In reply : Ballroom dancing has arrived !!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by time2dance, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    Oh wow !!! There is a place now at 4042 that teaches ballroom dancing. They have an ad up in the classifieds as well. Would anyone care to dance??? :p
  2. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Any topless dancers? Do you serve beer?
  3. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    Listen, take it or leave it. There is no need to be so rude.
  4. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Based on their website they were denied a beer permit because they copied it from someone else and forgot to change the name.
  5. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    You sound like the type of person that would be able to tell such a thing from looking at a web site.
  6. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    At least I am smart enough to change the info on the template or the website I ripped off. Take your dancing stuff elsewhere because we don't like people that try to play for free.
  7. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    Maybe I misse something. The last I checked I owned the website I listed. Maybe not but I think so. Hey, smarty, on an off note what is the final count of VA tech?
  8. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    hahaha I get it. Yeah well my dad is a lovong guy but not so fast on his feet. What can you say , parents never stop helping and you can only love them for it.
  9. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Yeah you missed a lot. Like how to follow directions. Do not try to get free advertising. Want to see how your website shows up.

    Hopefully you dance and teach better than you type and follow instructions.
  10. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Who's being rude? I think topless ballroom dancing is exactly what the area needs.
  11. Master_Shake

    Master_Shake Banned

    So basically you tried to mislead us by "telling us" about your own business and you ripped off webbie for some advertising dollars to boot! I'm sure you'll be welcomed with open arms at the next GCCC meeting :roll:
  12. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I think you should take the website off your classified ads until the tutorial is finished. It may turn away potential clients.

    Talk to webbie about advertising, it is pretty reasonable and may help drum up some local business. Good luck
  13. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    Tell me, "time2dance"....

    • At which dance level are you and/or your instructors certified?
    • Which national dance board are you affiiated with?
    • Can you describe position #42 of the Lambada?

    Inquiring...(and very well-informed) minds want to know. :rolleyes:
  14. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Question 3 doesnt work so well on the interwebs cuz she can just hunt through the tubes for the answer.

    OP: Nice job. doesn't get much classier than an off topic and completely insensitive reference to a shooting to distract from the original topic. "Whats the final count"? honestly? c'mon man.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  15. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Wouldn't count on that given their lack of point and click website skills.
  16. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    I figured that if she can't even get past the template on her website...she probably wouldn't know how to Google. :lol:
  17. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    Wow, I am sorry if you did not think I really wanted to know about VA. I guess I will find out tonight when I get home. As far as certification and the other questions my number is posted in the classifieds and you are more than welcome to call. I think maybe topless ballroom dancing may be something we do in the future.(just kidding). I also thank you all for informing me of how sensitive you are of people intruding on your social lives. I will also promise to really try not to impose my great product and hobby on any of you again.:-D I did think today was a fun enough day for me. I do get your point about the advertising concern, but for some of us this is our first and so far only chance to make it. Please try not to be grudgey of me nor my business
  18. time2dance

    time2dance Guest

    Ps I think my website is now better up to date, so thanks for the 411. I guess offending you did help me more than one way.

    PSS Desserted is a great person and the goods rock. (I am not mentioning the name nor location, so please dont take out your anger on me).
  19. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    No harm done. Pay Webbie the advertising fee for any advertising and everything will be fine. Keep a positive attitude and if someone asks you about your business then feel free to answer. We wish you the best of luck in your new business, which should be an exciting time. One law of the 4042 board is you never know who is watching and may choose to patronize or not patronize your business based on your results.
  20. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    nobody cares if someone starts a thread to tell people about a place that they found and like IF, and that's a big "IF", it's genuine, and not part of a concerted effort to decieve people by acting as if it's random when it's not, and then doing so repeatedly back and forth between what is obviously several business owners who have conspired to post about, and act interested in (as if they had no knowledge of) each other's businesses.
    the audacity to try to pull of what i would call a scam on the very people of the community you hope to attract as customers is astounding. not to mention all of you intentionally went around the established rules for posting and advertising.

    that's what has gotten people's goats.

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