Funny, there is much whining and gnashing of teeth over how much Exxon makes but nary a peep over how much the government takes from you AT GUNPOINT and wastes. At least you have the choice of whether to give Exxon your money.
That would not be the case for windfall profits though. The oil companies like some others, do not have the huge manufacturing base to support. They do not have to design new models, retool, and create new ads each and every year. In fact, the oil producing nations ensure the profit by artificially controlling the supply of their product's raw materials. The fact the product is finite and a non-renewable resource would make it more likely the oil companies would be spending more money on research, which being an expense would not be taxable and would be putting some of that profit aside for the long term stability of the company.
Right! and I never (knowingly) give Exxon my money. I would walk a mile to a Wilco or Citgo station before I'd buy a gallon of gas at an Exxon station. Does it have any impact on Exxon-Mobil Corporation? Are you kidding? My two tankfuls a month? Nah, but it makes me feel better.
Barn raisings still happen. I did not say charity is bad, I said it's not required. Once you require charity, or sharing, it is no longer charity (or sharing), it is then theft. Like I know??? If you don't like the way a particular corporation is being run, don't give them your business. No one forces you to buy Exxon oil.
Clif am I understanding that you are sympathetic to a company that had a 39Billion dollar profit quarter? Also gave a former CEO a 411 Million severence and retirement package?
No you do not. Do you decide what fule everything you buy uses in the transportation to your local store? That cost of transportation you pay goes to whomever the companies wish to use and given the limited number of major oil companies it is impossible to prevent Exxon from getting your money ...
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "sympathetic". However I believe in capitalism and the open market. I do not believe in redistribution of wealth. If a company wants to make tonnes of money, then more power to them. If you don't like it, shop somewhere else. But, in any event, don't force that the company take their money and give it to someone else just because you feel that they are making too much. As was shown time and again in this thread, Exxon's profits are less (percentage wise) than most other companies. You have no right to single out Exxon for making a profit. Furthermore, Exxon's profits are directly benefiting many of the average Joe's like me who are relying on their profits to fund my retirement. As long as they are making a profit, my portfolio increases. Instead of complaining, why not invest yourself?
Ever heard the expression "making it up on volume"? That's one reason prices tend to be higher in smaller stores, because the more you sell, the smaller the profit margin needs to be.
This country is not a pure capitalist society. We must expect better from our business leaders. Nobody is asking them to redistribute wealth, but instead protect and shore up American assets first. The list was the 20 most profitable companies. Exxon just happened to be #1. Again there is more to this world than just me or you. How will your investments do if we continue to allow our National Security and economy crumble. China could be the economic power within 10 years. How much do we owe China?
Hyundai opens plant Toyota trunk plant in Texas Auto Mfg adds jobs Toyota to open SUV plant Dell in NC
You're living in the nineteenth century. The rest of the world realize that we're now living in a global economy. Exxon cannot remain domestic and retain their wealth. There just isn't that much oil in the US. Be that as it may, though, whether it's a US corporation doing business with the rest of the world, or a foreign company who builds factories on US soil, the American people will benefit through a stronger economy which leads to more employment and personal investments. Statistics. Just as bad as semantics. It all depends on what you mean by "profitable". In pure cash profit, they may be #1. But in price gouging, they don't even rate in the top 100. Their profit percentage is less than 10%. I would be willing to bet good northern dollars that most companies here in the triangle are making more than a 10% profit. Glad you have come to realize it. What crumble? The US is currently experiencing the best economic growth in two dozen years. Don't know, probably not as much as you're trying to convince me we do. As a side note, did you know that the #1 non-US owner of US land is the UK?
And how much tax money was given to them? What was given to the local small business to compete in a global economy? Are we allowed to go to their countries. Why does Japan make an American car so expensive to buy in their country?
Perfect reason for Exxon, a US corporation to use some of their $29 billion in cash to fund alternative energy research. Employment in what? Service jobs. What do we manufacturer? How do we train the future leaders? And does not absolve their responsibility to strengthen America first. Even in a global economy I can assure you that other countries are watching out for their interests first. We have the largest marketplace for foreign goods, but yet we handicap our people in trade by not demanding equal access to foreign markets. We now carry the most debt we ever have as well. Their will be a day when we have to pay the piper. We are losing our edge in research, manufacturing, and technology. Look at our trade deficit and you can ebate who owns what.
It would be nice if all businesses were good citizens, caring for the environment and planning for the future; thinking about what's best for America. But what happens if one corporation is a good citizen and others are not? The good citizen is at a competitive disadvantage.
Sure and we do not have all the answers, but we have to demand something. We need leaders that will do the hard thing. We have to make a stand before it is too late. Our education in this country is horrible. Are we going to expect corporations to train people or go to other countries for there needs. Do we sit idly by while the current robber barons steal this country. If we have the highest wealth of any nation then why do carry records levels of debt. Why do people have to decide between food and medical care? Their needs to be reform and reordering of priorities before it is too late.
Hmmm... Invest in something that will make less money, or put them out of business altogether. What a novel idea. You should be teaching economics! What difference does it make? How many buggywhip manufacturers are still around? Why does the US have to be a nation of manufacturers? Because that's all you know? What responsibility? Their responsibility is to their shareholders. They have no allegience to the US (hence the term global economy). If you force them to do anything that will drastically cut their bottom line, they'll move to another country. Then what will you have? No employment, higher prices for their products that would then be imported. Is that what you want? It had better be, because that's what you're ultimately asking for. Yeah, right. I don't think you're quite aware of how global economics actually works, are you? Excuse me? Yes, manufacturing jobs may be on the decline, but that's only because people don't want to pay $350 for a pair of shoes. But we are still the world leader in research and technology. Our trade deficit is due to the high price of US manufactured goods (which itself is due to the high wages US workers demand), in comparison to the lower priced goods from imports. You don't like the trade deficit? Then stop buying imported goods.
I understand global economies, the business world, management decision making, etc. These are all things that we used to be leaders in. Now the current climate in this country is to worry about the bottom line. Our corporations are hamstrung by governmental philosophies and institutional shareholder blinders that inhibit risk taking and research and development. The United States will not be the worlds biggest market as wages stagnate and living costs increase. We need to reevaluate how we do virtually everything to ensure that we give the American entrepreneur and inventor the tools and resources needed to continue leading the world in all facets. It is not about reallocating wealth or more government intervention. We need leaders to solve complex problems and ensure that we face the least amount of overhead so that we can compete.