Ok, first of all I would like to state that reselling infant formula is illegal. Secondly why are people selling it when odds are you got it from WIC for free and had some left over. What really bugs me is when people try to sell the sample cans that came in the mail, once again for free. This is WRONG! Do something good and GIVE it to somone who needs it. God knows- this day and age we can use a little humanity. Just my 2 cents
Yeah I saw it on craigslist. I found out that it is illegal to sell it. I tried to put something on craigslist but I was flagged. so I thought I can rant and rave on here. It just irritated me because there are people who can really use it.
Yeah, I gave whatever samples/coupons I had to the girl who bought a crib from me months ago. Ya know what irritates me? When the grocery store gives me coupons for formula. I have NEVER bought formula. I buy wipes, diapers, cereal, biter biscuits.... What do I get? Do I get a coupon for their overpriced wipes??? Nope. I get a coupon for some Enfamil.
2 weeks ago I got a sample of Formula in the mail... DH was like.....:shock: "Is there something I need to know about?" I donated it to Ron at Basic Needs. DS is 4 & was never on formula? How did they get my name?
Here's my stupid question for the day... Why in the heck is it illegal to sell unused unopened infant formula that I bought? I mean I get the WIC ones... but you have to restrict everyone just because some get it for free?
That and some people used to go in a store and load up a cart and then run. That stuff is valuable on the black market. I think the law was more about expiration dates and accountability.
Yeah I will admit formula is quite spendy but if I pay for it and have some left over, there ain't nobody who's going to tell me I can't sell my own stuff. Now as far as expired milk I would feel pretty scummy if I sold it to someone for their baby and it isn't any more good... and I say for their baby specifically b/c I met a someone a while back that LOVES formula! Blach!! I can see the expiration date reasoning but that's it.:neutral:
because, hello, you got it for free at the expense of taxpayers, right? it's to prevent people from getting it for free, then selling it for cash, then buying....well, whatever. the money was intended to be used to feed your baby because, supposedly, you don't have the money to pay for it yourself. there's a market for it because it's expensive, and people who get it for free are willing to sell it cheap. ps maybe you should spend the money you spent on a computer and internet service on formula for your baby instead of taking somebody else's money
Surprisingly they do restrict everyone- You cannot return formula either because people would get it for free and then turn around and return it for the money
I think she meant she understood ("I get") why the WIC ones should not be returnable...not that she gets WIC. I think she buys her formula and if that's the case, then I'm with her! Why shouldn't she be allowed to resell the indate unused portion that she no longer needs?
if that's the case with the "i get", my mistake. sorry. the rest of the reasoning stands. can you tell the difference between a can of formula bought with cash and one with wic coupons or food stamps?
Nope, and I doubt anyone else can either (unless they put some kinda' code on them or something...I don't know. I've never used WIC formula.) If there is no way of distinguishing between them, then I say unused baby formula should not be resold to prevent those who get it free from profiting from the taxpayers dollars. Would be better to give it to someone who needs it. Of course a lot of people sell their food stamps (or trade them for things that can't be bought with them) so I guess there's no way around preventing the misuse of such)
Speaking of formula.... I've got an unopened can of Nestle Good Start if someone would like to trade it for Enfamil Lipil with Iron. Otherwise I guess I'll take it to Ron at Basic Needs.
I think another concern is counterfeit formula. There was a problem with this in Europe recently, it was basically "fake" formula and babies were dying.