Talk about a woman who can hold her liquor!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ready2cmyKing, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    DANG! :shock:

    I don't drink, but if I did and my blood alcohol was that high, I don't think I'd be behind the wheel of a car... I think I'd be in a coma!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  2. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    And they say women can't drink like men....HA!!!!
  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Hey, I can pretty much hold my liquor. A half dozen shots of tequila and I barely get a buzz.

    But I've been drank under the table twice, and both times were by women.
  4. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Harley is that you!!! Lay off the Natural Lite!!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2007
  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    LOL I was wondering what that (lay of) meant.... :lol:
  7. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I sure didn't mean to make light of the fact that the woman was driving drunk. It just amazes me that, with so much alcohol in her, she was able to function at all. How? :confused:
  8. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Wonder if she was 300 pounds or more and 6+ feet tall? That is a lot of Booze to drink to make it to that level & still be breathing.

    Oh My.
  9. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    If she was 300 pounds it would take a lot more to get to that level than if she was your size. The number is a percentage; in her case, just under half of one percent of her blood! :shock: But she had to have been a heavy drinker to still be able to find her car and get into it with a .47. The number doesn't really tell how impaired a person is, but it is an objective standard. A person who drinks frequently can still be in pretty good control of themselves at the legal limit, .08, while a person who never drinks can be impaired at half that level.
  10. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I'd be impaired at .01! :lol:
  11. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    ooooohhh you better not let HG hear you call her MILLER light Natural light.:shock:

    Well I am tall and a glass of wine makes me fuzzy. I just think that woman had some experience if ya know what I mean. Probably YEARS of experience!!
  12. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Not necessarily . . . I'm a "big girl" and if I drink 1/2 of a can of beer I am buzzing. Of course, I don't drink but about once a year and when I do it's never more than 1 beer. LOL, I know . . . I'm a cheap date! :lol:
  13. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Weight doesn't always have to do with how much you can consume. part of it is how your body reacts to certain types of alcohol as well as your body's metabolism. Using myself as an example I can put away a ton of beer, or alot of crown in a short amount of time and still be coherent, but those are my two main drinks. However a single shot of SoCo and 4 beers and I was fubar
    a few weeks ago. It is all in what your body is used to. As for myself I'm 5'11" and weigh 158 lbs. soaking wet. My metabolism runs wild and as long as I stay with the alcoholoic drinks that my body is used to I can down alot.

  14. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    That is true but weight has everything to do with Blood Alcohol Level. At her level she should have been unconscious.
  15. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Yes, that's an example of what I was saying. The breathalyzer measure the concentration of alcohol in your blood, it does not measure how impaired you are. So if a small person and a large person drink exactly the same amount, the smaller person will have a higher reading than the larger person. Is the smaller person more impaired? Maybe, maybe not. Your system gets accustomed to handling a toxin such as alcohol, over time.

    A field sobriety test is a good measure of impairment, but it still relies on a police officer's judgment to some degree. So that is more subjective. I believe every state has established a level of alcohol concentration at which a person is presumed to be impaired under DUI laws, and the vast majority of people actually are impaired at .08; some at much lower levels.

    Obviously, what I have said is still over-simplified. Individual metabolisms vary; the amount of time during which the alcohol is consume - 3 drinks in an hour vs. 3 drinks in 3 hours is very different; what did the person have to eat before and during the consumption; probably other factors I haven't even thought of will enter into both the concentration of alcohol in the system and the level of impairment.
  16. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    She probably was Einstein, thus the wreck...
  17. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Not so. If she passed out they would have never had the breath test.
  18. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Ok, so let me get this straight... All the women here are light weights on alcohol?

    Where were y'all when I was in college trying to score???
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Well back then Clif, the wheel hadn't even been invented. Much less beer. (Dude it was a joke!!!)
  20. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Hey, the wheel was invented, what we needed was fire!

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