Work For Lowe's!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Quincy8Boy, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    This is from their online application:

    "Except for minor office supplies, what is the total value of goods and merchandise not belonging to you that you have taken from all of your employers in the last 5 years?
    up to $5
    up to $10
    $11 or more
    I don't remember

    The total amount of cash not belonging to you that you have taken from all of your employers in the past 5 years is?
    up to $5
    up to $10
    $11 or more
    I don't remember

    How often do you currently use cocaine, crack or other illegal drugs (LSD, speed, amphetamines, ice, etc.) while at work or just before?
    One to four times per week
    One to four times per month
    Tried once or twice

    The total value of items you have taken from a store without paying for it, in the last five years?
    Up to $5
    $5 to $10
    More than $11
    I don't remember

    Have you ever committed a theft, shoplifting or other crime where you took something that didn’t belong to you?

    How often have you ignored safety rules in order to get the job done in the past three years?
    1 or 2 times
    3 or 4 times
    5 or more times"

    /I smoke crack cocaine daily..... And will freely admit it to future employers.
  2. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    you be surprised at what some will tell ya, I work at Sam's and just had one the other day tell me he had a background for armed robbery. :0
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not to be a partypooper here, I have always scratched my heads when I saw these, but are you exposing yourself to some legal issues by sharing this list of questions (copyright)?
  4. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    I'm willing to take that risk!

    I quoted it?

    I have had it with asinine employers. I have gotten the shaft so hard the last year and a half.

    1)A professional job. I reported to four different bosses in four different states and worked for none of them in person. They had me working on two different projects that were full-time. While I was on the road I could "go back to the hotel and work on the other project at night." Plus my main boss was an idiot supreme. Once I quit, I called his 'golden boy' and asked him how things were going and he said "I almost punched [the boss] in the face twice yesterday." When I had been at the company for six months I was the senior employee. (It got bought out.)

    2)Professional job. It was contract to hire position but only guaranteed until the end of the year. I only saw the supervisor three times in my work area. I didn't even know this person was my supervisor until working there three months. (I figured the supervisor who interviewed me on the phone and introduced herself to me was my supervisor. Go figure) After five months the contract company calls and tells me they are going to end my contract with cause. Over the phone. Supervisor team, team leader never said a word at all about my performance to me.

    3)Professional job with full-time travel as an independent contractor. Worked one job for a month. They said "you did so well on the previous job, we would you like to go on another job? and would you like to go permanent?" I said "sure" They call me back "oh, it may take two or three months before you can go permanent" Meanwhile I would have to front two months of expenses for traveling.

    4)Interview for job in Raleigh: "The client backed out of the project, so we're not hiring for that position anymore."

    5)Sent in resume to company: "The hiring manager's house caught on fire so he's not going to be doing any interviews but he wants to talk to you."
  5. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    But lately I had a good interview. I sit down with the hiring manager, who will be my manager, over a cup of coffee and we discuss my experience. Simple to the point. No BS.

    No stupid behavioral questions like "When was a time you got angry?"
  6. King Of Clean

    King Of Clean Active Member

    Interview horror stories

    I have interviewed for six professional jobs over the last year. I could tell you so many crazy stories it's not even funny. What I can't stand is that on four of the six I was told that I was the top candidate for the position. Of course, I never heard from any of them again.

    Interview #1: I probably priced myself out of this one, but after the second interview I was told I was the leading candidate and given a detailed job description and a list of responsibilities. I was told to call back in two days and tell them my desired salary. It was definately a step up the food chain from what I had been doing, but I knew I could handle it. I called a relative who is a manager at an IT company and gave him the list. He has been a manager at his company for seven years so I knew he could give me solid advice. After looking at the list and description, he told me that it was definately, hands down a $55,000 a year job but that I should ask for $48,000 since I would be new to management. When I called back with my offer, the owner gave a loooong pause and said "Oh, we were thinking along the lines of $35,000". Needless to say, I never heard back from them.

    Interview #2: Told I was the best candidate for the job and that the manager was pulling for me. Also told that the corporate office would call the next day to start in-processing me. Never heard from them again.

