I don't know what Ormly is talking about, he is obviously in love with his own ideas and loves to see them in black and white. What I meant is that I think we have beaten about 20 horses to death by now. Enough is enough, Ormly and I will not see eye to eye, that is evident... believe me I have tried my best and he is stuck in his mud hole slinging his mud, sling away Ormly... I still love ya! Pastor G
EmergentWarrior wrote: :shock: Ormly wrote: :shock: Hey Ready, got your fatigues and your rifle ready to go? Pastor G, I wish you would respond to the following. Matthew 29:18 Carry not thine water bottle into the sanctuary. Clothe not yourselves with jeans and ballcaps as the lowly farmers do, but instead with suits and ties of the finest quality.
I take no offense in your post. You are ignorant in the fact that you don't know me, you're right. Yes, my friends have commented on seeing a change in me. No, I didn't expect that revelation to save a marriage or bless the dog. I'm still a work in progress, as are we all. Re-read my post. I am human, I fail, I sin. I don't say that as a blow off. It's the truth. I work at it daily.
Why don't these guys just put the Bible and Highlighter back on the shelf. If you want to keep quoting the Bible, open your own church. That way you have nothing to complain about!
Josey, I knew that was an unwinnable battle with Ormly so I didn't reply to that... however, now I realize nothing is a winnable battle with Ormly. Our rule is come as you're comfortable... whether that means jeans and a tshirt or a three piece suit... "Man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart." If God went so far as to give his only begotten Son to die for us why would he allow something like clothes keep us from receiving that precious gift? However, I also believe that you should come as you are but leave different and come back different, our walk with God is a daily transformation not a one time deal. My offer to everyone is, "Come as your comfortable." Pastor G Boy I'm gonna get it now!
I have no clue what the guy means. I have no more regard for him. The scripture, Emergent, is prophetic of todays church condition. PG fits in there. But that is just my opinion, absolute as it is.
And if God gave us His Best don't you believe He deserves our best? Where is your regard for Him? You apparently don't believe the issue of the wearing of the wedding garment, as mentioned in the Bible, is relevant either. If, as your RW club rules state, God looks upon the heart, don't you believe He is looking for a heart that is loving Him; honoring Him? How then can you reconcile your arrogant presumption that He will accept just any ol thing from you, who claim His name? You need to dust off your Bible Bunky and read it, for the first time. I'll bet you wouldn't dare show up for a job interview looking the way you go to church. You wouldn't get hired unless you were applying for grounds keeper or backhoe operator. Slam me for this as you have been, but you know it is the truth. God wants our best in everyway. All you are doing is looking for paycheck from your sheep. That makes you a hireling in my book....and you are looking to enlarge your flock....You will, to be sure. The world loves an accomodater.
totally missed it I still don't think everyone has understood the proclivity of proper thought in view of whole scripture. What I believe Ormly is trying to draw our attention too is that....Our churches have taken a "market driven approach" to speaking and building. Whatever gets them through the door. Tailored messages, "with elements of truth" albeit but falling short of the whole. Combine that with limited discipleship (or none), by that I mean "solid biblical teaching off hours", and the recipe for the New age thinking or purpose driven has been started. Let me try an illustrate this, (I am thinking on my feet here so don't beat me to death). I will use an example that was a tragedy and I am not being morbid so understand the intent. A few years ago, JFK jr had a plane accident. It happened primarily because he didn't use his instruments. I have a pilot friend who told me this and he said it is not uncommon for younger flyers to fly and rely on their instincts. He continued to say, it is a very, very bad idea. Sensations and feelings can't replace study, proper starting points and time behind the wheel with a qualified instructor. I would submit that our Pastors and leadership should be our instructors, and ultimately the Holy Spirit. If our Pastors\ teachers are not teaching us "Purely", the result is that we, through them, propagated a lesser truth. I would encourage you to put the latest book down and pick up your Bible's. If we do not we will suffer the same fate, all because we did not keep our eyes on the instrument that guides us through the clouds. And here is a test for you, when you leave your small groups what did you learn about Jesus? or Was it how you should have better friends or get connected to a ministry team? If you answered the latter be careful you are in a marginal arena. When I believed in Jesus all my friends left me, no one had to tell me to serve, case closed. thx
What about? If my t-shirt and jeans is the best I have?? am i not worthy enough to go to church or worship. We need more churches like Pastor G's and C3 not saying they are alike but they at least accept everyone and anyone and dont look down on you because you dont have a tie one or dont have hair gel in .. So what happens to homeless ppl ? All they have is ther ratty torn clothes can they come to church? obviously not ORMLY'S.. ohh wait ormly doesnt go to church he is just bible thumping holier then tho hermit who thinks every body is wrong except him.. as stated before.. If you know soo much why not start your own church?? see how that goes?.... maybe thats why he is at biscuitville
Well, I knew that was coming. Ormly three corrections I must make from you arrogant assumptive statement... (as all your post are) First, I do believe in giving God my best and I do... what I don't expect is unbelievers to come to church to give God their best (they don't know or serve Him) as for my people I expect them to come presentable... notice I said come as you are leave different and come back different, that means a process of getting better. Second, I read my bible everyday (I want stoop to call you names) I have studied it for the last 23 years that I've known Him as LORD and SAVIOR. You don't know me but you assume that I come to church like all the other Warren Group that I told you I am not a part of... the truth is I come to church every Sunday in a shirt and tie as I would and do go to work each day of the week. Oh, did I say work, yes, I work a public job which leads me to my last point. I do not take money from the church I pastor... have not taken one dime in the three years I've pastored it... why? Because I set it up that way. I have two reasons, 8 out of 10 churches fail in the first year and I didn't want to put a financial burden on the church and two we were looking for land to build and I wanted every dime to be saved for that cause. Now when the churches merge I will at the proper time receive a very small housing allowance (a workman is worthy of his meat) Oh, and when the other church wanted to pay me for teaching on Wednesday nights I made them take their money back and stop so they would be in better financial shape. And I haven't taken a vacation in three years too... yeah, I'm in it for the money, that's for sure! Ignorant and pias... unloving and unkind. Speaking of reading your bible maybe you should reread the Fruit of the Spirit cause you are misses a few. Let he without sin... what, how does it go? You know, stone-thrower. Pastor G
I spoke of wearing your best. If jeans and shirt is your best then it is your best. What else need be said. Don't bring into play the matter of anyone looking down upon anyone. That's a cop out. Respect God in His sanctuary. You all keep spouting "its all about Him, its all about Him". That's BS,[Barbra Streisand] because it is all about you. PG says so with his presumption. Indeed, I prefer Bisquitville over your "church". I have found more reverence for God in th efolk at Bisquitville than at your digs.
Emergent, I totally agree... we can not preach our own truth or ideas, but what Ormly doesn't realize is that not all churches are like that. Some of us still preach the wholly inspired word of God in a more down-to-earth way. Just because other preachers are propagating their own ideas doesn't mean we all are. Point made! Pastor G
Pack it in pastor. I'm through with your mis-representations of my remarks and comments. Save your hot air for Sunday.
Ormly, you wanted a debate and now you have one and can't keep up. You don't respond to my statements cause you have no good response... you know you are wrong as pointed out by the scripture I share and you are too pias and self-righteous to admit it. Pastor G
Beat around the bush OH holyier than tho Ormly, why do you constantly beat around the bush and only answer what you wish to answer? Many of us have wondered since you "know" so much and must have obviously have a "divine right" that your thoughts and actions are the only ones pleasing to God and all of us are doomed because we listen to christian rock and wear t-shirts. WHY DONT YOU START YOUR OWN CHURCH??