ever heard from State workers, me use to being one of them, is that the state wastes more money because of pork spending and politics. I am tired of that. We need someone in office who knows how to run a business. Successfully.
Who says that government is supposed to run like a business? Besides doesn't Fred need to take some leadership and announce why Fred Smith Homes does not employ or allow sub contractors to use illegal immigrants?
No he doesn't. He doesn't employ them. Maybe his sub-contractors do. Next thing you know we will forget about Mr.Black and all his underhandedness(Word?). Everything that has been mentioned about Fred has been partisan bullcrap led by the same ol "here me nows" on here.
My point is if the North Carolina government would do day to day tasks like a business we would not have a huge deficit. I personally have seen them waste more money on stupid technology that was obsolete before it was even implemented. But yet they would invest millions into the technology.
First you state that he does like every other GC. Then he does not and also he in not in control of the company named Fred Smith Homes. If Mr. Smith would like to show some of the leadership he values why does he not take a stand about this issue. I would think it would be easy to let the people know how Fred Smith Homes ensures that all employee's and sub contractors are 100% legal. Again he decided to run for Gov. It is time for him to earn the vote. Certainly Mr. Black's reign was hideous. Do you also forget Mr. Decker? The corruption hits both sides of the street.
You know I am not the one to answer for Mr.Smith. I am sure he could do this on his own. I just like the man. Which I am entitled to.
Ummm, the State doesn't have a huge deficit. That would be the Federal government, led by your hero, George W. Bush, even though he started his term in office with a surplus, left over from the previous (Democratic) administration. Why does he have a huge deficit? Because he will not ask the American people to support the war with their tax dollars, for one thing. Love & Peace, Pat
Really?? You don't think our state has a huge deficit? It is absolutely enormous.
Well, thanks for editing to put in the link. Now perhaps you wouldn't mind showing me where on that site it says we have a budget deficit? Do you even know what a budget deficit is? Here is Governor Easley's proposed budget for 2007 to 2009, from that same site, and you will notice that it is balanced. (That means there is no deficit.) I tried to look at the budget for the last cycle, but I got a server error. I do seem to recall, however, the legislature deciding what to do with the surplus last year. A surplus is the opposite of a deficit.
I believe so. They cannot spend more than they expect to raise in revenue. Trick is revenues keep going up and so does the spending. Never expect them to cut the revenues.
Okay....? As a number of people have already said, no. While businesses are often seen as more streamlined, they also are soley profit driven to satisfy owners or shareholders. So, again...if your question is do I want my state run on a shoestring like a sweatshop, where all the work is done by the cheapest labor they can find, my job is always in jeopardy of being outsourced to another country regardless of my education or performance, and the company/state operates with little to no regard for environmental policies...then, my answer is a resounding 'no'. Again, it is his company. He is responsible. If you want to run political comparisons here, let's look at it this way...if Fred is not responsible for what his subcontractors do, then how will he handle this in office? Anything like President Bush handled Katrina? Is Bush responsible for FEMA Director Brown (who he hired)? You bet he is.
Come on now KD. Do you really believe what you read? When Easley is out of office you will find his successor scratching his head. Where did the money go?? Just like when Easley came in office. Remember?