Hey 4042'ers, It's Pastor G, I notice my "Church Merger" thread has gotten a little attention so I figured I'd ask a question. Do you disagree with what Ormly is saying or just how he's saying it or a combo of both. Take the poll. Thanks! Pastor G
I disagree with almost the whole thread, but that is probably just the secular humanist in me. 8) Actually the whole religious series has brought a smile to my face.
Hey, PastorG, where's the choice for all those people who agree with him and appreciate the way he says it? Pat
Its no more comical than secular humanism. That philosophy proclaims that since we don't know why the Universe was created, we should just focus on the here and now. Let's only ask questions for which we have answers. That's just as comical as the nuttiest religion I've ever heard of. :-D
Now that also brought a smile to my face and validated my thoughts that you really haven't a clue. There is a reason that so many scientist are SH's, because they are looking for answers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secular_humanist
Ormly, I was having fun... you know the thing you don't know how to have. When your saved and secure in your LORD and SAVIOR and baring fruit for Him and being a part of a church as the word of God commands then you can have fun. What about you Ormly? Bare any fruit lately in that church you attend? Pastor G
he comes baring many fruited jellies. does that count? lol, i'm without a good excuse. i'm just an ***.
I first want to point out that this is my opinion only. I'm not in any way, shape, or form attempting to get the thread removed. Nor should it be used as an indication of my opinion about the person in question, whether good or bad. I don't believe this is an appropriate poll. Posting a poll asking for opinions about other forum visitors (especially negative opinions) is a faux pas in the forum world on level with trolls. Polls like this are only used to stir up flame wars, and will never end well. Just my 2p about this thread. Take it for what it's worth.
I would really like to know what church Pastor G is at because quite truthfully, I'd stay away given his/her postings on all this. It is not because of his/her opinions, but the manner by which he/she keeps taunting those with different opinions. The poll is ridiculous and immature. It's Wednesday again..I wonder what the message tonight will be....:roll:
Yeah, truthfully it is a little immature but with reason. See, I tried to reason with Ormly and ask him sincere questions to get his stance on things but he refuses to answer the tough questions and resorts to his pias attitudes. So I figured if I put up a immature poll, first Ormly would get a impartial view of what people think of his ideas and we would see more of what he's made of. And it worked! He still hasn't answered the tough question about FRUIT and he's still lashing out. I don't want people thinking he respresents who Christians are, he doesn't, so I chose to negate him. Pastor G
Bad poll Your poll is about the worst poll I have seen in sometime. The way it is designed invalidates all responses.
Yes ...to scientific questions. There are also scientists who are pondering the philosophical meaning behind their discoveries. Some people, including me, think secular humanism relies too much on the senses and too little on the possibilities of what may lie beyond our senses. Spiritual vs. empirical. I don't think we should focus on one and ignore the other, which is exactly what secular humanism does.
Not sure how I missed this... So many? Like who? The only one that I can think of is Darwin. All the other scientists that I can think of, contemporary and historical, are Diests, Christians, Muslim, or some other religion. For some reason people seem to think that scientists are out to disprove God. That's not the case at all. They are out to explain God. Einstein said it best when he said, "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details."