Ugh, everything has gotten so ugly around here, we need something fun for a change of pace. :neutral: Okay, I'm going to post an image. See if you can guess who the group is. Also, there is one person in the image who is pretty well known today, see if you can pick that person out and tell us his name and what he is known for now. Here goes... Feel free to continue this thread with your own images. :-D
I've seen them before but can't think of thier name! The guy on the lower left looks like Ridge on Bold and The Beautiful, (I used to watch it a few years ago!) .:lol:
The band is Player. They recorded the song "Baby Come Back". That was a good one... I'd post another if I knew how. DUH!
Okay, Missy Prissy figured out that the man at the bottom left is Ronn Moss, who plays Ridge on The Bold and the Beautiful, and FamilyofFive figured out that the band is Player. GOOD JOB! :-D Ronn Moss is aging quite nicely. :mrgreen:
With all that's going on right now, this seemed apropos. Here's the answer, don't look till you've really guessed!!
I have no idea who that is so I guess I'll have to click the link. :neutral: OH, never knew what they looked like!! Great song!!!!! :-D Here is a link to my band's song as well.
Yep, yep, you're right. This was one of my favorite songs back in '76... 'course I didn't know what they were talking about, I thought they were talking about having some ice cream or something. :mrgreen: