What kind of Animaniac are you? Ok, please be honest and post the results from your first time. (You can fudge the second time, if you want, and post it too) Mindy. "You are inquisitive to the point of getting trampled, run over, and blinded, on a daily basis. " "Why.....?" "It could be due to your scientific nature. You long to learn how things work." "Why.....?" "Because you really like to know things, but are prone to getting hurt." "Why.....?" "Because, if it wasn't for others generally taking the fall for you, you might well be dead by now! Remember, curiosity is great, but it also killed the cat. Well, in this case, the dog, Buttons, would probably be more appropriate." "Okay, lady, I love you, bu-bye!" Mindy? Mindy??? Do I look like a Mindy to you?
Yakko. Talkative, huh? Perhaps sing-ative would be more appropriate, actually. When people don't understand something, it usually drives you to cutting, sarcastic remarks. Your other extreme is bursting into song with almost no prompting, often to explain complex ideas. No one knows quite what you are, exactly. You have made many "special" friends, and there's baloney in your slacks. I'm pretty satisfied with these results.
You are quick to anger. It's not that you're a jerk, it's just that everyone else is always wrong! Additionally, you often feel like people are picking on you, especially when they say things that you don't understand. You are stronger than many, and fighting is sometimes the only solution that works for you. When you're not fighting, you are fairly calm, however. You tend to act coo.
:lol: <center> <text="#F8F9C8" link="#AAAFFF" vlink="#E42866" alink="#008800" leftmargin="5"> <a href="<A href="http://www.umich.edu/~rorder/animaniquiz.html">Which">http://www.umich.edu/~rorder/animaniquiz.html">Which Animaniacs Character are You?<br> <img src="http://www.umich.edu/~rorder/brain.gif" border=0></a> <h6>You have megalomaniacal impulses regularly. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however, as you have the cranial capacity of a small planet. Trying to take over the world is hard work, though, and you're not above exploiting your lessers. Even now, you have a plan that's being enacted which will pitch the world's economy into turmoil, leaving the floodgates of trade exposed for the sole owner of stock in the Pets.com � company! You are en route to taking over the world!<br> Oh, and you ARE pondering what I'm pondering. <a href="<A href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/rinnaldo"><br>Click">http://www.livejournal.com/users/rinnaldo"><br>Click here to see my Livejournal.</a></h6> </center> Is anyone else as scared as this result as I am.. :lol:
Oh, and please don't post the HTML from the results page. The 4042 webmaster has turned off HTML in the forum, so it comes out as gibberish. (Well, I can read it, but then I write it for a living. But be nice to others)
Me too! If it's the answer to life, the universe & everything, it must be right for how many roads! I got Yakko.
You are...unique to say the least. Though the events around you often seem complex, even convoluted, you tend to drift off into your own world. It's nicer there. People tend to think you're joking, even when you think you're being serious. Though, seriousness is taxing for you. You'd rather play all the time than do boring work of any type, and perhaps that's why inane dribble tends to issue forth from your mouth. ZORT!
i also put in 42 for how many roads ;x i didnt even look at the other answers. Also its funny that I'm yakko cuz i mostly wear khaki pants and black shirts from thinkgeek.