    Interview #3: Best interview I've ever been on. Corporate V.P. flew down from Canada to interview me. After interview, he said "Let me take you to meet your office manager". We did that, everything went great and I was asked how soon I could start. The last thing the manager said was "Did the VP discuss salary with you?" I said no and was told that I would get a call the next day with a salary offer. Never heard from them again. I called a week later and was told that the office manager had been sick and that he would be calling me on Monday. I'm still waiting for that Monday to come! :roll:

    Interview #4: The most recent one. Interviewed with manager and he said "I definately want you". Took me back to meet the VP who told me, "We definately have a place in the company for you." Told by manager that I would receive a call the next day. Guess what? The next day never came. Two days later I called back and was told by the manager who "definately wanted me" that because he didn't have the time to train me he had to come up with a training program. He added that it might take up to 3 weeks to do that. The best part was when he got this scared tone in his voice and said "Wait! You didn't quit your job, did you!?" I knew right then I didn't have it.

    Ah, the joys of corporate America. I finally said screw it and I started my own business! :lol:
  7. krattie

    krattie Well-Known Member

    I had an interview, the prospective employer asked what my sign was. Needless to say, once I got home I wrote them a letter asking them not to consider me for a position there.
  8. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Quincy8boys initial post reminded me of the first one of those "honesty/character tests I'd ever seen - it was way back when. . .right after we had to carve things in stone and this invention called paper and pencil was available :lol:

    Anyway - it had a bunch of True/false and multiple choice questions - would you tell you boss about an employee who asked you to punch in for them when they had not arrived yet and stuff like that. . .all with the same thing asked fifteen different way stuff, to see if you were paying attention and/or could comprehend they were being redundant and finally was a question that asked - paraphrasing here - it's been awhile:

    If you had the opportunity to steal a million dollars from our company and were certain to get away with it, would you do it?

    It was followed by a half page of lines in which you could enter your answer.

    Mind you, this was back when a new Corvette cost under 10K and I was just a kid and it was an "honesty" test.

    I studied that question for the longest time and finally decided to be honest and answered - Certainly.

    Heheheh - I was a funny kid! Needless to say, I didn't get the job and to be candid, I mentioned my disappointment to my parents when no call came. My dad said something like 'What, are you nuts?"

    Guys, it was an honesty test and there was no way to honestly answer that question and get hired. . .at least for me at that time.
  9. Master_Shake

    Master_Shake Banned

    When I was a kid, my mom (a very devout Christian) interviewed for a secretary job at a small company in our town. As the interview was winding down, the manager said he had two more questions for her. "First, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?" "Of course" said my mother. The guy said "Great" and asked the second question: "Now, when you die and see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, what will you say to him?" My mother glared at the guy, smiled, and said "Well, I guess I'd say "Hello there, Pete! You gonna open that thing up or what?"

    She said the guy turned as red as a beet and then she just got up and left!
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Those are still around. I interviewed for a position not too long ago and had to take a stupid test like that. There is no way to be completely honest on those without sounding like a crook. :neutral:
  11. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I had Lowes call me for an interview. I called the manager back twice and havent heard from him yet. Makes me think?
  12. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Last time I had to take the MMPI I decided I didn't really want the job so by the time I finished the test I am sure that the result was that I was a thief that had special feelings for my mother.

    They called me and said I was not the type of employee they were looking for. :lol:
  13. Tit4Tat

    Tit4Tat Well-Known Member

    Have you worked there long. Do you know a girl names dianne richards? She is a hairdresser now but used to work on the inventory crew there a few years ago.
  14. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I actually had a guy draw a glass with a line in the middle and ask me what I saw. I laughed and said, "Well the glass appears to be half full". Duh! What else was I gonna say.

    I got the job but it turned out to be a crappy job. I hung out for a year until I got my current job, which I LOVE!
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Is this Lowe's foods or Lowes HI?

    Anyway, I'm thinking about getting a pt job.
  16. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    I used to work at Sams. (8.5 years)I remember Dianne. Rushlow2004 does Sharon Robinson still work there. If so tell her Robbie(the white boy) said hello. I used to work with her in Center section on the weekends. I left there and became a Chef.
  17. Quincy8Boy

    Quincy8Boy Well-Known Member

    I've taken even worse employment tests. This was for a job at a truck stop. There were no clear answers. It was true/false. "When I smoke marijuana it impairs my judgement. T/F"

    It was supposed to be false because you don't smoke marijuana. I passed. I was the first person there to take the test. My store manager smoked out every night, stole money from his ex-wife's purse who worked there and my boss taught me how to steal beer and drink in the cooler the first day.

    I think some companies are just incestuous. They bring no new blood into the company, gain no new knowledge, think they know all, see all. Like hires like and their company tree does not branch. All it contains are people who are trying to keep their job with as little work as possible.

    I always think of this quote:

    "Most companies pay an employee just enough not to quit and most employees do just enough work not to get fired."

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